
10 Reviews
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Captive State (2019)
A interesting movie that does not follow the typical plot
12 March 2020
This is a movie that does not follow the typical sci-fi plot. It is also an interesting cast which again is definitely unique. If you are open to a movie that does not feel the need to explain everything and offers some interesting twists then you will enjoy this movie.
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If you found this movie scary do not read the book
8 December 2018
The book this movie was based on will reinforce the scary story. This is based on some truth and some unverified accounts but it is very strange. The book is very good but it is definitely one that will make you wonder. Combined with the movie it will present you with some unanswered questions about what happened.
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The Wizard of Lies (2017 TV Movie)
Do not waste your time
19 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Great cast horrible screen play. I stayed pretty current on the Bernie Madoff disaster, this movie ignored all the facts and the real personalities. Bernie Madoff was and is a complete assh*le, he was a megalomaniac that had absolutely no regrets about destroying the financial well being of thousands of people. His children are dead now, one a suicide one died of cancer and they showed much more remorse than this ass showed. How could the makers of this movie totally ignore all the information that showed how arrogant Madoff is? I guess they were worried no one would like a movie about the real ass Madoff is.
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I watched 10 minutes and was fed up with it
18 May 2017
I watched 10 minutes and then they started insulting conservatives again and again so I turned it off. I will also write my cable service to tell them to never pay for another one of these worthless movies again. You idiots in Hollywood have still not figured out that have of the citizens in the US are not liberals.
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Still Alice (2014)
Alex Baldwin is a monumental miss casting in this movie
15 December 2016
Alex Baldwin is not a very good actor but who in their right mind (sorry for the bad play on words) would cast that jerk in this movie? He is simply not capable of playing this role. He is simply not an actor that can play a serious role like this. He is especially bad when he must try and keep up with really good actors and actresses. He is just a joke, name a single role where he has every played a role that is challenging. Perhaps he should simply continue to try and imitate Donald Trump because he cannot act well enough to keep pace with Donald Duck much less accomplished actors and actresses. He almost completely destroyed this movie in the few scenes he tried to act in.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Horrible unless you enjoy the scenery, predictable beyond belief
18 November 2016
I thought about giving this movie a 2 because the scenery was nice and was photographed well but then I thought about the rest of the movie. The plot was simply one western cliché after another from start to finish. It was like watching a rerun of most of the modern western in the last 10 years. Every scene was telegraphed well before it was shown. The acting required a few gasps, grunts and clinched teeth. The only reason I watched the end was to finish counting the clichés.

Oh and you must suspend your disbelief from start to finish! I will not go into how normal human beings would have died 10 or 15 times along the plot line but you will get the idea. Terminally stupid!
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Outstanding dialog, acting and story line
29 October 2016
Pay attention, this series explores some very subtle story lines. I was extremely impressed when they introduced the bicameral mind concept when considering consciousness. That is one of the more important concepts when considering the origins of consciousness. I hope they explore this idea in greater detail and especially its implications related to physics. It is rare indeed to have a fictional work undertake such a complex topic without trivializing it. I definitely have to compliment the writers for undertaking such a complex topic and I hope they continue to explore the implications.

Again, IMDb thinks I should add additional lines to my review which is ridiculous. I have offered a clear and concise review and they want an arbitrary number of lines, what kind of idiot makes this a requirement?
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Cleverman (2016–2017)
Something interesting and different
23 June 2016
This is definitely a different story and unusual characters. This series is a significant change of pace from the typical science fiction story line. The dialog and the acting is pretty decent as well. I am guessing it has a more social impact for the Australian audience but it is not totally lost on a US audience.

I will be honest I cannot think of a lot more to say other than to say you should give it a chance and watch 2 or 3 episodes before you decide one way or the other.

I think IMDb should rethink the 10 line minimum for a review, that is certainly more than I need to offer a meaningful opinion one way or the other.
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Do not waste your time
9 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Do not expect much of a plot or meaningful story line. I understood it was more or less jumping from depicting multiple scripts but it did not provide any meaningful plot or ending. It simply was not an entertaining movie at all. How anyone would give this movie any rating about 3 or 4 is beyond me. Maybe some people were just afraid they did not get the movie so they gave it a high rating. This is more or less a pretty stupid movie.

This movie's only redeeming quality is a few hot lesbian sex scenes.

I have to add more lines so this is a stupid movie I have to add more lines so this is a stupid movie I have to add more lines so this is a stupid movie
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
I wanted to share some real world experience
8 January 2016
First, I spent over 3 years at the busiest Search and Rescue station in the Coast Guard, NAS Reserve New Orleans. Keven Costner played a Master Chief on SAR missions, that virtually never happens. The chiefs went home at 4:00 and the grunts took over. And during the day the ready crew for SAR missions was always E-6 and below.

Sometimes the senior officers went on SAR missions as pilots but never senior chiefs. I was an E-6 when I got out after logging over 1000 hours as a crewman. I will agree with others unless things have changed there was never any hurah just hard work and lots of it. We often worked 36 hours straight and put peoples lives at risk because of absolute fatigue! I was involved in multiple life saving missions as well as missions to pick up those that did not survive.

It was an amazing experience but I also no longer miss wondering if I will live or die during a mission. I sent a MayDay and also flew on another mission that declared and emergency. In the 4 months before I got out 3 helos crashed and there was one survivor out of all the crashes, 11 men giving their lives. Also, there was never any melodrama when we were making life and death decision, we fully understood our responsibilities and it was always very professional when we were forced to make those decisions!

FYI if you watched the movie my number was about 6 or 7, it was a hard number to think about and decide. But that was in about 3 years and 3 months.
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