
16 Reviews
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Now this is how you make a video game movie
18 January 2017
Seriously this is it, the movie that breaks the video game movie curse (that said I still enjoyed Warcraft: the beginning and the angry birds movie) perfect runtime (not too long, but not too short either) excellent casting choices (they nailed it when they cast Michael Fassbender) and the perfect amount of character development, and some flawlessly choreographed action scenes with some epic stunts. Great soundtrack in there as well, which has some pretty awesome themes. Go and see this movie, it balances story, effects and action really well, and generally this is one hell of a thrill ride. One thing that Inwould say though is that they should have spent a bit more time in the Spanish Inquisition, but other than that. NAILED IT!!!!!!!
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
7 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!! The jokes are original and very funny, and as well as that it is dark when it needs to be and has plenty of heart and can be rather emotional at times. The show has great characters and some really random ones, which is really funny and pretty weird, but mostly funny. Each episode is nicely connected with a mention to the previous episode or two, and always has cool themes and plot elements. I like the fact that unlike most shows like the Simpsons (which is dead now) this has plenty of substance to accommodate the style and visual wonder. This show is meant for teens and adults alike, and contains plenty of references to pop culture like Star Trek, cloud atlas and Garfield. I know this does sound like an understatement, but this show is literally the best, especially with all these unnecessary mindless kiddie cartoons these days which just try to be funny, and what is especially unique about this is that it doesn't need to try to be funny, it just is. Overall this show is worth the watch, you'll be amazed, and especially with season 3 on the way. Check this out, you will love it, that's a fact. WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!!!!!
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Marvel's best yet
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had been looking forward to this movie for about over a year, and I finally got round to seeing this yesterday, and after seeing, I have to admit, this film is literally, as the title of the review says, marvel's best yet. Benedict Cumberbatch is great as Doctor Strange, he literally doesn't need to fake anything about his character, he just is the character. One really funny thing that I noticed is that despite his character being American, his character has a very British sense of humour, which always leads to the funniest situations in the movie, like the scene where Wong was listening to Beyoncé music and strange takes some books while he isn't looking. Hilarious. Tilda Swinton is great as the ancient one, seriously, how does marvel make such good casting choices? Same goes for Chiwetel Ejiofor as Karl Mordo, ignore those whitewashing and balckwashing complaints, they are great casting choices. Another flaw people had found was Mads Mikkelsen's villain Kaecillius, who stole pages from a book from the ancient one's library. And using these pages, he masters the dark arts. He is great in his role, because he is in his comfort zone, playing a villain. So honestly, as I mentioned earlier, this is marvel's best film yet, and as well as that, it's Cumberbatch's best yet too. Definitely a must see film. You won't regret it.
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One word: fantastic
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Since I found out about this movie in early 2016, I had been excited for it, and, after seeing this last night, I was right to be excited. The cast was great, and there were a lot of great characters in it, but the one that stole the show for me was Kowalski. He was always very funny and usually quite sarcastic. Eddie Redmayne was great as Newt Scamander, the future author of the Hogwarts textbook fantastic beasts and where to find them. Who, accidentally lets some of his beasts loose in New York, and has to track them down and put them back in his suitcase. Seems simple, right? Only no, it's a lot harder than Newt and the gang think, because because of things like zoo chases and having to journey throughout New York to do so, and a dark energy force called an obscurus, which can cause pure destruction and destroy anything that is in its path. So overall this film needs only one word to describe it: fantastic. Definitely a must see film. Your move rogue one.
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Trolls (2016)
A cute, colorful, funny and heartwarming adventure you will definitely enjoy!
15 October 2016
At first I had pretty low expectations for this film because of its first teaser, but then the first full length trailer made me look forward to it, and now that I've seen it, I have to say, you will enjoy this once you see it. It's very vibrant and filled with colour, which makes for a bright and exciting time, the trolls themselves are all really cute and colorful, and they are usually really funny in a situation and they are always positive and full of hope. It has a very well thought storyline, even if it does sound a bit generic at first, but it feels new and so fresh and original when you see it. And there is a lot of signing and dancing, and a lot of musical cues, and the songs really do get to you, as they are very catchy. And at times this film is very heartwarming, and a bit emotional at places, but that's sort of what you'd expect from a film like this. So overall, definitely see this one, as it is a cute, colorful, funny and heartwarming adventure that the whole family will enjoy!
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A hilarious YouTube series that shows you how movies actually should have ended.
16 September 2016
I have been watching this channel for a few years now, and it is so funny. I love the idea of giving different endings to popular films. These are usually pretty hilarious, and sometimes they are better than the real film. Which is something everybody wants, I guess. The animation is great, it stands out from most other animation YouTubers, which is a nice touch and just shows you what they can do with their team of amazing animators. They also do a lot of collaboration animations with other YouTubers (most of which do animations) The tomorrowland MMP collaboration was amazing, and all the videos they have done with brotherhoodworkshop are amazing too. Although this is an amazing, funny animation channel, it's not quite perfect, because sometimes they make quite bad hishes (inside out HISHE, the Bourne identity HISHE) and some quite bad features too (all the Hank and Jed collaborations, all the after credits shorts) and when they fail, it's usually quite a huge fail, but again, the amount of amazing and funny HISHEs and collabs make up for this flaw. I definitely recommend you watch.
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One word. Epic
10 September 2016
I have been a long time viewer of ERB, and after this long while, I have to admit, this show just gets better and better with all the rap battles and characters. The idea of having real people, or even fictional characters rap against each other is a great idea and it is just one of the cleverest I have seen in a while, there are quite a few funny jokes put into the rap battles which are great because they can be used to a character's advantage to wreck the character they are battling against. I also like that it is not just nice peter and epiclloyd rapping against each other as the characters all the time and sometimes the have great guests in some of the rap battles, which again is a nice touch and it will always get you thinking about what other guests they should have. So overall, if you want fun rap battles with great people that will stay enjoyable then watch epic rap battles of history, it is literally nothing short of the epic in the name. You will be amazed.
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Just purely stupid.
10 September 2016
Now, people love YouTube shows about movies, kinda like the stuff Mr Sunday movies does, or screen rant when they make an original video that they haven't already done before, or even honest trailers. But this, this is far from what people would see as a good show about movies. Some of the flaws they point out are good, and proper flaws, but most of the time they just point out stupid things that aren't even plot holes, clichés, or even proper flaws in a movie, something I just find really stupid, annoying and not even funny, they should be pointing out REAL flaws, not just ones they made up, and another bad thing about this show is the amount of swear words they use in every video, it is really annoying and stupid, I mean, do you hear a critic say that many swear words? I don't think so. So overall, if you don't want to have good movies ruined, don't watch this channel. You'd be a moron if you do.
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A true Star Trek film for all Trekkies alike
9 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I finally got round to watching this film, and I have to admit, being more a Star Wars fan than a Trekkie I thought this film might not be that good, but having watched it now, I have to admit this was an amazing film. The cast is great, and the acting in this film is really good, it isn't really anyone in particular as all of the cast is great in this film. There were a lot of amazing action sequences, some of which involve weapons, some of which involve hand to hand combat. Which is a nice change from all armed combat. I like the idea of having the crew of the USS enterprise being split up across different parts of an unknown planet for survival and have to work together to find the rest of the crew, which is a nice plot idea and it really changes everything up. The villain krall was amazing. He felt like what a true Star Trek villain should be, rather menacing, intent on action and has incredible plans to fight against the starfleet. The special effects are also amazing, all of it looks realistic (as with most cgi nowadays) and makes it look way cooler and more thrilling to me, and to top it all off, the writing and directing are amazing because it is done by true Trekkies and it makes the film feel so true to original Star Trek. It's one (and only) flaw, though, is that the plot goes a bit slow at first. It does take 30 minutes to get everything going, but other than that, it's a great film, and not just a great film, a great Star Trek film, and not just a great one, a true one, for all Trekkies, old or new alike. go (boldly) and see this one. You wouldn't want to miss out and you will be amazed and thrilled by it all. Don't take my word for it, it is one to see.
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Epic, action packed and packed with thrills
8 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is literally everything you want from a movie about the iconic character Tarzan. There are a lot of impressive action sequences, all of which are packed with their own thrills. These action sequences really make this a true Tarzan film. The cgi is so good. It looks incredibly realistic thanks to technological advances. It makes the animals look so cool, and realistic it makes it hard to tell it is cgi. There are a lot of brief flashbacks in this film, all of which help to put the story together so that everything that has happened makes sense. These are all quite exciting and really help the move the story further. These were a good idea for the film and I am glad they were added in in different places throughout the film. The only flaw is that the plot goes a bit slow at first, but it picks up quite quickly and all the good stuff happens. So overall, I enjoyed this film, it is a very exciting, action packed adventure that you should definitely see before it is too late.
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Tootuff (2001– )
Hilarious, witty entertainment.
17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers

If you are a fan of shows like regular show, Rick and Morty, or Clarence, then you will love Titeuf. Every episode is filled with lots of rude humour and jokes, and they always turn out to be pretty funny. The character designs are also pretty funny because they all have weird noses, kinda like in the Barry Loser books. Except the noses aren't incredibly long. They are short and round. And the plots for every episode are usually pretty funny, and sometimes occasionally involve moments where Titeuf does a full moon joke at someone, or something. And they always stick with the context of the title, which sometimes you do not get often. And most of all. Titeuf's feather hair, it looks SO funny and surreal it makes you realize you are watching a weird, but incredibly funny cartoon. So overall, this is a cartoon to watch, even if it's one flaw is that you can't understand what there characters are saying. But you can always tell what is going on. You will not regret watching Titeuf. You really won't.
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Finally got round to seeing this. And the audience were right on this one.
11 August 2016
I finally got round to seeing this last night. And I have to admit, it was really good. The story seemed to go at its own pace, which I kinda liked, it also managed to fit in developing the characters and all the ghost busting stuff too. Which, when it comes to a movie. It works incredibly well. The special effects are really good. The ghosts look a lot more realistic, and all the scenes with the ghosts are incredibly thrilling and really keep you on end with the excitement of it all. I thought Kevin was an incredibly funny character, because he's just that bumbling idiot that kinda helps the ghostbusters, and the villain was a great character too. I loved his plans, and it really gets you thinking, how could these plans work? But they seem to work for him. And those end credits, they were so random, but incredibly funny. So overall. Go see this movie. You will not regret seeing it. It is just like a lot of the audience were saying. You don't want to miss out.
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Better than I was hearing
24 June 2016
Independence Day is one of the many classics that is still good to this day, but even so people are saying it is cheesy, or even bad. Some people are even saying it is cheesy, but incredibly likable. Personally I don't find this movie the tiniest bit cheesy. It is very enjoyable and packs action and destruction. Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman's characters are developed very well and their development really fits in with the story. The acting was really good, and all the characters definitely do feel like there is an alien invasion. And the storytelling and scripting was really good and it definitely puts together a masterpiece of a movie.

My one complaint though is that the plot goes quite slow at first, but it picks up quite quickly and gets the excitement and mayhem going.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable sci-fi action and adventure movie packed with disaster and excitement. Go check it out for yourself, it's definitely one to watch before you die.
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A definite improvement over batman v superman
24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! Review contains spoilers! Do not read if you haven't seen the movie!

If you were disappointed by batman v superman in March, you'll enjoy this. It's like the marvel version of it, but 1 trillion times better, for that matter. The acting from Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr was great, stark was funny, as per usual. The opening battle with crossbones in Nigeria was really thrilling and packed with action to pretty much tease what was going to come, more exciting fight scenes just like it! Tom Holland is great as spider- man, I just loved the way he was talking loads during his fight with falcon and Bucky, and making references to Star Wars during the battle between the two teams. Baron Zemo was a great villain, he was simply one of the most realistic villains in the MCU, who just wanted vengeance for his family, which was a simple, but pretty good reason to be the villain in the movie. Black panther was also a great character, Chadwick Boseman really fit the role of the Wakanda born warrior. His cause to fight in this was great too, he also wanted vengeance, for his father T'Chaka, the king of Wakanda, who got killed in the incident in Vienna, so he went to kill the winter soldier himself. And the actual fight between the two teams was really awesome, and it was funny when spidey saw giant ant man, it just added to the greatness of his character, and that whole scene, and the movie. Go see this movie now, you will not be disappointed by it!
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Spectre (I) (2015)
One heck of a movie
26 April 2016
I watched this recently, and I have to admit... It was really good! I really enjoyed the opening. It was really gripping, and really got me hooked into what the rest of the movie would be like. Gripping, intense, action packed, and hyped up on awesomeness. Which it was. A real load of adventure going on in the movie, as well as the action that I mentioned before. You should probably watch it a few times though, just to keep on enjoying the awesomeness. If you have seen Skyfall you're going to enjoy it, but if you like movies with characters sent on the hunt of something after a message from their past, you will enjoy this. Go and watch it now! It is worth watching!
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Best iron man movie yet!!!
4 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I watched this movie I thought that it was going to be really awesome, because that's what marvel is known for, making really awesome superhero movies. And this movie proved me right, as with all marvel movies I've seen. The story was so impressive, the new characters they added were awesome, and it had a good humour to keep it balanced. There were even a few (spoilers) references to avengers assemble . And I was really hyped because of some of the battle scenes. So overall, another marvel movie worth watching, let's hope civil war and doctor strange are just as good, because all the other marvel movies since this, including guardians of the galaxy, Thor: the dark world, avengers: age of ultron, and of course ant-man were really good, so I've got high hopes for those movies in phase 3...
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