
7 Reviews
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Unfortunately another victim of revisionist history.
18 April 2024
There is a difference in learning new facets of history that have just recently come to light and taking events that actually did happen and putting a different spin on them for current day. Unfortunately this series actually falls victim to the latter. It's really interesting that there are several things that are factually being ignored and are mischaracterizations, specifically about the nature of what the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were. This certainly seems like an attempt by the filmmakers to go ahead and cast the United States and a light that is certainly unfavorable to them and it really short changes the people who actually were there and lived it rather than somebody who did a cold reading of the facts many years later. Certainly the use of the atomic bomb was not something that would be desired by anybody and it was terrible in the outcome, however it's pretty quickly glossed over the importance of the bomb in ending world war ii. Unfortunately you're not going to get that perspective from this attempt to demonize the United States and to raise other participants in the war up.
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The Lost City (2022)
Avoid at all costs
11 April 2024
Unwatchable, waste of talent and OMG... cringe.

Unfunny - cringe

Zero chemistry between leads - cringe. I love Sandra Bullock, but she's almost 20 years older than Channing Tatum and it's embarrassing and borderline disgusting thinking of these two together.

The agent, who's name i couldn't be bothered to look up or care about - I wanted to claw my eyes out every time she appeared on screen. - cringe

Storyline - non existent, nonsensical

Clear ripoff attempt of the far superior "Romancing the Stone".

Paramount should just have their PR department put out a blanket statement announcing "We've run out of ideas".

This trash is pure suck.
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Complete distortion of history
30 September 2022
Where do you start? This film manages to do what others would seem to think would be impossible and that is the day of attempted human eyes and make you sympathize with terrorist murderers who decided to kidnap a plane full of Israelis and others and to try and soften the subject matter up so that you'll think that their viewpoint deserves a fair hearing. And every single drama really needs a good dance number? What was the context for even including this? You would be so much better served by actually watching a faithful retelling of the story by viewing Raid On Entebbe with Charles Bronson or even the inferior but still contemporary Victory at Entebbe. Either way you'd be much better off than viewing this abortion and distortion of history.
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Total waste of my time
28 September 2022
Why does this movie even exist? It's not a faithful retelling of the biography of PT Barnum, otherwise you would not include a big show number with PT Barnum, a very well-known teetotaler, dancing around in a bar after getting pasted by multiple drinks. This seems to exist only for the sake of diversity. And experiment in how many people you can pile into this thing to represent the social justice of the times. Give this one a pass. I would say that I have been to high school musicals that have a better and more compelling story behind it than this one. You really should not be praised for having to lie to make your point.
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
I was very disappointed that there's not an option for a negative star rating.
28 September 2022
Where do you even begin? You have to wonder why some Disney exec hasn't come right out and said the quiet part out loud, that they are on a quest to destroy everything that was great about Disney and completely make that legacy unrecognizable. Pinocchio doesn't seem to be an active participant in the movie he's more a victim of circumstance. He doesn't make any decisions, he's just kind of along for the ride and he really didn't have to suffer any consequences for choices. The original movie actually taught kids something valuable, and in this one they've watered down every single one of those elements. Apparently the lesson that they want to teach kids in this one is that there is no personal responsibility there's always somebody else to blame. Lying is no longer something that is to be avoided if it can be used as a superpower to get you your own way and it's a benefit to you. What an absolute disappointment.
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Pointless, insulting to fans of the TV show, show some respect
25 January 2016
Just viewed this abortion...wish a vote of zero or even negative stars was possible. I was a child in the 60's and as such appreciated some of the period detail...that being said I would have rather had less attention to period detail if more emphasis could have been placed on developing a plot, making you care about the characters, and making the viewer even want to stay in the seat to the end of the movie. This was an utter snooze-fest..according to IMDb's own trivia entries, at times the actors actually ad libbed their dialogue...and boy does it show. Its not the best publicity for your movie when your actors inadvertently admit that its just a paycheck to them (only one of them even bothered to watch the original series to begin with.) Makes you wonder if Guy Ritchie just pulled the name out his ass... or heard about a TV show from the 60's called The Man From UNCLE and thought "Yeah, I can do that. It was a much simpler time and audiences were easily entertained back then." The concepts from the TV show are not a hindrance to your movie making, they are the reason the audience fills the seats because they are hoping to have a real connection to what made the TV show great, not just in name only. Distracting ridiculous accents, dull dialogue...accents that make it hard to understand what is being said even if you did care... this seems like a rush job to get any piece of crap into theaters in the hopes of capitalizing on name recognition. Younger audiences will not connect and might on some level appreciate the humor that is few and far between, older audiences will bemoan the fact that everything that was good about the series was jettisoned. Don't waste your time. I enjoy Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movies, and that's what made me even consider watching this in the first place. This dog better be followed by a much better effort as an apology to moviegoers. Armie...Lone Ranger sucked and you did yourself no favors with this one...might wanna consider hitting reset.
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The Freemason (2013)
avoid at all costs
26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all....I really wish there was a rating of zero, or even negative numbers because if any movie deserved a rating of negative stars, its this one. I was at a Comic Con and was sold a copy of this movie by the one of the principal actors. (apologies to Alexander Hamilton, I miss ya dude...sorry I wasted ya.) It is absolutely hilarious to read some of the reviews on here, suspend disbelief and pretend that those who apparently "loved" the film or "wanted more" because the movie was too short(my personal favorite has to be that it "exceeded my expectations"...might want to set your sites a little higher next time, bud) weren't being paid off for their time to write this tripe to help with sales or con the unsuspecting into seeing it. Misery loves company. This is one of those films where you will find yourself nudging the person next to you on the couch and saying "hey, wake up...something boring is happening." Where to start....the lead actor is made out to be a poor man's Val Kilmer (in his thinner days),and is just irresistible to the opposite sex for no apparent reason, ****ATTENTION**** here's your spoiler...the main female character is motivated to just jump in the sack for a romp with Iceman because the dude has his shirt off, laying in bed after suffering an injury and hell, nothing else to do so you might as well go for it....characters are introduced and then just disappear (first female you see in the movie...why was she necessary to the story? what was her relationship to the main character, friend, friend with benefits, agent, procurer? worries, she's never heard from again.) Hard to imagine this film getting a passing grade as a film school project, let alone a release intended for theaters. Edward D. Wood it ain't, but that's as high as the praise goes. Low production values, dialogue to set up actions by the principals that make as much sense as it does in a porn movie to motivate the character, synthetic actors, and there you have it. If you could dry this out and grind it into a fine powder, this steaming pile could fertilize your lawn. Don't waste your money, and keep 95 minutes of your life that could be put to productive use...unless you have insomnia or are a masochist. You can't help but feel stupider for having been involved.
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