
1 Review
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Eragon (2006)
This film plays more like a bad SNL skit parodying the Lord of The Ring.
24 December 2006
Horrible and very funny adaptation of the popular children's book that plays like a bad SNL skit that is trying to parody "The Lord of the Rings" than the book that it's based on. The screenplay is a major mess with dialog that even little kids would find stupid and the performances are almost all laughably bad. Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich should be ashamed of themselves for even agreeing to be in this film and Djimon Hounsou should start reading his scripts a little more carefully. The only redeeming thing about this crappy film is the great voice over work of Rachel Weisz, who manages to give the dragon Saphira more talent and range in terms of solid acting than all the human actors working in the film. The C.G.I work done for Saphira was also well done, making her more lifelike than her human co-stars as well.

Outside of Rachel Weisz's great voice acting and the great special effects for the Dragon Saphira, this movie is more and less a bad comedy that did not deserve nether of them.
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