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Another Win for Tom Cruise!
12 July 2023
The mission impossible franchise is a rare one, where the movies top the previous ones in story and stunts and action. This is just another great film where all the acting is great from everyone and the story isn't dull and reused. The stunts Tom provides for us and Keeps doing himself get better and better and for someone like me who keeps up on the way they do em and set it up for us it's exciting to finally see how it all plays out on the big screen for us. It's true when they say he cares about the craft and the quality of the movie he provides for us. I highly recommend people to see this movie!
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On the Line (II) (2022)
The Ending Ruins the whole thing
6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was very entertained for the first half of the movie. It kept me interested and invested. Then it turned into a typical bad movie where they make stupid decisions and everyone starts to get annoying.. but I kept watching hoping the ending would be a epic conclusion.. not at all.

This movie turns out to be one big planned prank on the new kid in the movie.. who ends up dying because of the prank and humiliation... so we think. Just when the bad twist had a semi decent ending.. there's another twist! The new kids was in on it too and he was prancing Mel Gibson! Only to say he will get his revenge!! The whole movie was a let down. I gave it two stars because I honestly was enjoying it for a bit. But overall it's just disappointing and I wouldn't recommend seeing this because it's basically telling someone to have a bad time and I don't wish that on anyone. Really that's how bad this ending is.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
22 October 2022
Honestly the first terrifier was something else when I first watched. The gruesome scenes really shocked me.. I learned they were making a second and thought cool! Now I've seen it and I still thought it was cool, but OMG! This movie lives up to the hype of people been saying about it. It's so gruesome and knarly. Honestly haven't had a movie make me yell in disgust and look away but at the same time keep watching because the make up and everything is really good. Art the Clown is ruthless and doesn't ever hold back. Never speaks either but yet you know what he's saying. Final girl is Amazing!
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Not Bad
21 September 2021
This movie was interesting and going into it I didn't have much knowledge of the people it was based off of. So I saw and from it I just know it was good acting because I was sucked into the movie. I couldn't believe what I was seeing most of the time, like did they really get away with all that and just do it the way they did it? I mean the whole thing was just good I'd recommend anyone to see it at least once.
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Copshop (2021)
Better than Expected!
21 September 2021
This movie I saw only because I have a Regal Movie Pass. Watched the trailer and at first was gonna wait for DVD but had the time to go see it in theaters. I am so glad I did! It was funny and had action and a story that was told pretty clearly and straight forward and by the end it leaves you satisfied with another movie going experience. Wasn't too long or too short.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
You'll leave the theatre sayin "what did I just watch"
11 September 2021
I really enjoy James Wan movies, especially his horror. So when I learned about him having a new one coming this fall I was excited. Even more excited that there were no story spoilers or even in the trailer. So going into this I was prepared to be scared. Not once was I scared. It really bummed me out. And I wasn't too excited anymore after the beginning of the movie. Basically the whole movie I was just saying WTF the entire time, Both in good and bad ways. By the end I was left shocked because I was not expecting that kind of ending to this story. Was it great? No. Was it terrible? No. Basically it was just good/ok. The gore was good and the killer scenes were cool. Basically this score gets a 7 for it being a James Wan original film and it's not terrible. But it's definitely not his best but you gotta give home credit for being original and not doing the same old thing or a remake. I'll watch it again and see if I have any changed feelings.
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Predator (1987)
A Classic
29 August 2021
Watched it today and figured I'd leave a review because I've seen this movie soooo many times. It's a classic Arnold movie especially the first 30 mins. You got your jungle action plus the mystery plot of what the hell is going on and who is stalking them. That's what it had to feel like watching it for the first time back in 1987. Watching this movie is just so fun. Even to this day the action holds up.
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He's All That (2021)
Was hoping for better
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie isn't terrible as people may say, but it is not anything to remember it by, I feel like it's a movie that people will only bring up when randomly watching the old one and someone will say did you know they made a remake? In all honesty I wanted to watch the movie to see how it compares to the original and whatever new trends they decided to throw into it to see what the outcome was. Well it was just bland. They're was no real spark between the two main characters until the actual end of movie and the supporting cast was pretty good except for the douche ex BF and the bad friend who betrays her. Which isn't a big surprise I would've never trusted someone who's big bet with me is you have to brand yourself a loser for life like really? The ending was cute and classic rom com teen movie but the whole movie is bland. But not terrible. It's worth a watch. One time.
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Batman: Arkham Knight (2015 Video Game)
27 August 2021
I still play this game to this day. It's so fun. There's literally so many missions and side missions and other short story missions and different costumes that you can't get sick of this game. The whole story is great and fun. Getting to drive the Batmobile is super cool! And all the villains are pretty much in this game! Some people don't think this is the best of the Arkham series but I believe this one is the best!
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Different from the first
20 August 2021
It was very different from the first one which I think was a good thing because I enjoyed this one, not better but just as much. I enjoyed how it was more of a story of a weird and messed up situation and the old man having clarity at the end or at least becoming to terms on who he really is and what he did was wrong or admitting that he wasn't right if a good person technically. Won't spoil the whole movie but when you find out the true meaning behind the kidnapping, you really start to cheer for the Blind Man! And the little girl is awesome!
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Free Guy (2021)
Exceeded my Expectations
15 August 2021
So when I saw the trailer I knew I would see it because I'm just a Ryan Reynolds fan and I knew I get a few laughs.. but boy did this movie blow me away. I mean it was really good. Me and my wife saw it in 3D and it was full of action, heart, and comedy. I mean the supporting cast was amazing too! The whole thing just worked together. I honestly can't think of anything bad about it. It's a great summer blockbuster for anyone to see. And for the scenes Channing Tatum is in he basically steals the movie for the time being!
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Very good
6 August 2021
This movie was funny, exciting, and a hella of a good time! I knew I was gonna love in the first 5 mins. I'm not gonna spoil anything for anyone but to just say go see. I have HBO max and still decided to go see it in IMAX and man am I glad I did. Also, King Shark is the best! Gotta pay respect to Harley too! She's always great. Sucked for some of the squad members but oh well. Go out and see it in theatres if you can!
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Old (2021)
Decent Flick
5 August 2021
I saw this movie avoiding the reviews. I mean I checked to see scores and were surprise they were low, after seeing it for myself I expected it to be a little more higher. I enjoyed it, was confused a lot of times and tried hard to keep myself from trying to guess and figure the movie out and just watch it. I'm glad I did because at the end I was still confused. But I liked it. Didn't love it but liked it. Had to read about the ending and have it explained and when i did it made the movie a whole lot better. If your a fan of the director I suggest you go see it. It's still a lot better than After Earth and The Happening.
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Infinite (2021)
Not that great
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By the looks of it and the cast and story you would think you got a good action flick. Not really. Reading reviews I didn't want to believe em, but my son accidentally purchased paramount+ through prime and when I realized I canceled it and remembered about this movie before membership expired so I watched it. The beginning is really good, the middle is alright and then the ending is just whatever. And what everyone says about the bad guy in this film and how he has the power to kill himself to end his rebirth without killing others is true. That shouldn't be his choice to kill everyone because he's tired of it, he's literally the only one. He's literally mad at everyone because his brain remembers everything right away in birth he doesn't get a chance to live a different life until he remembers everything, so basically he's just a jealous a**hole who makes no sense. Mark Wahlber has given better performances. Lately his action movies have been disappointing. He did better in his other movie Joe Bell. He's still one of my favorite actors. And I think he was in his prime from 2005-2010 when he made Four Brothers, Invincible, Shooter, The Departed, and the Fighter. I'd say wait for this movie to be free wherever yo I can get it for free because it's not worth the money honestly. Maybe the $2 at Redbox but that's it.
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Still super good film
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I like the first part better than this one. Maybe it was the fact it had more joker in it. Maybe it was the fact I couldn't figure out the holiday killer. But I watch this one and I realize right away who it was and it made me feel a little dumb I couldn't from part one. I love seeing the story of How Harvey became Two-Face and the climax at the end was really good to watch. Also the little twist at the end with his decision he says to Batman and Gordon was not expected. Still really good. Will watch again for sure.
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Really Enjoyed it
1 August 2021
When it comes to the animated Batman movies this was one of the best ones out there. I've recently starting watching them all with HBO Max and as most of them are good, most of the time I wish they were live action. But anyways this one was really good, probably on my top 5 list of the animated movies. It was really cool to have Jensen Ackles finally voice Batman. Even though he was in one already, Under the Red Hood where he played Jason Todd (which is probably my favorite) him being Batman just was perfect. Always think back to Season 3 of Supernatural when he says "I'm Batman". Good flick this was and also can't wait for part 2.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
31 July 2021
I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the acting between Johnson and Blunt. They were really enjoyable to watch and the puns throughout the movie were the best part. They really were even the fact there were so many and I mean there were a lot I still enjoyed it more than the actual film which wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing. Might watch it again in the future when I'm bored or it'll be my new movie to fall asleep to. I saw it in regular version some scenes seemed like it might be cool to watch in 3D but other than that maybe wait for Redbox. Definitely don't spend $30 on Disney+.
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I wanted to like it
17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really tried to enjoy it while watching it. But I just couldn't. I found myself checking to see how much time is left at least 5 different times and at one point I paused it to be on my phone for 30 mins. I never really laughed, the most this movie got out of me was a couple smiles. And that's it. Only time I came close to laughing was the Michael B Jordan. Cameo. That was pretty good. Other than that, I watched it and was disappointed and will never watch it again. I thought Lebron acted well for not having a lot of movies under his belt and he was funny in Trainwreck so I gave him the benefit of the doubt with this movie. Not even gonna compare it to the original. Doesn't compete. Even if the original didn't exist and this movie came out on its own it'd still be crap.
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Disturbia (2007)
Used to be a favorite
9 July 2021
I remember when this came out in theaters, really wanted to see it. I didn't for some reason and when available I bought it instead of renting and that was a big deal back in 2007 for me I was only 13. Now rewatching it, I don't love it like I did and for many reading this probably know why. I still enjoy it though. Watching it takes me back go good memories of that year, also happen to be a good year for Shia, he had 3 movies that year (Disturbia, Surfs Up, and Transformers) and also just watching it and still being entertained and happy that this movie actually ends with some solid action for this type of film. When I first watched it I remember thinking what if the whole thing turns out to be not true like he's not actually a killer. I was gonna be mad! But it didn't happen that way. It is a good thriller!
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Black Widow (2021)
Another Good Marvel Flick
9 July 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. It had everything a marvel movie usually has, good action, good comedic moments and some good acting scenes. But this one I noticed was more dark tone when I say this I mean there was a few scenes that I watched and wouldn't let my kids watch until older. But not to get off topic, Scarlett was amazing as usual and the other lead characters were great! I hope we get to see them again soon.
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Not better than the first but just as good
9 July 2021
I really did enjoy the movie when I went with my son. It kept his attention but we both agreed that we like the first one much better. I liked the story and Jeff Goldblum as the "villain" I guess we'll call it that, was pretty entertaining. It took some time for the replacement of James Mardsen as Tim instead of Tobey Maguire took getting used to. But it was certainly nice to have Alec Baldwin come back as the Boss Baby! We don't watch the show because it's just not the same. Good movie! Recommend taking the kids to it!
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Good Blockbuster Fun
29 June 2021
Don't believe what everyone says. It's simple. You either like these movies or you don't. If you like em then you don't let some of the stuff that doesn't make sense bother you. And for the fact people were complaining about how they joke about never getting hurt, that was one of the best parts of the movie because it made them at least realize ya know? Also having Dom and Mia have a brother with flashbacks did work and it added more depth for the franchise and even furthered it for them to have another movie or two. I really enjoy these movies because I know they don't just half ass these movies. They put heart into making these movies and also they make em for us fans. So if you enjoy the Fast and Furious movies go out and see this! You won't be disappointed. It's better than 8 that's for sure.
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Luca (2021)
Enjoyed it with Kids
19 June 2021
This was a movie my kids were looking forward to seeing and the more I saw the commercials I got excited with them and noticed myself referencing the movie with them. Then I realized it was coming straight to Disney+ and that was amazing cause it made it more simpler for me and 3 kids to make a movie night at home. They enjoyed the movie as so did I.
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Voyagers (2021)
It was OK
17 June 2021
Started off really interesting, then a little slow. Paused it, looked up reviews and kept reading about how it's similar to Lord of the Flies. So I kept watching and damn those reviews weren't wrong it was very similar and Then I was able to figure out which characters were gonna get killed and the whole alien thing was ridiculous. If anything I hated how stupid the others were to believe in something they haven't even seen. Like it's so ridiculous and I'm so glad certain characters met there demise.

After finishing it I'm glad I did just to say I watched it and after watching it I probably never will again. If anything it's a movie to put on for background noise if your cooking or cleaning your house or something if you do that sort of thing. Otherwise the movie is just OK. Is it worth. A watch? Only if you like kids being in a Spaceship in outer space the whole time and arguing with each other.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Guilty Pleasure
14 June 2021
I love this show, I can watch it over and over. It's mostly for the chemistry of the actors and actresses that keep me entertained. Trust me I agree with most people. The shows first five seasons are amazing. Now let me take back what I said for a bit, some don't like the seasons after, I still love em. They're great! But after 12 it's like it took a turn and just went a little downhill. But they are not horrible, they have amazing episodes in each of the last 3 seasons but they don't compare to the previous ones. That's where I agree with people about the last few season and the ending. I didn't hate it, but I was expecting something else honestly. But the acting between Jensen and Jared in the final episode is amazing. I can't help but cry every time. I would've been happy with it ending with the episode prior to finale but that's not what we got. But if you want a show to binge watch it's got 15 seasons, it'll keep you busy and it will make you laugh,cry, be shocked and even yell at the tv for numerous reasons.
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