
29 Reviews
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Long time fan... Over it
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched every single episode and have been a fan since the beginning but I gotta say, this attempt at keeping it going without Fionna, who was also getting old to watch, is just BADDDDD. First of all Debbie IS THE WORST! Her character is so un-likable she makes it's unbearable to watch any of it. I literally HATE her now. Why this need to sexulize herself like this? She's so busy trying to be "hot" that she's just the terrible. This whole "I'm worth it" garbage makes me want to throw up. That sad performance at the bar where she's pretending to be, I dunno, rich?? Was cring-worthy. Whatever this is they are doing with Ian's character..ugh... Liam, that's a hot mess. He was the ONE redeemable Gallagher and now he's one of the worst for NO REASON! This whole 'NOTHING actually panning out' or finishing in any way that changes things is the point of this show but after a while it just gets old. It makes it so their aren't any REAL stakes. The new story lines, for example- the whole Franny custody thing, Frank selling the baby, tamale wars- is so absurd it's laughable.It's just stupid. And we get that all Lip has ever cared about is having a baby, which is so stupid I can't even stand it, but now that he has one, and supposedly a "job" why is he still living in that crap hole of a house with his family? When are these people going to grow up? Fionna had to literally leave the show so her character could. We get it, they are family... They are ghetto.. Blah blah blah ..but the characters at some point HAVE to grow up and move on and if as a show you refuse to allow that to happen in any real way, again, what's the point? To constantly watch them all fail, go no where, lose, sucks! Here we are ten seasons in and your clearly out of storylines and desperately reaching for ANYTHING you can get. Take a note from the greats like "Breaking bad" and know when enough is enough, that or give us something real to care about. It's not even fun to watch Frank anymore. And a please PLEASE please if you're going to continue with it, don't force us to watch Debbie walk around like she's the hottest piece ever to live, please make Liam the sweet smart one again, please make Lip man-up and grow up, give Carl something other than girls to do and Ian some brains. It went from being a fun, funny, endearing show with way to much sex to just being garbage with bad writing, bad acting and to much sex.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
1 September 2019
Laughable. Wanting to "sleep" with someone does not make them a good actress! It's so bad it's funny. For some crazy reason people on here think sexiness and talent are the same thing or are interchangeable.... But, they are not. And true talent isn't subjective like"sexiness" is. She's neither. Ugh. Terrible terrible terrible acting from the lead.
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Summit (I) (2014)
Offensively bad
27 August 2019
You'd think having been written by a women.. the usual objectifying and disrespect would be the type of offensive things that would be the first to go... That she would want to show her female leads as intelligent, useful, thoughtful, and strong women that don't need men to carry the storyline or save them. Instead, this is full of the same stereotypical garbage and aggression towards the only 2 women in the movie that you'd see in any awful, female dumping garbage. The worst part of this film, other than the hilariously AWFUL writing and acting, is that the characters are the !!!worst!!! making it impossible to care what happens to any of them. Actually, I found myself rooting for something... ANYTHING to kill them off by the end of this! Talk about weak mined and useless!! The best part of any movie, especially a horror or murder mystery, is trying to figure out the twist at the end. But, you have to have writing good enough to give you a storyline to begin with or there's nothing to piece together. In this one, in what you can only assume was an attempt to not give away the completely bizzerk and rediculouse twist, we aren't even given enough information for the story to make ANY sense Whatso-ever. And by the time we get the needed info, ya just don't care anymore. Besides, it was so stupid it didn't matter anyway. Spare yourself this one. Not even a single fun, funny, enjoyable moment to justify the utter waist of time it is. I'd say trimming your toe nails while watching paint dry would be a better use of your time.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Do they really think so little of us a viewers?
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The actors in this garbage should be embarrassed!!! Every second was cringe worthy and not in a good way!! It's impossible to like ANY of the characters. Every one of them was just terrible and everything they did was nonsensical and stupid. Rational, logical thinking is a thing if the past apparently. The scenes are pieced together in ways that don't make sense. There are no answers to the why's until it's way way to late to care and then the ultimate reason "Ma" was doing it all to begin with was such a joke. It was like some kinda cheesey bad dream scene from a 1994 made for tv mean girl movie or maybe a side sequence on 'Family Guy' showing it as an awful after school special that's making fun of how stupid and bad it all is. This is most definitely not something you'd ever think you'd see in an actual "horror" movie with actors of this caliber. Not any movie actually. Nothing, nothing in this made a lick of sense. And how can they actually call this a horror or a thriller anyway? What it really is is a perfect example of a vast double standard that society has created for men and women who spend time with under age children inappropriately. Even once the kids knew she was trouble, they continued to do the same things like nothing before had ever happened. It's craziness and it's frustrating, annoying and embarrassing. This generation of kids thinking they are just automatically equal to and with adults then talking to and treating us that way is just the worst. And this movie, instead of calling it out, actually tries to make you root for these terrible, vapid teenagers. And the end... with the blood, what was that about? No pay off! No answers that will give you a sense of Justice served Carrie style! The best scene is the old lady in the nail salon. That and the Mercedes truck scene were at least laughable... and not because they were meant to be either. Ughhh so disappointing and unsatisfying. What did the director and this production company have on these actors to get them to do this? For a budget of only 5 Mill, had to be something because there is no way they did it for the art! Zero stars. Do better Hollywood. It's insulting that you even released this mess and this movie is single handed proof that we need to just create an awkward/uncomfortable in a terrible way so avoid it genere for garbage exactly like this to find it's rightful place. Boooo
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I Am Mother (2019)
Sci-fi at it's best! 10/10
8 June 2019
First of all the acting in this is just astounding. Then you add fantastic directing, a truly interesting, thought provoking storyline, impressive effects with intelligent creativity and this is what you get. The sense of insecurity and the uncertainty that looms from the beginning to the very last scene is incredible. You just aren't ever truly sure who you can and can't trust. It manages to make you ask yourself some hard truths about humanity and what we are capable of. Sure it's not a face paced, high thrills big explosion all done in interstellar space kinda movie, it's much better. Definitely the best movie I've seen this year on Netflix and easily one of the best Sci-fi films I've seen in a while now. This is how it should be done!
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
So confused
6 June 2019
This is NOT the black mirror we've come to love!! Is this what happens when America gets ahold of something brilliant and corrodes it with our Hollywood BS? BOOOOO!!!!! Get it together guys! Don't put out garbage just to put something out this ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!
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Demon (2015)
If your not Jewish/Polish don't bother
27 May 2019
Your NOT going to get this. In fact it's so terrible, the people in this are so terrible, the storyline is such complete and utter nosensical trash that I'm actually angry that I was fooled by these reviews and waisted the time to watch this hot mess. I think maybe if you grew up like I said in Poland and heard the stories about whatever the heck this is supposed to be about, you'd maybe enjoy this???? But for those of us that are going into this clueless, you'll leave even more so. And yes, that's possible I assure you. Somehow they managed to find the worst human beings on the planet and put them into a barn together..... Then recorded them getting drunk and being well... Trash. I'm sorry there is no other word for these people or their behavior. There is zero payoff. Zero explaination as to WHAT IS HAPPENING. Not a single creepy or cool moment in the entire thing. It's just dumb. Super super stupid. These high reviews are either paid for, or done by pretentious heels that didn't get it either but are pretending like this is some kinda artistic masterpiece. Lol. It's a joke. And not a fun one!
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BEAUTIFUL. Creepy. Extremely well done.
25 May 2019
This is a perfect example of not needing rediculouse effects, loud music and sound effects and grotesque Hollywood b.s. in order to get a truly creepy, intense, beautiful outcome. Very little dialogue but it's just not needed. Either your going to be creative enough to truly get and appreciate this or your not. If you need the typical, cheap garbage that they normally pump out to think something is good, then don't bother with this. You just aren't going to get it. If you do however enjoy truly dark, scary, sad and extremely well done films, you will not be disappointed.
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Terrified (2017)
Hands down THE scariest movie I've ever seen!!!
12 May 2019
This isn't for the faint of heart. This isn't a "fun" scared kind of movie. This is a adults sleep with the lights on for the next 2 nights kinda movie. I bet Americans wouldn't have been able to do this as well, being foreign just makes it that much better. Hot DAM it's scary! BRAVOOO!!!!
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Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014 TV Movie)
So bad it's laughable....
12 May 2019
Everything. From Christina's TERRIBLE acting (no surprise here the girl is devoid of talent) to the hilarious sound track. It's so bad from beginning to end that it's embarrassing. Please, PLEASE don't lable this is as a horror movie. The only part that's a horror about this is that it was ever made. Cheese served cold beginning to end. And not in a fun way. Christina, maybe it's time to do something else with your time hunny, acting just isn't where your talents lie.
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Vice Principals (2016–2018)
7 May 2019
Freaking hilarious. If you don't get this, you don't deserve too. It's so great, just watch it and enjoy the stupid.
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One of the most childish, stupid movies I've ever seen
28 April 2019
Literal garbage they should all be embarrassed. That is all.
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Blue My Mind (2017)
17 April 2019
Sad and lovley... Truly not for the masses. Your average Joe will not like or get this at all.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
No. Just... No
6 April 2019
I REALLY Wanted to love this movie. I went into it with an open mind and high high hopes .... As a fellow unicorn and magic/ lover I get what she was going for- the whole "keep the magic and inner child alive inside" but this inept, childish, embarrassing attempt was well.... All those things. I ended up HATING the lead rather than rooting for her. Everything down to that stupid glittery string hanging off Mr. Jackson's head was just WRONG. WHAT WAS THAT!!??? WHY??? Maybe this movie wasn't meant for adults or real people so I was just the wrong audience I dunno but next time someone wants to walk around with a stupid, vacant look on their face covered in glitter and paint living in their parents basement yet wants to claim to be an adult, they shouldn't try to advertise to us actual adults a crap movie that they only got on Netflix cuz Disney bought a movie said movie maker was in and convinced the world it was a "hit" for who knows what reason... They should keep it buried far far away from us actual humans that don't want fellow unicorn believers to get a bad wrap cuz of this chick or this garbage movie. Brie, take some advice, take some acting classes. Better yet, go to school...get into real estate.. I dunno, buy an island far far away from the rest of us... your in the wrong business.
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The Passage (2019)
Biggest let down to date!!!
17 February 2019
Why??? Why did they RUIN one of the single greatest book series ever???!!! Can't even get past the 1st episode it makes me so angry. You want to do this version of a story fine but DON'T claim that is ANYTHING to do with the books!!! All you did was steal a basic premise and a couple character names... jerks. Booooo !!! Shame on you Hollywood, once again you had to take sometime beautiful and make it trash!!!
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Son of a witch
16 February 2019
THAT WAS BAD!!!! Terrible. Awful. Embarrassing. Worst live action dragon Ball-z prom fight of all time.
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Overlord (2018)
6 February 2019
Stop reading these and watch this sh**t!! It's so bad as* I don't have anything else to say about it.
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Metal indeed
5 February 2019
This is how you do punk rock horror. Plus, the music is fantastic.
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Hot garage
3 February 2019
I wish I could give it negative stars. Superstar line up, money backing... Both good starters. Then they decided on the director and cast that Zawe lady and holy cow what a laughable mess of a "movie". I'm embarrassed for the accomplished actors that had to play along with her pathetic attempt at "acting". Could you be more pretentiously stupid? I think not. My God. The only reason it even played out at my house and long as it did was we were enjoying making fun of it. However, it doesn't even have the Tommy Wiseau level fun bad movie kinda vibe. It's so bad that making fun of it isn't even fun after a while. Cut your toe nails. Wash your hair. Pick the dead skin off your feet. These are all better options.
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You (2018–2024)
7 January 2019
The acting in this show is A JOKE! It's like watching a bad high School drama club put on an even worse high school soap opera. I can't imagine that any adults would actually like this. Thigh they might watch for the laugh.
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Ha! Very good!
1 January 2019
This is truly creative!! Two thumbs way way up for originallity! There are some seriously creepy moments and the acting is spot on. Didn't need any fancy Hollywood effects or Hi-Tech CGI just good old fashioned writing, acting, production and everything in-between. Can't wait to see what André Øvredal gives us next. So far I like this and Troll Hunter so yeah, as a horror fan I approve.
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Sweet concept that falls short of being anything much....
28 December 2018
I'd like to start off by saying that my modern mentality can infact abide by such a concept as this movie, however, this movie isn't above my head, it's just boring. What it was aiming for is sweet, I get it. The acting is good, production value good all those things decent... It's the writing that missed it's mark. They had so many chances to really delve into each of the storylines in this movie and give you a truly original and sweet movie, but didn't. Instead they save the whole idea for the last few minutes and give you 20 seconds of explanation??? What you end up with is an entire movie where your sitting there asking what's going on? Why am I watching these people's lives like this? Huh??? You only get half stories of each of the characters, if that, but are expected to care deeply about what happens to them?? Pointless. It's all pointless. To many questions left unanswered. I guess if you enjoy a quiet, story-less, random hour+ spent watching something like this go for it. Wish they had actually told the story they had to tell.
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Lost the charm. What a shame.
16 December 2018
The first season was a delight. Funny, witty, cute, a sweet look into another time. But this season.... A little more than half way in and I want to gouge my eyes and ears out! The main character, Midge, is THE WORST! Arrogant, rude, crude, self absorbed, stuck up and let's not forget the worst mother I've ever seen on TV that's isn't meant to be one. The struggle and sweetness that made the first season so relatable and fun to watch is gone. The whole **will they or won't they** with the marriage is thing boring. They still love each other and are some how best friends but "he can't be with her if she does her comedy (even though she's not even really doing it this season for some reason other than at the worst moments one could think of and in extremely awkward to watch ways) but she's GOT TO do it cuz she's sooo good"... STUPID! The fast talking, everything is a 'bit' thing that Amy is famous for doing in her stuff-Gilmore girls speak- was cute the first season but now it's just exhausting. IT GETS OLD GUYS!!! Who would have ever thought her awful parents would become the best part of the story line? It's a shame. When you can't stomach the main character anymore what does the show have left? Susie, her parents in small doses... That's ALL it's got going for it. And sorry, but it's not enough to keep this once die-hard fan engaged.
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Not a good movie
12 October 2018
There's nothing else to say... The 1st one has one or two half way decent scares... This one is not even close! It's just bad. Couldn't even get more than half way in and getting that far was painful.
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Jackie (V) (2016)
I don't get the hype
6 October 2018
Natalie Portman can't really act. I don't understand why everyone's so enamored with her. She was good in Black swan because she only had to play that 'always on the verge of tears, I don't know what's going on' kinda character that she ALWAYS and can ONLY play. Everything with her seems forced and akward. Rehearsed. She doesn't make me feel like I'm watching Jackie she makes me feel like I'm watching a hohum actress play Jackie. Sure she can memorize and recite the lines. She can cry on Q Yadda yadda but she never really takes on her characters persona. In fact that's the case with quiet a few of the characters in this. With all the liberties they took for this movies story lines they failed to really tell me anything honest about this woman. Anything that would make her endearing or even any more memorable than she already was....or wasn't. Maybe that was the point? That she wasn't so great after all? I dunno, didn't make me believe that either, being that a lot of what they did in this never actually happened that way. I just don't understand why people rave over Portman's acting?? Let's be honest, she's been the worst part of most of movies she's in. Far more bad than good in my opinion. Someday I'd love to see this done with actors that can make me believe the roles they are playing. Give us a story line that is factual and has some interesting and relevant history in it. Show us the real Jackie that we never got to see. The one from behind the doors. The woman behind the man. The real Jackie was way more than just a fashion icon and wife that had a crappy week. She was a lovely, interesting, powerful woman for her time and she deserves to have her actual story told. The good AND the bad. This is basically "the week after" staring a make believe version of Jackie O, not a true biography of Jackie or her life.
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