
5 Reviews
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Derry Girls (2018–2022)
You Don't. Have To Be Irish To Love This Show
6 August 2019
One of the top 10 funniest shows I have ever seen and I am a 65 yr. old American. I just binged Season 2 and happy to report Season 3 has been confirmed. I don't often laugh out loud in my home when viewing comedy yet every episode has made me do so. Every cast member is brilliant and so is the writing. I was utteriy amazed that Clare and Michelle are in their 30's. The other 2 girls are 25. It is a testament to their acting ability that they portray teenagers so convincingly. I hope Season 3 has about 10 episodes instead of 6.
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An American Review
26 January 2012
I saw this in 1970 when I was 15 years old as a short with a main film I can't recall. It has stayed with me all these years and now I find from reading these other reviews that the unforgettable nature of this sweet film is a shared experience among viewers who are my contemporaries. I find it interesting that all the other reviewers are British while I am the sole American. I think that I must have developed an instant crush on Judy Huxtable. To this day I still listen every so often to the title song as recorded by Humperdinck. I was prompted to write this review because for the first time in 42 years I was able to see this film again in four parts on YouTube and I am happy to report I still find I have a crush on Judy Huxtable. It is a rare film that can transport you back to your youth.
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Will Lovecraft Never Receive Justice?
2 December 2011
I have read everything ever written by Lovecraft including fragments and collaborations with other authors. It is sad that given the state of the art effects available today that no major studio can make a quality adaptation of any of Lovecraft's major works. Those that have been made thus far are either pure camp or pure crap. This film falls into the latter category. The acting is elementary school level because I have seen far better acting at high school productions. The plot borrows loosely from Lovecraft's "The Haunter of the Dark" by mentioning the tetrahedron stone and the Starry Wisdom Sect. Lovecraft's most important works always were set in New England with a few notable exceptions such as "The Horror At Red Hook". To film this story in San Francisco is to rob it of any chance of atmosphere. If you want to see a scary and suspenseful Lovecraft adaptation watch "The Dreams in The Witch House" which was an episode of "The Masters of Horror" television series. I believe it is available on Netflix for streaming. By the way, I gave this 2 stars instead of none because the Halloween interviews conducted by the reporter in the beginning of the film were somewhat amusing
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To All The Cynics
24 December 2010
I am 56 years old and certainly wasn't around for WWII but I would wager that the negative reviews for this film are all from young people who are simply ignorant about the time period that this film was made. It is sad that people must denigrate a sentimental evocation of a time and place that may never have existed in the real world. Accept the fact that some films are meant to tug at the heartstrings especially at a time when the American spirit needed uplifting. Reality is not always entertainment and films are often meant to be an escape from the harshness of "real life". So those of you who can find nothing good in a "sweet" and yes, corny film cannot appreciate those of us who do.
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Princess of Mars (2009 Video)
Edgar Rice Burroughs is rolling over in his grave.
5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Having read every John Carter book written by Mr. Burroughs I had always hoped that in this age of state of the art special effects an effective film adaptation might have been produced. Sadly, that is not the case with this truly awful production. Casting is dismal with Antonio Sabato Jr. as John Carter and a 41-year old Traci Lords as (to quote directly from the book) the incomparable Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars. The time period is updated from the time of the Apache Wars to the Afghan War of today and then laughably makes the prime villain an Afghani drug lord. To add insult to injury the action doesn't even take place on the Mars of our solar system but on some fictional planet light years from Earth. The character of Tars Tarkas of Thark is rendered with cheap make-up and does not even have two key characteristics of the green race of Mars which is a height of about 15 feet and four arms. Only once does a Martian even refer to his planet by its native name of Barsoom. The climactic sword fight at the end is similar to two small boys whacking at each other with sticks and is probably one of the worst filmed sword fights in movie history. This isn't even the kind of bad film which would make for good fodder for MST3K. In closing, Burroughs fans steer clear and hope that the film slated for 2012 does justice to this iconic author who gave the world Tarzan of the Apes.
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