
3 Reviews
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This World: The Mormon Candidate (2012)
Season 9, Episode 5
This is a political hit job.
4 September 2012
The lies start fast and furious and don't let up in this political hatchet job. From the assertion that Mormons are encouraged to keep their commitment to the faith secret (there are currently over 55,000 full time missionaries for the church going door to door. ...this is keeping the secret of their commitment to their faith?) to the bald faced lie that there is a "Strengthening Church Committee" to "spy" on members one could turn every "fact" in this "documentary" around 180º and have MORE actual truth. It's that bad. Were there a committee to keep Mormon's in line how could one explain that BOTH Mitt Romney and Harry Reid are Mormons in good standing? Polygamy was once practiced, yes. Polygamy now will get you excommunicated as fast as they can make it happen. There is no forgiveness for Polygamy in this life as far as the church is concerned. There are polygamists that call themselves Mormon but they are no more members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than Dr. Seuss is an M.D. NBC did a piece on the Mormons that was fairly accurate, try it if you want to know about the church from a non Mormon.
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Traffic Light (2011)
Best new show in a long time.
10 April 2011
I'm not sure what you other people are watching but perhaps you all are the reason there are so many lame shows on TV. I think that the people who do not like this show do so for the same reasons I LOVE it. It's NOT like everything else out there! For one, this is one of the most intelligent shows on right now. I love that they have not dumbed this show down. They use correct grammar and use some words that one would expect people of their education to use. I have NEVER seen a cast gel so fast in my life. I was afraid that I would have trouble not seeing Roy from the Office, but that was put to rest right away. There have been so many times that I could see the predictable turn of events coming a mile away and it DIDN'T happen! I LOVE that this show eschews the clichés.
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What Dreams May Come II?
8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is hopelessly derivative, desperately artsy and left me completely unfulfilled. The bulk of the film is basically a rehashing of material better presented in What Dreams May Come with a One Hour Photo twist. I do not believe that the rape scene at the beginning should have been as graphic as it was in the novel (which was also not good) but should have been made more clear. I was at no point emotionally engaged in this film. The ending goes from sappy pubescent romanticism to clumsily complete. I simply cannot believe Peter Jackson would soil his name with this hackneyed story. Spielberg's participation is, unfortunately, in keeping with his recent streak of disposable movies. By the way: Is Saying it is "clumsily complete" a spoiler?
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