
12 Reviews
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By far and beyond - among the best i've seen and loved !
5 November 2014
Ship of Theseus

After finishing watching Ship of Theseus, i felt like I had quenched my soul with meditation and an abundance - sufficient, fulfilling and moving.

The intellectual intensity and the smiling wisdom portrayed were simply intricate and absolutely gripping with characters weaved to perfection and --- ART.

Also a fine taste of reality and humor truly marked a feat of brilliance and acknowledging it with agreement in thought, logic and meaning of life. Moral values and goodness are still around and while so, the flame within stays alive and grows in depth is for a fact that is universal.
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The genius with a Moral imperative ! Inspirational !
30 October 2014
what is the price for freedom ...apparently aaron was right...and its priceless !

Information is power ...... But like all power, there are those who want to keep it to themselves. The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage is being digitized and locked up by private organizations.

Should we tap somebody's phone ? Should we film them ? Should we turn somebody against them and get them to testify against these other people?

That's how federal agents and prosecutors think to solve a problem.

A Must Must watch !!
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New Age STALKERS....Is PRIVACY dead ??? .......Absolutely !
2 October 2014
This is a brilliantly researched excellent feature !

Your privacy has been compromised to the very core the moment you created an account with any of the following...facebook, google, gmail, twitter, iphone etc...

What does one feel about hacking ?

What does one feel about being spied on ?

Would you say the same things when whatever you say is being recorded ?

Whoever you talk to, including your private and personal conversations over the phone are being recorded and heard by another unknown human being who can use every word you say to condemn you anytime !

Well boys n girls... welcome to the world of cookies and the internet !

Choose ur words carefully...its not free after-ALL !!!
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Medicine Man (1992)
Mesmerizing ! Juju sky-flower & the Amazon Adventure !
30 September 2014
I decided to watch this movie thinking I would love watching it. And rightly so, it re-awakened the spirit of an amazing journey I never had or I might never be able to have.

"Life is strange, but down here it seems very precious."

Truly precious this life, Im glad at least I chose to watch this. Instead of just living in the cancerous tavern of greed and ambition to just succeed and further decreasing standards to just survive and calling it progress, our lives have been literally transformed by the hunt for unwanted unknown progress which can never provide fulfillment to our souls.

This is exactly what this movie signifies for me.

I believe that living so abundantly takes more than just courage and intelligence.

"Breeding is no substitute for intelligence."

  • Medicine Man

Watch this one ! its a glimpse on where mankind is truly headed and we're in the middle of it !
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Jaffa (2013)
Hilarious - Enjoyed it thoroughly !!!
25 September 2014
LOL _ ROFLOL _ LMAO _ This is my first review for a telugu movie. I felt the need to commend and applaud the efforts that went into this movie.

This is a mainstream comic flick with great acting by all the actors.

The strength of this movie is undoubtedly in the clever jokes & witty one liners.

The comic timing and the humorous creative touch in each of the characters is PURE GENIUS.

Brilliant acting performances. I could not help but enjoy myself, laughing and giggling throughout the flick.

I would like to do a special mention of the Agora character living in a cemetery. And the jail games...Brahmanandam's problem solving for other prisoners....Hilarious...Funny !

I see a great future for the truly-passion driven actors.


Cheers !
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The Grey (2011)
the ALPHA !!! awesome movie for the real adventure cravers !!
25 September 2014
'Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day'

The Grey is a movie that would really connect with you if you liked watching movies like THE PREY 1996, INTO THE WILD, THE WAYBACK, GERRY, 127 Hours, THE EDGE to name a few good movies on similar lines.

Personally The grey STANDS-OUT for me and is a flick i would prefer to watch repeatedly among all of these and also would hate missing the beginning of the movie even the 10th time I was watching it.

Pure awesomeness ! Screw the spoilers & just watch it. YOU WILL ENJOY THIS THRILLER !
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A rollingstone never gathers no moss !!! a GEM of a movie !
25 September 2014
Needless to say, I loved this movie to the very CORE and depths of it !

Robert Duvall is incredible !!!

'What every boy needs to know about being a man' Speech

If you want to believe in something, then believe in it.Just because something isn't true,that's no reason you can't believe it.

Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most.

That people are basically good; that honour...courage and virtue mean everything; that money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; that love...true love never dies.

Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because...those are the things worth believing in.

Overwhelming.. Inspiring...GOLD !!!
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Excellent Masterpiece !!! Sad but true that it isn't TRUE !
20 September 2014
Finding Forester !! GUS VAN SANT & SEAN CONNERY doing what they are best at !

I was so drawn into the characters and story of this movie that I ended up searching for the author and his book to see if they were crafted from inspiration and true life incidents.

This work was brilliant right from the start and will connect with one at different levels.

Absolutely recommend watching it !!!

loved it !

CHeers !
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The Jerk (1979)
Way ahead of its time ! ! The original spoof !!! The CORE-tickler :P
8 September 2014
Excellent is an understatement for the actors and director of this movie.

Steve martin is truly a comic genius. I heard from a friend he's got a Super human IQ and he puts it to such good use. He portrays brilliance in comical situations, witty conversations and his energy is extra-ordinary. Bernadette peters is beautiful and quite enchanting herself. " loved the song they played with the Ukulele and the saxophone. Beautiful !

This flick is way ahead of its time, and the original spoof of many old and future Hollywood movies. With a ritz to rubble or a rags to riches kinda story and a light-hearted touch, this is a FUNNY FUNNY movie right from the start till the end that guarantees to tickle your funny bones for sure !! Cheers !
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A Dog Year (2009)
Crazy..FUNNY..Nature .. Dogs... short & sweet !
6 September 2014
Jeff bridges : is truly a legend.

its a sweet movie about a writer and his dog. enjoyed the movie thoroughly. The movie was simple and straight. Heart warming and happy ending.

Must watch for every dog owner. Or any animal owner or animal lover for that matter.

This movie is quite informative for inexperienced dog owners. Gives you a gist of how to care for an animal that has been through some trauma or is getting used to a new home.

a must watch for every animal lover !
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K-PAX (2001)
Wow, are you k-paxian ? !! Bridges and Spacey - Classic, what more can you ask for??
6 September 2014
Amazing film, i think spacey's acting is brilliantly done in this motion picture... and jeff bridges is natural as hell..that man is legend.. 2 legendary actors in one fine film !

Well - written and a smoothly flowing film ! Great imagination !

'The universe will expand - then collapse back on itself -- then expand again. It will repeat this process again and again, forever.

What you don t know is that, when the universe expands again, everything will be as it was before. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through again. Over and Over, FOREVER !!!'

  • Prot

Cheers !
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Wanna watch something meaningful and also LOL,LMAO,LFMAO?!!!?
28 August 2014
Amazing movie. Enjoyed myself thoroughly while watching THE FISHER KING!! Brilliant acting. Very humorously done ! Beautifully crafted characters. Jeff bridges at his very cool best. Robin Williams (R.I.P)- GENIUS ! Terry Gilliam - DEPTH & HUMOUR Well, that should pretty much sum things up.

Its a must-watch !!

Watch it without any distractions.

The fisher King--surprised the hell out of me !!!

Amazing movie. FUNNY AS HELL !

Its a must-watch !!

Watch it without any distractions.
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