
11 Reviews
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The Whale (2022)
Brendan is the gem here
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Brenden Fraser is incredible. His performance is so captivating, that it's worth watching him.

His daughter is too vile and hateful. She's so disgusting that her character absolutely RUINS this movie .

There's no justification for this character.

I know people who have been left by a parent , treated terribly by a parent , lost so much. Been actually abused - badly and NOT ONE were anywhere near as hateful as this girl.

Her mother is pathetic .

This story simply isn't credible .

The ending is really ridiculous.

I give it 7 bc Brendan Fraser deserves it.

The writing is bad So so so so so so bad.
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The Nest (I) (2020)
It's not a full story
20 January 2024
This feels like someone took a novel, and cut and pasted some chapters together at random and made a movie.

It's unfinished and frustrating. It's not about 80s excess at all. It's a depressing tale about one man's delusions and inability to live in reality. Then, you have a wife who somehow has no input into anything ?

Creepy big house in the middle of nowhere.

Depressing kid and 1/2 sibling , with no storyline or purpose in this movie . Exaggerated teen party and weird "where did all those kids even come from?" Jude Law and the wife are extremely talented - great performances. Sadly a pointless story .
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
Discussion of the END SPOILERS
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was J justified? Was it worth it? I've read opinions that say "deran and Craig" didn't deserve it. J's real hatred was for Smurf and she "loved" Deran and Craig and his promise to destroy EVERYTHING she loves was played out.

Pope, Deran and Craig certainly treated him like an outsider. They all showed ZERO remorse for the treatment of Julia. They were all adults when Julia died - and not one of them ever took any interest in helping her. For all of their BS "family" talk - they never sought out their own nephew?

Baz was a total POS. He got what he deserved. I think Pope, Craig and Deran were all sympathetic in their own way, but J, at the end, was the only one who was really similar to Smurf. They both had the worst childhoods, and they were both smart enough to survive without support.

But was it worth it? No. In the end, J is alone and I think he regrets not holding on to his family.
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The Super Models (2023– )
Why? And for what?
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I would learn new things .

There is nothing .

There is nothing that is interesting in this entire 4 episode show.

The old pictures are great. The stories about how these women started in modeling is fine - but all old news .

The real stuff is smoothed over. The predators in this industry are not exposed - except linda's ex-'who claims he's a scapegoat/ which is clearly IS. A foul person- but he's not atypical and they never expose anyone else.

Cindy Crawford pretending that her daughter is famous on her own is the huge joke . And cute - but so disgusting to people in the real world.

It's just sad. Overall.
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Project Runway (2004– )
Was a great show. Not anymore
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh. Where to start?

Let's start with the ugly models. Yep. Overweight models are a clear disadvantage. It's obvious and makes the show uncomfortable to watch.

Some of the models are trans. Also makes the clothes look weird and ill fitting. No boobs is a bad look.

The judges are biased. Some of the looks are bizarrely criticized even though they are clearly better than others - who are protected for some unknown reason.

Anna's denim look was a joke. An actual mess of nonsense. But her model was skinny- so she wasn't sent home.

The plus size models get contestants sent home- Just happened in the denim challenge.

Bring back real models. This show is unwatchable right now.
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Widows (2018)
This is an ""it" movie
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Plot : bam. Takes you right into the title "widows " Then- many characters are introduced. The worst side of Chicago politics is then exaggerated- so it's the WORST you can imagine.

Robert Duvall - he's so amazing , that even though he's I. 1 scene - he will be remembered when you think about this movie . The WIDOWS are brought tougher through Viola Davis- she is so amazing I. This movie .

You MUST watch this for her alone. However - the other WIDOWS ARE all just as superb. They are all perfect in their roles. You're cheering for the WIDOWS, but you're curious about the many characters. You will LOVE this movie .
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Cleverly Sublime
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is intriguing. Toby is the narrator, through his own friend. The attention is detail about how we think, how we marry, how we bring our childhoods into our adulthoods.

Of course, we believe Toby's story. His face, his cadence. His profession, his devotion to his children . His story MUST be the one truth.

Of course it's not. There is another person who is not a monster, not an unfeeling money making machine. When we finally see her side, we feel sick. Of course ! Of course this makes sense now.

Toby was never lying. He just could not see what he couldn't see.

It's a heartbreaking story about marriage and divorce and growing older and loss of ourselves. Our old single young selves.

The acting is top notch. Everyone - including the kids are phenomenal.

Loved this.
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"Hate" is justified
9 December 2022
Some of the fawning comments for this debacle "documentary " state that those of us who think it's terrible are "haters". I don't hate Harry or Mehgan- I can watch a show and decide it's boring and it's BS. This is NOT a documentary. The only people interviewed are hand picked by this couple . That's not interesting and it is not real.

Megan is a liar- that's clear. She's not a great actress , or maybe some of what she says would come off as believable, but none of it does. Even as something as silly as her being late to their second meeting is so hilariously contrived. She's clever. She was able to sniff out that Harry was weak the first time she met him. And she easily created a persona designed just for him.

Harry pathetically declares he "protects" his family ? With WHAT? Ohhh.... Yeah- with ROYAL funds that are handed over to him by the wicked "firm". It's a joke. Comparing Megan to Diana is beyond abusers. Megan was a divorced grown woman who targeted Harry ON PURPOSE.
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Less would have been more
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen some criticism of the Zooms- I liked the zooms. I enjoyed watching actors share their experiences with Paul and Joanne, and I think there's something to the historical reference of starting this during CoVid - which changed the movie industry forever . The movies, as they were, will never be again. The Oscars, as they were, will never be that important again. The movie star era is truly over and CoVid was the final nail in the coffin.

I enjoyed the old movie footage, but not the way it was presented. I didn't like the voice overs during the footage. I didn't like the "art imitating life" over and over and over. I would have preferred more interviews with people who knew them, and, although there was mention of Rocky times during their marriage, this was REALLY watered down. The alcoholism / adultery was addressed too lightly. Her motivation for staying in the marriage wasn't clear- and their loving bond was made to look like it was strong throughout the marriage, which, may be true, but there would also have been rage, betrayal, isolation, depression. I never got a real picture of what this family life was really like when the kids were children .
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The Vow (2020–2022)
I want to like this more than I do
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched hours of this documentary. Hours. Now, I've started The Vow Part 2 and it seems like it's the same? I still don't understand what this cult was even offering people - usually, these cults have a clearer Sell- this is STILL NOT MAKING SENSE. They have levels and all that BS like Scientology, but it wasn't sold as a religion. Somehow, huge swaths of women left and yet - so many people sided with that toad monster. The saddest part is that these women still don't see that he's a pure conman. From Day 1.

The stupid actress and her mother are not compelling -'it's just goes on and on and on and on... and wanting the "authorities " to go "save" her. Even though that actress should be in jail right next to Keith.

These women are not innocent - Keith didn't do this by himself .
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
It's even worse than you think
22 March 2022
Boring Makes no sense 3 stars are for the attractiveness of the cast. Attractive people - that's it.

Really. Terrible. Movie.

I have to keep writing bc my review is "too short" Husband has a wife who has her boyfriends show up to parties. They have a daughter who is adorable - and too good for this movie.
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