
298 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Thought provoking
20 May 2024
Was not sure if a long film about the development of the atomic bomb would keep my interest , but it did

Mainly down to the performance of his life by Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, with a great supporting cast of Blunt,Damon and in particular Robert Downey Jr. Also thought the under rated Jason Clarke stole the scenes he was in

It's a dramatic movie telling a story that is important , not only back in the 1940's but just as effective in the world we all live in today. As the credits roll at the end you are left thinking about the message of this film and hopefully lessons will be learnt from it.
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Sisu (2022)
Action packed
5 April 2024
Terrific fun if not taking the plot too seriously with Jorma Tommila very convincing despite few words as the films hero who is a cross between John Wick and Rambo!

Loads of action and pretty tense at times and all played out at a fast pace with the 90 stylish minutes flying by. Did have a 1960's spaghetti western feel about it while watching the film which in my opinion is no bad thing, and if you like Quentin Tarantino style movies then you will be entertained.

I also liked the presentation style of this entertaining treat which though violent is not over the top and in summary well worth a watch.
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Breaking (2022)
Makes valid points
25 March 2024
Good drama based around a true story which leaves you with a lot of questions afterwards, and how tragic situations can be avoided John Boyega is excellent in the lead role reminding me a lot of a young Denzel Washington, but the real emotion is felt when you see another reminder on screen of the wonderful acting talents of the much missed Michael K Williams who always brought a presence to any role he played Also good performances from the two actors playing the two bank employees. All in all a decent film which is certainly worth watching as it makes you think and not too many movies do that these days.
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Not for me
21 February 2024
Quirky film yes,odd, also yes but not for me

I think with Jim Carrey it's like marmite you either love him or not, and it's the latter when I watch his films

The movie started off brightly enough but soon derailed and got a bit confusing and my own mind started losing interest. Good supporting cast with Kirsten Dunst a particular favourite

Disappointment considering its high rating of 8+ as was expecting a lot more, though not a surprise the film attracted Oscar wins as it's the sort of art they like to see on a big screen in recent years

In summary was not attracted to the two main characters.
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Mission Abort?
18 February 2024
Beautiful locations with beautiful women, and plenty of action but is that enough?

Probably not with a pretty absurd plot and Tom Cruise starting to show his age, yes he does some stunts but pretty obvious not all of them. When you consider the film is over two and a half hours long there shouldn't be a need for a part two, but its all set up for that to happen and it's fair to say I will not be losing any sleep waiting for that particular movie to hit our screens

As per normal with this franchise it will always look better at a cinema rather than a television screen , very similar to the James Bond films.
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Not desperate at all
12 February 2024
Decent enough thriller, and much deserving of better current overall rating of 5.7

Garrett Hedland does a good job in the main male role, though the bigger name of Mel Gibson adds a bit of prestige to the film.

But the main acting honours goes to Willa Fitzgerald who reminds me a lot of Julia Garner which is no bad thing. Not for the first time Ryan Hurst is cast as the villain in the movie, which is getting a bit tiresome now

In summary though a good watch considering how quick the film was made (2 weeks) and probably on a cheap budget, and plenty of worse higher rated similar movies around so give it a shot.
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Nice dress
3 January 2024
Good old fashioned feel good comedy drama for all the family. Yes it's a bit daft at times, but it will leave you feeling pretty content with life afterwards or at least in some sort of fantasy world in your mind.

Film centres around the performance and like ability factor of Lesley Manville as Mrs Harris, and she carry's off that responsibility pretty well, and Alba Baptista was also good as the top Dior model.

Some of the French location scenery could have been presented better with one sensing that this was not a big budget movie, but in summary a nice way to spend a couple of hours on a winters night.
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Not that tasty
27 October 2023
Main interest is the film being based on a true story, which should be publicised as I for one was not aware of it before watching the movie

However the film itself moves along slowly and you have no affinity with any of the characters. Colin Firth goes through the motions playing a role he can do in his sleep, and is out acted big time by Matthew MacFadyen, and given good support by Kelly MacDonald who as normal brings a presence to whatever scene she is in.

Though sold as a war drama there is hardly any action and the love triangle promoted throughout is barely believable. All in all it's just okay.
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Down and Out
25 October 2023
Loved the television series of Downton, but the films have been a disappointment with flimsy storylines and most of the actors just going through the motions This 'A New Era' chapter is pretty predictable and yes although a feel good vibe is communicated to the audience it just leaves you void of any sort of genuine emotion come the end though it's harmless enough entertainment for a day when you don't want to engage with any negativity Acting wise thought Dominic West was fairly good, and of the 'regulars' only Michelle Dockery seemed interested Hopefully this is the end of the franchise but would recommend watching the television box sets.
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The Northman (2022)
11 September 2023
Expected so much for this film but came away disappointed and with a underwhelming feeling

Great cast seemed to get lost in the confusion this movie makes you believe, Alexander Skarsgard looked the part in the main role, but didn't move you like a big starring role should.

Nicole Kidman seemed wasted in her part though Claes Bang was watchable as he normally is , and same could be said for Anya Taylor-Joy.

This could have been an epic Viking film as there is a market for one, but it did not deliver despite its big budget. To this day despite being made back in 1958 the best movie of this genre by far is a proper epic called "The Vikings"
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Jockey (2021)
Not a Grade 1
30 May 2023
Interesting insight into the life of a journeyman jockey, highlighting not only the physical problems they put their body through but also the downside on their mental health Clifton Collins in the lead role gave a good stab at it though being a racing fan have to say he didn't look much like a jockey. It's a slow moving drama but film length is about right I feel there is a great film to be made about this subject matter, but though a brave effort this is not it. However good to see a horse racing film concentrating more on the participants rather then the animals, especially given all the great characters over the years this sport has produced.
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Murder to watch at times
26 May 2023
Average western with decent enough action but storyline weak after promising start

Though some big name actors involved, they looked like just there for the pay check especially Gabriel Byrne and Richard Dreyfus who was also an executive producer!

Did think Anna Camp did a good enough job in her role but it's a film that though keeps your attention comes across as half hearted and at times hard to take seriously In my opinion there is still a place on screen for another epic western, but hard to see at the moment who is going to take up that battle in a age where cinema relays too much on special effects and unrealistic super heroes.
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Blue Bayou (2021)
Feeling Blue
12 April 2023
Powerful drama with a authentic message on a subject matter I was not aware of which is adopted people facing deportation in the US

Excellent acting performances from Justin Chon whose film this is and Alicia Vikander, ably supported by the under rated Mark O'Brien who has popped up in a lot of films or series that I have watched recently. Special mention also for Linh-Dan Pham who brought a presence to all her scenes

Well worth watching if you like your films full of real life drama and good actors, makes a change from the super hero movies that seem to dominate the modern day cinema box office.
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Time to go home
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All a bit daft but harmless fun

Best part of film was bringing the other two Spider-Men back, which was a clever idea and could only work the one time.

Always think the acting talents of Zendaya are wasted in this sort of movie which relays so heavily on special effects, though always good to see Marisa Tomei on a big screen If you like seeing all the enemies of Spider- Man come together in one film, then you will not be disappointed, but though Tom Holland has been a decent Peter Parker I am not sure where this franchise can go now with regards to making classy sequels and I for one will not be in a hurry to see it.
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Lansky (2021)
19 January 2023
These sort of gangster biopic movies always capture my interest, especially going back to the prohibition days.

This film kept me attentive mainly thanks to the acting of Harvey Keitel and John Magaro who both play Meyer Lansky.

It's no Godfather but is powerful in places, and the flashbacks style of filming seemed to work out okay . Lots of iconic mafia players pop up like Al Capone etc and of course Bugsy Siegel, and there is a fair bit of violence but that's par for the course given the subject matter

In summary a good watch and being based on true events keeps your attention for those of us who like this genre of cinema.
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The Gateway (I) (2021)
Not a gate to be closed
19 January 2023
Much better than current rating of 4.8

Okay not the best thriller you are ever likely to see, but on a cold winters night a decent way of passing an hour and a half without being bored

Shea Whigham has always been a good if slightly underrated actor and again in this movie is worth watching as he carries the story with a decent support act by Bruce Dern.

The plot has a bit of believable feel about it, with good action and sub storylines making you invested in the film. Also a nice atmospheric feel to it all and I would say overall there are plenty worse similar movies around, so give it a go.
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Dune (2021)
Three main actors shine
16 November 2022
Beautifully shot and spectacular to look at so no surprise it won Oscars for Visual effects and Cinematography but was expecting better given overall rating with the storyline not really grabbing me emotional wise

However with this film the first of a probably trilogy then you were never going to get 100%, having said that it's entertaining enough and any film with the charismatic acting talent of Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson and Zendaya featuring is always worth a watch Hans Zimmer got the Oscar for his original score here, but personally thought it wasn't his best, also it's a movie best watched on a big screen given it's awards.
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The Lodge (2019)
Cold Turkey
24 October 2022
Possibly one of the worse films I have seen for a few years

Sold as a Horror/Thriller well I witnessed little of either despite a decent enough opening 15 minutes or so, the last hour in particular dragged on very slowly

Movie would be better described as a Psychological story but I suppose that does not sell as many tickets pre film than the words Horror etc would

Also none of the main characters in the film were particularly likeable so ended up with no emotional connection to them which ultimately means you don't really care what happens to them

All in all very disappointing and can't agree with current overall 6/10 rating.
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Messiah (2020)
The Real Deal
2 October 2022
Absorbing drama series on a fascinating subject matter, not often attempted by networks these days

From the get go I was hooked as it got me thinking could this scenario play out in real life? Most of the leading characters came across as believable,especially Mahdi Debbie in the title role ably supported by the tortured Michelle Monaghan and also a good mention for Tomer Sisley.

Though many of the reviews on here were sorry there is not to be a series two, I would disagree as the ending seemed perfect to me and left me with interesting thoughts on the whole religious references made throughout the 10 episodes.
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Old Henry (2021)
6 September 2022
Impressive atmospheric western which grips you from start to finish and feels original despite when you first read what the narrative is presuming the obvious

Basically the movie is about a farmer who provides shelter for an injured stranger, but this is no normal farm man!

Some nice twists and turns along the way which you will not see coming , and Tim Blake Nelson is excellent and convincing in the lead role as Henry ably supported by Stephen Dorff.

Plenty of action and decent characters make this film a bit of a hidden gem, so comes recommended especially if you like your gun slinging movies.
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No Riverdance
5 September 2022
Big production and expensive budget no doubt and looks spectacular, dancers are quality and super choreographed though music not as addictive or memorable , but not a patch on Riverdance which still sets the benchmark for Irish dancing and was more joyous and family oriented also not as dark

Appearance of Flatley is a nice touch, though his heyday has gone. But he can still bust some moves,though not keen on him taking the spotlight from the main dancers.

But all in all worth a watch and enjoyable enough, but those of you who have seen both shows will like me probably only go back to one show time and time again.
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Dream Horse (2020)
Good plug for sport
22 August 2022
Feel good movie, though characters failed to really move me

Though based on a true story most references in the film about the sport of horse racing were utterly wrong, which seemed a bit lazy.
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Leaves nothing unturned
22 August 2022
Stunning film which captivates you from start to finish

Utterly compelling performances from the the two lead women,Shohreh & Mozhan.

Leaves you quite deeply disturbed at the end.
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Cheaters (2022–2024)
21 August 2022
Loved the 10 minute format, and good fun series to enjoy

Had it all, romance, drama, comedy which is down to all the characters who were so likeable.
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Another lesson learned
10 August 2022
Interesting but bleak film, which is no surprise given its time and location

But it keeps your attention thanks to some fine acting particularly by Lars Eidinger.
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