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Mel is Back as a detective with drama, intrigue and action
26 January 2010
I saw this movie at an early screening and was delighted.

I give this movie three stars out of four, or 8 of ten points for great characters, intrigue, and some startling action scenes. It looses the 2 points because it does tend to slow down a little and become more dramatic at times but if you are a Mel Gibson fan you probably won't mind that at all. This movie reminded me a little of Taken, with a whole lot of Enemy of the State, and just a touch of Jason Bourne. Mel Gibson is engaging in his first acting role in years, although he definitely looks older now. It's hard to watch Gibson here without thinking of Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon and there is some carryover but here Craven played by Gibson is the older, caring, Father who is also a cop although there is still some of of the craziness that made Mel so dynamic in a number of his roles. In some ways Mel reminded me here a little of Clint Eastwood in movies like Absolute Power and In the Line of Fire as the more mature protagonist who combines maturity and cunning with a fierce side that comes out in battle.

It's not giving anything away to say that the story is about Mel Gibson's character trying to find out who killed his daughter as that much is in the trailer. Mel plays a veteran detective and so has skills and resources we civilians don't. The movie takes a while to develop and takes great pains to show the love of Craven for his daughter in the opening scenes and then periodically remind us in flashbacks. There are a lot of characters which seem to be critical to building the intrigue of the movie; activists, defense contractors, government officials and various henchmen. The movie does a good job for a while of hiding who is working for whom. Suspense does build for most of the movie but a good bit before the end it is evident what is going on and the movie shifts from an action thriller to more of an pure action movie.

Ray Winstone plays an intriguing role as Jedburgh, deftly showing protagonist and antagonist sides at different times in a mysterious role. Danny Huston plays a multi-dimensional character, Jack Bennet, that is fun to watch. Bojana Novakovic as Emma Craven is a sweetheart. Jay O. Sanders plays a solid role as Detective Whitehouse.

The movie is definitely heavy on violence and acting independent of authority although I don't remember any swearing or sex scenes. Still it requires a mature audience as the hero's actions are probably not ones you want your kids emulating in your house. As with so many movies it portrays sides of business and government at their worst. So,since it is light on sexuality and vulgarity I would suggest that if you let your older kids go that you still discuss the extreme portrayals of the police, use of force, business and government.

It's good to see Mel back in action.
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The exciting field of bomb technician
20 August 2009
It's not the job you want your kids to aspire to. Or your spouse. Or anyone you care about. But we are so thankful there are people who do this.

This sad tale is centered on the unique skills of the tragically necessary field of bomb technician. Bomb techs, of course, are those heroic individuals who get called when a bomb or other explosive device is discovered. Their job, under life and death pressure daily, is to defuse the bomb and make things safe for the rest of us. Unfortunately, in war environments, this is a daily occurrence. What kind of person can do this kind of work? How do they do it day in and day out? Someone has to be a little crazy to do this in the first place, don’t they? These are the questions this movie explores. The movie evokes sadness, inspiration, sympathy, concern, and even awe as we watch the heroes of this movie struggle with their daily grind.
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mediocre sci-fi flick
11 November 2008
The good is that Darryl Hannah still looks very good. Gil Bellows is competent as the archaeologist who winds up the hero. The rest of the cast is typical for the venue. The screen time is 170 minutes long, but there is only about half that much material here. A decent editing job that cuts the time down to about 100 minutes would do the trick, but then it wouldn't be a mini-series. Usually it takes some interesting characters that get me personally involved to make me want to root for the heroes, but these guys just don't cut it. Some of the scenes are drawn out too long. The dialog is routinely flat. If it wasn't for being on last thing two nights in a row I probably wouldn't have watched it. It does have a few interesting scenes here and there, and the technical visual effects are interesting in places. If you like sci-fi and don't have anything better to do, watch it. Otherwise, look for more interesting fare.
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Wanted (2008)
Good summer blockbuster
30 June 2008
With action and suspense elements comparable to (but still slightly lower quality than) The Matrix and the Bourne movies, Wanted brings a lot to the screen. The action sequences are phenomenal, and with James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, and Morgan Freeman as principals, there is plenty of star power. McAvoy's change from patsy to hero is inspiring. Jolie is beautiful, tough and sexy as usual. Freeman's wise old man persona carries his usual weight. Despite the intensity, the film did seem to drag occasionally and the patsy angle seems slightly overplayed. Still the story was compelling, and held my interest through to the end. Some of the effects are truly spectacular and cutting edge. If you like action movies, you will want to see this one
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Get Smart (2008)
Better than I expected
30 June 2008
As a youngster I waited for Get Smart when it was on TV decades ago. I howled at the antics of Don Adams especially, but also Barbara Feldon, and Edward Platt, as well as numerous support players. Don's portrayal was what made it for me, the character he created was genius. I was afraid I would find the movie as inferior as some other TV remakes.

I laughed almost the whole movie as did the audience I was in. Steve Carell is maturing into a better actor and I thoroughly enjoyed his portrayal as well as that of the whole cast. It brought me back to the reason I started enjoying comedies years ago, just to laugh at funny scenes and lines, and feel good when I leave the theater.
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A gem suspense action thriller!
8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give movies a 10, but this one clearly deserves it. For a movie to stay this compelling after being the third in a trilogy is remarkable, and remarkable is a good adjective for the film.

The score is a good adrenaline push. The pace is quick and pumping. The acting is wonderful. The locations are exotic and grand. The on foot chase scene in Tangier is as good a chase scene as has ever been in a movie.

But it is the story of Jason Bourne's quest to deal with his situation that drives this picture. Matt Damon is Jason Bourne. He is so human in his dilemma while at times acting with superhuman skill to carry out his quest, and we want him to succeed with a relish. And while the word is that the trilogy is finished there are enough elements left at the end of movie that we can hope for a sequel.
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Bella (2006)
Touching film about family, culture, and redemption
8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a feel good movie about something that deserves being felt good about. Too often "feel good movies" are about sex, drugs, rock and roll, or anything that serves in the selfish interest of person. This is about how family, and cultural values can impact for good. Some have written that the movie is on their side of the abortion issue. More importantly, this movie is about helping someone who is forced into a situation that looks like it is going to make life disastrous by someone who has been living disastrously since being involved in a catastrophe. What takes this movie up a notch is the talent. The characters are wonderful as well as the music. I especially enjoyed the acoustic vocals. The family scenes are touching and the movie as a whole is a refreshing look at a Latino situation that isn't ruled by drugs, poverty, over expressed machismo or some other tragic element.
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Congrats to Ben Stein for his brave, if not unpopular, stand on true academic freedom
21 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have read a number of reviews who have lambasted Stein's direction in this documentary. I applaud him. Decades ago, I was a staunch evolutionist, accepting it as proved and good science. Then, I was challenged to "prove" evolution to a minister who defiantly said that evolution was only a theory, that it had been changed numerous times and still had no basis in fact when you consider that there was not a single transitional form (in the fossil record) ever found. I was shocked at the "ignorance" of this man, and went to the library to find him wrong once and for all. In my local library I found a dozen or so books on evolution, all in favor of it, without a single dissenting voice among them. However, I was dismayed to find out that this minister was right. While the texts went to great lengths to explain the theory and potential ramifications, there was at best limited, but inconclusive, evidence of evolution. Additionally, claims of "proof" fossils were later found to be hoaxes. I couldn't believe it.

Why was I so persuaded about something with such limited proof? Luckily I still had some of my school textbooks. I looked in the science texts, but I couldn't find evolution explicitly taught there at all. What I did find was very disappointing. In the introductions and prefaces I found statements that talked about the first small celled creature crawling out of the ocean and breathing air to start the development of land based creatures. My science texts did not present any alternative, although I do remember at least one occasion when creationism was presented briefly in an unconvincing manner. At that time intelligent design was not a concept that was taught. That is indoctrination! I believed in evolution, not because I was shown the scientific evidence that supported it, but because it was what I was INDOCTRINATED to believe it!

In Christian biblical interpretation the first chapters of Genesis were taken not literally for most of history. The young earth creationist viewpoint is of relatively recent origin. My point here is that the debate is not focused solely on evolution vs a young earth six literal day creation belief. The debate is based on whether evolution is based on good science. And that is what this movie is about. Evolution is not a proved concept like gravity, inertia, or electricity. There are strong, legitimate arguments for at least some of the principles of evolution. But there are also legitimate points for intelligent design. To not allow for presentation of alternative theories of the growth of life to this point shows the same quality of bias that clouds the thinking of those who say that blacks are inferior or women should be kept home and pregnant.

There IS a huge bias in some parts of the scientific community where there is a PERCEIVED relationship of any concept to a religious belief. I worked for a USD for a number of years where I saw the power of the NEA to censure anything perceived as religious. This is not a religious argument.

Some have lambasted Stein's references to the relationships between Nazism and evolution. One argument is that with all philosophies there are inappropriate uses, for example, the Roman Catholic church and pedophilia, or the crusades. My reply is that the concept of enforced celibacy is wrong and has caused much needless harm in the form of pedophilia, and the concept of the church as a world power is wrong and like wise caused much harm. That evolution was a crucial component of Nazism is a fact, and another reason that broad, blind, acceptance is dangerous.

Congratulations, Ben, on speaking out.
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Why was this made? Shoddddyyy!
9 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this is an action flick, Ice-T, Tiny Lister as super bad boys, Costas Mandylor as the tough hero risking his future with his family to serve his country. I guess if you are fans of those guys there is something in here, but couldn't you have given them a tighter story, and better execution. And, puleeeze, make it a little believable. This is pure formula with too much unbelievability, like when Ice-t rats out William Sadler's character to the president and his staff. Why did I know that Sadler was going to be leak here. That is another example of formulaic casting. Give the guy some roles where he's not the bad guy so its a harder to spot. Or how about the fight at the end where highly decorated Costas' character puts down his gun so he can go hand to hand with Ice-T's character? Then Ice-T doesn't kill him!? What is that? Some kind of honor among thugs routine? It is just too much of a fairy tale to be a good action flick. Costas "sneaking up" on character after character while making all kinds of noise, the enemy compound so sophisticated it controls top secret space satellites, but such shoddy security that the marines' walkie-talkies go undetected as far a underground subs and Costas runs around without any surveillance picking him up. TOO Unbelievable!!!!
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Dakota Road (1991)
Overly somber tale of death and tragedy in a beautiful, but depressing setting
7 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The information about the movie on the TV guide read, "A farming community living near a U.S. missile base suffers the effects of environmental pollution." It is true there are a few scenes of military jets that land on a nearby base and are seen in the air. And there are some dead fish floating in a pond. But all that is a backdrop for the poor relationships and decisions that are everywhere in this move. Jen Cross is a 15 year old who is angry with the way things are and decides to use young Raif sexually as a means of escape. Her parents fight constantly, he is a poor tenant farmer, and she is the homemaker, but it is not much of a home. The mother is cross with the kids and more cross with the husband. The owner of the property is a shallow shell of a man, who fires Jen's father when he speaks up that the pesticide the owner has been using is polluting and killing the fish. The problem there is that it is probably the military base is the polluter. The owner hires the mother as a cleaning lady, which further infuriates and saddens the father. The father commits suicide in a way that his body is never found. There are other characters in the movie, Raif's mother, the cleaning staff of the Rector, is ill and dies, there is just a remote inference that the pollution caused the illness. The Rector is an ineffective, lonely man himself. The movie is completely a tragedy, and there appears little, if any, hope anywhere in the movie. Even in the end when Jen strikes out on her own, the move may be trying to present this as a hopeful act, but the mood is so somber by now that I, for one, wasn't encouraged, she appears as just another person who is running away. The setting is beautiful, there are some meager attempts that show a little compassion, a little love, but it is not enough. If you want to commiserate on misery, or just like tragic movies, you might like this. But I for one see the world where there is invariably sun and rain everywhere. There are good times and bad times, and even in mostly tragic circumstances, there are hopeful things to cling to, which this movie seems to argue against. I can't recommend it.
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Character Study of criminals in intertwined stories that slowly comes together
1 April 2006
This story starts with several sets of mostly low life characters in various settings and slowly shows how the characters relate. Davey(Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is the self absorbed party animal, low level drug dealer whose tragic events form the glue to tie the characters together. Will (Clive Owen) first appears as a hard working back to nature recluse, but we soon learn he is Davey's brother. We learn that this morose woodsman was some kind of crime boss. His return to deal with Davey's tragedy kicks off the pivotal events that make up the rest of the movie. What looks at first like several disjointed stories slowly starts tying together. This is not your glorified crime life like the Godfather, or the Sopranos. This story is not about action, it's about how criminals think and feel and act based on those thoughts and feelings. It is a dark world, full of bad choices and painful consequences. It is a somewhat complicated story like these kinds of things are in real life. There are old relationships: loves, friends, enemies that must be dealt with in a time when emotion is hard to control. If you want something fast, are looking for clear cut plots, and easily understood characters you will be disappointed. I personally like movies sometimes that are not afraid to break with clear cut formulas and don't feel compelled to explain everything in clear terms. I found the movie very intriguing. This is a movie about how characters, in this case, criminals, process tragic events. These dark characters living in this dark world had to deal with something that was especially dark to them. The story moves slowly because it is not about action, but the dark setting, the subtle effects on the characters as the story progresses and so on. In reality tragic events are often not clear cut, and the movie is real in its development of the story. I found myself feeling for the characters, albeit mostly sadness and a little pity with a little admiration, compassion, and understanding thrown in. If you enjoy film noir I think you might like this film.
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