
62 Reviews
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Grimm: The Ungrateful Dead (2013)
Season 3, Episode 1
She's Still Annoying
3 June 2024
I don't think it's the writers, so it must be Elizabeth Tulloch's acting. Since the start of the show viewers are unable to relate to her, nor be sympathetic, nor agree with how she reacts to specific situations. Her facial expressions are always the same whether she's happy, confused, upset, or curious. There is no depth to her in this role. I have loved the Monroe and Rosa Lee characters from the beginning. I like that Andalind's character will get more screen time because she is a great actress. Wu's character is someone you think exist in every office or precincts. His witty-sarcastic nature seems to come naturally.
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Scorpion: It's Raining Men (of War) (2017)
Season 4, Episode 9
Walter Still Annoying, Paige A Subpar Parent
23 May 2024
I'm loving the introduction of the new character in the next door neighbor. She pulls no punches and she brings something fresh to the female entourage of the group. Now, on to Walter and his annoying character. The writing of his character and the faces he makes is vomitable (new words for Webster). How does one find it entertaining to blackmail coworkers/friends into naming their first child after him? How does one not understand when he is being condescending and see the sarcastic looks from people near him? Now moving on to Paige....your child is found in the space of another adult but instead of reprimanded him, you're upset with the adult for not spotting his genius? I'm in belief this show lasted past Season 1 but am fully aware as to why Season 4 was the end of the series.
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Scorpion: Djibouti Call (2016)
Season 2, Episode 20
Walter A Badass? Yeah, Right
15 May 2024
With every episode I watch, I have to wonder how this series lasted for more than 1 season. There must not have been any competition on other networks at the time.

Anyway, it amazes me how Walter seems to be such a badass, getting in characters faces, insulting them, all to show how weak he is when it comes to a real fight.

His character is very condescending. He doesn't want Happy and Toby together, he doesn't want to show his true feelings towards Paige, but he is immediately jealous at any attempt of attraction that another male shows Paige.

I will continue watching this ridiculous series and read reviews ahead so I'm not easily irked.
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Scorpion: Going South (2015)
Season 1, Episode 17
No Empathy, No Parental Responsibility
11 May 2024
I've given the past few episodes a rating of 6/10 and that's very generous. At one point will Walter show empathy? Real genius folk do not act on this manner, trust me. And Paige is supposed to be this caring mother, however, she continues to place herself in harms way without thinking once about Ralph. I'm going to continue watching the entire series because it was recommended, but it will be tough. At some point I would love to see Happy, Toby, and Sylvester tell Walter to kiss their you-know-what and leave. He needs to be shown he needs them more than they need him. The writers are truly dropping the ball with this show and I'm not at the Season 1 finale.
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NCIS: Sydney: Doggieccino Day Afternoon (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
I Love The Dogs
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this episode a 3 rating only because of the animals.....the dogs. Have you ever watched something so terrible you can't turn away from it; that was this episode.

The Blue character is all over the place. The first few episodes they write her as a semi-nerd, anxiety-ridden, falling over her feet mess. In this episode she is so emotional she runs to the bathroom at one of the more crucial moments of the episode to cry and talk to herself.

I would love to see one tv drama that does not include a "hostage" episode because they are too similar. You're going to always have the antagonist that had no clue they were really being betrayed. You will always have an opportunity for a sniper shot that gets interrupted. No need for me to continue.

I'll continue watching g this series only to give my best friends and I something to laugh about when it comes to stupid plots, character writing, and bad acting.
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No Arrest For Party Mom???
7 February 2024
I lost interest as soon as it was obvious the writers did not allow the SVU team to be harsh towards Mommie #1 for her partying ways, drugs openly in the home with the child, and her self-absorption. Not once did anyone tell her what a bad mother she was.

I'm also sick of watching Benson act as if she has no time for a love life. Maybe all the men in her life is not what she's interested in. Please don't get hostile towards me with that remark, I'm just saying, if Benson had a live interest similar to the ones the ladies in the episode have, it could make for a more interesting season instead of watching her shun a wonderful guy like Tucker.
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The Mill (2023)
Had Potential....Spun Short
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok we've all seen plenty of movies where the lead actor or actress wakes up in an unknown place and has to figure out Where? Why? How? And Who? To ultimately find out that you were in a simulated dream situation during your so-called lunch period as part of leveling up within an organization would be enough to make most people quit, become a whistleblower, and find another job. But NO, not this guy. He does known of those things and decides to go on a company tour, be led into his new office despite the nightmarish flashbacks of what he experienced, and proceeds to sign his "John Hancock" on the company agreement.
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Echoes: Home (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Unbelievably Not Believable
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Warning this review contains spoilers. The concept of the storyline to a missing twin has been done before but I was hoping this would be better considering the cast. Then when the end of the episode reveals Gina is possibly Lina playing 1 person, I'm thinking no way. Then I remember the title is ECHO3S and I'm hoping that later in the series a triplet isn't revealed.

How is it possible that family members, spouses, a child, and friends are unable to see Gina is Lina or Lina is Gina? Makes no sense. From K-12th grade there were 4 different sets of twins in my class and we (classmates) could always tell them apart.

I understand why this was a "limited" series and the average rating is 6 stars. I won't continue watching and just read all the spoilers on the remaining episodes to see if my previous mentioned theory is correct.
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The Snowman (2017)
If I Could Give It Negative Ten Stars
21 April 2023
The only reason it received the one star from is because the opening scene was intriguing. The first 5-8 minutes of the movie draws you in and after those few minutes, the movie quickly goes downhill. Like others have mentioned there are numerous plot holes, characters appearing and not mentioned again, the dubbing of Val Kilmer's lines is horrible, and many other issues. I'm amazed that this movie was even picked up on Netflix. I'm even more amazed that certain celebrities would even want their names attached to this film. If I were Michael Fassbender or J. K. Simmons, I would have paid the studio to edit my character completely out of this movie.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Illusions (2021)
Season 7, Episode 14
Annoying Much
30 December 2022
As many reviews have stated in this season and the sixth season, this is no longer about the military. It's hard to believe that Pride and Sasha created the most annoying child since Tyrik from Power.

When is Sebastian going to be in a meaningful relationship? Every time the writers bring in a possible love interest for him she turns out to either be a criminal or homesick.

I'm enjoying the flirting between Carter and Hannah but it's too late in the game to make their relationship a nice storyline.

Will Rita and Pride ever get married? What about Pride's daughter and her fiancé? What has happen to the adopted kids of Loretta?

And finally....wear the mask or don't wear them but the writers need to make up their minds.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Operation Drano, Part I (2021)
Season 7, Episode 5
This Show Was Going Downhill Prior To Covid
28 December 2022
For those reviews that are claiming the show started getting bad ONLY when hot topics like racism, police profiling, government corruption, and Covid-19 issues arose, must not have seen the first 6 seasons.

When the writers got away from the real reason to have NCIS agents (which was after the show consultant died) the show started a fast decline. What happened to investigating Naval and Marine crimes?

I don't think any of the actors/actresses are bad, they are working with what is presented to them.

Although it's too late for the producers to redeem the show and make it interesting like the original NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles, these reviews should be a guidance to the writers in the future.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Requital (2019)
Season 6, Episode 10
Justified OR Not
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show has gotten away from the true reason of NCIS. There were about 6 episodes focused on a cult leader. I guess the Navy and Marines had no deaths, thefts, or other issues to warrant NCIS agents. Now that Pride has killed Barrett will the team stand with him although it was an unjustified shooting or will they fold under pressure. I'm willing to bet Sebastian will be the first to rat Pride out. On another note, has the adopted children of Loretta's storyline concluded. We don't hear anything about how they are doing. But I guess that will be in the final season. By now there is no saving this show.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Convicted (2019)
Season 6, Episode 9
Stop Being The Lone Ranger
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If Pride puts in OR takes out his weapon in the file cabinet one more time I'm going to scream. Maybe if the writers would give us some type of background as to WHY he does this, it would help the viewers. Who runs the wardrobe department for this show? I've seen characters wear the same clothing repeatedly from episode to episode. What SMART agents try to remove a suspected killer from a heavily armed compound with only 4 members instead of bringing other agencies into the loop? It's getting really nerve wrecking to watch Pride be the Lone Ranger in each episode. I'm surprised they haven't made his character suffer a heart attack or stroke.
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Does Sebastian Use A Gun
26 December 2022
How many times must a bad guy shoot at the team, at a victim, in a crowd before Sebastian "attempts" to use his gun. Each time he has the opportunity to ring down a bad guy he either freezes or tries hand-to-hand combat and gets his butt kicked. This show has never been good. I've rated most of the episodes at 6 out of 10 and I'm ready to be done binging this in 2022. Like most shows they think introducing new characters will enhance a show but it only adds to the confusion because then the writers have to add a backstory. It's beyond me how this show lasted past Season 2. The agents break more laws than the criminals.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Tick Tock (2018)
Season 5, Episode 10
Horrible Episode
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Believe all the negative reviews for this episode. Skip my review if you don't want the spoilers. First, I don't mind the "ghost woman" she's actually entertaining. Please explain how a character holds several major jobs with NCIS. Explain how an agent is pulled over with apparent bruises on his face and is not questioned. Furthermore, explain how a sniper knew that Pride would get pulled over at that exact moment to be able to line up a shot. This show is definitely not as good as the original NCIS. I'm just going to end my review right now and if you're still watching the episode after reading this.....good luck.
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Troll (2022)
Awful Dubbing I'm English
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is "ok" to watch. Not very spectacular but watchable while doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. Trust me you won't miss anything exciting. The dubbing in the English language is awful. A lot of times the words don't match the actors and actresses lip movement. This film could have been so much better but the storyline didn't fit the reasoning for the Troll appearing. It made absolutely no sense. Maybe they edited the reasoning for the father to be an isolation but this would have helped some of the storyline. The ending hints to a part two but I think the studio should save their money.
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Jessica Gets A Conscious???
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Come many episodes have we watched Jessica Fletcher listen to people confess to murder in the name of revenge and with good reasoning, yet Jessica does not sympathize with the killer. However, in this episode not only is a young hitman allowed to infiltrate the family, but he is lured to his death. Jessica gets the confession without the aide of the detective assigned to the case and acts appalled by the confession given. And then at the end she discusses with the detective not only will she not remember what she heard but she may not be available to testify. Oh wow???!!! If calling someone hypocritical was a person during this episode Jessica Fletcher would win the award.
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The Blacklist: Gordon Kemp (No. 158) (2020)
Season 7, Episode 15
Make It Make Sense
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wait, a person (Red) that shoots people "just for fun" because they don't follow his instructions or even "threatens" to shoot someone for not giving him (Red) information he requests, now has a moral compass? I enjoy your acting skills James Spader but you should have called BS on this script.

What is the take away from's ok to shoot criminals. It's ok to threaten to shoot people? Or it's bad to be able to purchase an expensive weapon? Writers....make it make sense.

Agent Keen's wardrobe.....really? The same black pants, belt, shirt, and shoes for how many Seasons now. I've said before the wardrobe department for this series continues to fail the women of the show. Although, I do not think having better wardrobe selection would help Megan Boone's acting skills, it would at least help our eyes to just seeing un-attractive clothing on such a boring character.
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The Blacklist: Newton Purcell (No. 144) (2020)
Season 7, Episode 13
Glen Will Always Be A Winner To Me
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've started typing these reviews as I watch the series to show how extremely irritating and drawn out it has become.

I can tell the writers are trying to fill an ethnicity role with adding a new female to the cast. Agent Park is not a bad actress, her character just doesn't fit in with the task force. I was really hoping Francesa had worked out but unfortunately she betrayed Reddington.

Glen saves this episode. Although I think Brimley is the most hilarious villain, Glen runs a close second. That track suit Glen wore has been the best wardrobe fitting in the entire series. Lol at hammertoe....hilarious. Never doubt the JellyBean lol

Eloide says she didn't get the chance to say goodbye. Sweetie you said goodbye the moment you committed adultery.
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The Blacklist: Victoria Fenberg (No. 137) (2020)
Season 7, Episode 11
SMH At Aram...Bad Choices In Women
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So Aram is standing nearby as the nurse administers CPR on the man whose wife he's having an affair with? I've said this before, Aram is like a child, has a child's mind despite the intelligence he shows with technology. He used to be one of the more moral characters on the show and then a semi-attractive woman gives him some kitty and he all of a sudden loses all the brain cells in his head.

Continued plot holes: why does Reddington have burn scars on his back. What is the Anchorage secret of the new agent?

If Agent Keen ask for "the truth" one more time, whisper her lines to try to make it suspenseful, or get teary-eyed again, I will throw my phone at the television. Megan Boone's acting is hideous. Although, the writing is below sub-par, I don't think she could pull it off if the writing was remarkable. I know with all the reviews of her bad acting skills, it could be deemed an act of cyber bullying so just get rid of her character and the negative reviews would stop.

Please explain why the Fenberg girl would go see the suspect in jail? The writers are idiots. As if government buildings are not under surveillance.

Will Aram continue to fall in love with everyone that shows interest in him and gives him "a piece" of her?
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The Blacklist: The Hawaladar (No. 162) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 8
Worst Profiler In TV History
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written so many reviews for a tv series. And they have not been all positive. Most of the reviews I've written are 6 stars or below. I'm trying to spare the will be watchers some pain. If you're binge watching this show....stop. You have been warned. Please read all of the negative reviews, they are telling more truth than the positive reviews.

The worst profiler in tv history. The backup babysitter tells you your daughter draws a picture of a dead man that she saw in the park....the park that the creepy neighbor took her to and you chop it up to she accidentally seen you watching a movie? The new chick is a better profiler than Keen.
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The Blacklist: Hannah Hayes (No. 125) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 7
Men Birthing Babies???!!!
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
WTF??? Even in the world of the unimaginable, a man can not carry nor give birth to a child. Oh my Lord, how did James Spader agree to perform in this episode? The people writing this episode must be mad scientist in the making in the real world. How could anyone come up with this madness unless they themselves are truly diabolical.

What happened to the armed men that were supposedly watching Agnes?

What medical personnel opens a door with bloody gloves? Anybody ever heard of pathogens?

Finally, a suspect that shoots a bad guy before the FBI agents can get a shot off and they did not shoot the surprising. (In my sarcastic voice).
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The Blacklist: Norman Devane (No. 138) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 5
The Show Writers Should Have Been Fired After Season 1
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really? It's great that Aram is sleeping with a married woman whose husband is wheelchair-bound? Who in the world is writing this garbage? The woman who says this, Keen would never have allowed Tom to move on if she was in that condition. Heck, Reddington would have had Tom killed if he cheated on Elizabeth. Wait...Reddington is allowed to point a gun at a federal agent without repercussions again? And as always the "good guys" arrive in time to head off a car, or stop a potential crime....just give them super powers already. I'm watching this in 2002 so I can only hope the series gets better before the conclusion of the show.
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The Blacklist: Kuwait (2019)
Season 7, Episode 4
An FBI Profiler Is What She Is NOT
5 September 2022
At this point I want to Google upcoming episodes and seasons just to get it out of the way. This show started going down hill after Season 1.

The writers wrote Keen as this top of her class, best ever, FBI profiler and she can't profile the creepy woman that has moved in across the hallway.

Let's think about something....she gets Agnes back and this woman mysteriously shows up. The men that are guarding Agnes don't recognize the creepy new neighbor? Why would Reddington not give Keen and the task force a description of Katarina?

At this point I started reading reviews in hopes of finding spoilers so I can fast forward through the episode because the storylines have become soooooo freaking boring and drawn out.
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The Blacklist: Louis T. Steinhil (No. 27) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 1
Aram Is A Child And Keen Is Just Awful
5 September 2022
Uh, not really a good season opener.

Aram is like a child you can tell fairytale stories to at bedtime and at the end of the story, when it's revealed the princess was saved, he asks a million questions instead of understanding the bigger picture.

Please do something about Keen's wardrobe. It's just awful. It doesn't help with her character development. And can we have one episode without her fake tears? Poor acting.

As I mentioned in a previous review, I lost a bet to a friend and so I'm forced to endure this season and two more. Not sure what my friend saw to be great about the show....other than Dembe, Brimley, and the fake Reddington (on occasion).
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