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Fall (I) (2022)
Silly teen movie. Sadly, insulting to female climbers.
5 May 2024
They can't climb. It's a fantasy. Pity about that because watching real climbers is so exciting. Could they have used real climbers to enhance the realism? No. Real climbers wouldn't have been idiots like this pair. So, is this movie meant to be about idiots? If you accept that, then you have to question why they picked females to demonstrate idiocy. Every way I look at this, it's silly. From an engineering perspective, the tower is an absolute fantasy. There are no guy ropes. You can't begin to criticize it from a climbing perspective because they can't climb, don't use the right gear, and don't even think of solutions to get down (which they could do even using the ridiculously limited gear they brought anyway). Eg shimmy down with loops of rope; could do singly, or counterbalanced- to save their lives. But, aside from this, for the height challenged, it is a source of thrills, which explains the positive reviews.
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Well executed but I didn't enjoy Mr Steven's nor his supposed repressed love - I doubt he was in love
20 February 2024
So much praise! I agree the movie was well executed. No doubt. But this story is about an odd main character, rather autistic in a clinical sense (autism means to be self focused and have little capacity for empathy), who truly lacks emotion about almost everything. Yet, observers project their own emotions onto Mr Stevens as if he was meant to feel them, but repressed them, but there is absolutely no indication of this. He clearly didn't care for anything except his routine in life and the surety and reliability of certain rules of living and stability. And that's ok for him and for many people. Now imagine if Mr Steven's was to have his stable life taken from him such as being dismissed. He would be as distressed as a child. It would rock the ground beneath his feet. It would be catastrophic for him.

Mis Kendall (his supposed love interest- again a projection of the observer) foolishly expected something other than what was there, and that is rather odd too. I can't imagine why some characters have so little pride. Better to move on - there are plenty of other fish in the sea! But, we are led to believe that this woman would have sacrificed her true and eventful life for an imagined one with the flat Mr Steven's. Who in their right mind would ever think that makes sense?

Mr Steven's had no regrets (or perhaps he had a sense he should have had regrets). He keeps going along with his routines and that makes him happy. The observer, unable to cope with that, assumes that Mr Stevens must have regrets, but he really doesn't! Should Mr Steven's feel regret because others think he should? Folk get all teary about it. It's all rather silly.
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Absolutely riveting in an era of appalling movie choices
20 December 2023
I gave this movie a 10. It is surprising in every way, with superb acting by Roberts and others. Modern day family dynamics intersect with strange goings on as the family gradually adapt to a reality they at first cannot fathom and dismiss. Story depicts the arbitrariness of the rules our society has adopted in everyday life, and when the rules no longer work, chaos ensues. The oil tanker merging onto the beach, directionless and powerless, is an example of that, and is a very effective tactic to demonstrate this point. Ultimately, it is humanity that is both mocked and valued by the characters with some very clever scripting to demonstrate this at the end. I also like the use of animals to tell of the tragedy unfolding even for them. This is an absolute cracker of a movie with both intelligence and heart.
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El Cid (1961)
Overacted, poorly directed, screeching musical score, incoherent plot overrated movie that is unwatchable now
11 September 2023
I confess I watched this movie for the first time after years of watching BenHur and other Heston classics and only because I was sick. It's Sophia Loren. I couldn't bare to watch her overacting. And yes, she totally spoils this movie. There is no chemistry with Heston whatsoever. Almost all her scenes are overacted and contrived to feature vain posturing of her face over and over again. And I read that she was unhappy about second billing to Heston. Perhaps someone had to explain to her that the movie is called El CID and not the name of her totally forgettable character. If only another actress had taken this role, but this isn't the only terminal flaw.

The musical score is screeching and disturbs almost every scene. The script is banal and even Heston commented on how awful it was. Scenes with huge armies and sets contrived for only a few words exchanged by the main actors.

I had to fast forward to get through this terrible movie and I sympathize with the poor students forced to watch this. I am three times their age and I couldn't stand it. Huge overindulgence and widely applauded at the time, this movie is completely unwatchable now. This movie is not a patch on the timeless Ben Hur.
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Vesper (2022)
Just wow! An incredible movie, intelligent, dystopic imaginings of a world so believable
10 August 2023
I did not expect this stunning creation. Congratulations to the film makers- a Lithuanian, French, Belgian co production. I was enthralled and transported to this dystopic life where humans struggle to survive in a world no longer alive with known plants. Life can barely be sustained in a nonedible environment now dominated by the products of genetically engineered plants. Wondrous but horrifying, amidst the devastation, the story of a young girl and her disabled father emerges. The story is hopeful and gentle with kindness and love, but there is also the brutality of lawlessness and cruelty. But there are worse horrors than that in a totalitarian 'citadel'.

The musical score complements the story and the art direction is outstanding, as is the acting.

Just amazing!
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Emily (2022)
Romantic, atmospheric, a balm to the soul, in todays soulless world
19 June 2023
Thankyou Frances O'Connor! A stunning movie that will last long after the comical period dramas produced today. Emily recreates the living environment of the Brontes but with an imagined love affair between Emily and the curate to inspire her writing of Wuthering Heights. Oh and how well it is all done! The landscape, the wind, the brooding, the rain, the sexual chemistry, the repression, the freedom in thought! Every emotion conjured by the novel, in also conjured within by this movie. It elevates nature, youth, our humanity, abandonment and loss to its purest form and reinforces within you the universal truth that 'love and to be loved' is life's greatest and only joy. Bravo!
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Not good. Infinite storm of beauty? No beauty anywhere.
9 November 2022
A tale of folk finding solace in their suffering. But it's not done well. Naomi's acting is excellent given the script and flawed storyline. But, you can't sit and watch a movie about being in the elements and just ignore the many implausible events that take place. You just can't believe in the main character and it all becomes a bit of a joke. These events did not need to be implausible. It could have been so much better with more realistic depictions of wilderness experiences. The plot did rely on these to impress the storm on the viewer, so it was important to the story. Alas, it mostly doesn't work.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Nope. Completely unromantic. Passionless and flat. No chemistry.
16 July 2022
Could have been good, but what can you do when the main actress has no emotional range and the script seems inconsistent and senseless? About as dull as can be. Such a pity.
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Severance (2022– )
Masterpiece. Can't sleep. Heart racing. Disturbing but exhilarating. Work of a genius.
18 June 2022
Stunning in every way. Like stumbling into a world that blurs your own reality. Hard to disentangle the experience of watching this season and the emotions it generates from my own life, and I am sure I am not alone in this feeling. Exceptional acting, cinematography, pace, script, writing, and is worthy of the praise it is receiving. Extremely rare quality production. The makers should be proud.
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The Lobster (2015)
I stopped watching after the unexpected events of the opening scene
5 April 2022
No. I didn't want to see that shocking killing of an innocent animal. Looked real to me. So I stopped watching. I was assaulted by that scene. I searched for internet information on that scene and was not able to be reassured by the film makers. Too bad.
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Nonsense posing as art.
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You can read the plot from other reviewers. In short, this story is someone's perverse 'idea' of motherhood. I don't know anybody who ever had such angst over the short period of time it took to raising two healthy daughters, with that anxiety persisting after 20 years. And with such anxiety, her daughters still keep in contact with their mother when they are adults. Moreover, they care for her! Why is that when this mother keeps talking about how awful it was raising them? In fact, to her, it was so awful that she bursts into tears at the sight of other children- a type of post traumatic stress disorder. She is so disturbed that she deliberately steals the toy of another persons child- for fun. This suggests she enjoyed the pain this caused the child. Do the daughters of this woman know she does these sorts of things to strangers and children? Beware of the grandmother when the daughters have children of their own!

So, who wants to watch a movie about these fantastical imaginings? Don't do it.
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No no no. It's bad. Real bad. Sorry for the actors and filmmakers.
1 January 2022
I guess the filmmakers tried hard to make a sequel after so many years, and good on them for trying, but so sorry to report that it just doesn't work. Needed extensive editing. Extensive. The beauty of the first movie is its tightness. Each word matters. In this film, the script is a mess. There is gratuitous fighting that adds little to the plot. Neo, is not really Neo and there is no point to this resurrection (in the title and previews). I waited and waited for a plot and it never came.

There are some interesting special effects but these in no way sustain the viewers interest.

It seems this was a committee effort as there is little coherence.

I am very disappointed as we made a group effort to see this movie together and had the release date in my diary. It was all for nought and we should have watched something else.
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IO (2019)
Beautiful, thoughtful, atmospheric and mesmerizing. This is what sci-fi is about.
23 December 2021
I was thrilled to have found this movie. It draws me back into it. I will be seeing it again. The pace is beautiful, gentle, dreamy but it doesn't lose its flow, and it doesn't sacrifice the science. Very rare indeed. Thank you to the makers for this beautiful, science meets art storytelling.

PS. The reviews do not do this movie justice. I have found that most reviewers just do not understand science fiction. Science fiction does not mean action and horror.
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Squid Game (2021– )
It is a story masterfully told- of redemption, of human frailty
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was very surprised by the quality of the storytelling. This story is like a parable, like Greek mythology, a simple story with a message, to make a point that life is not fair. We are not all equal, luck plays a big part in our successes and failures, and ultimately we are in a state of stupor going about our daily rituals, seeking something we don't have, driven by greed which in turn is driven by the desire to have fun and escape boredom, and some of us will do anything if we are given permission to do it and are rewarded for it. This story of humanity is universal, and can be told in a million different ways. The Squid game tells this story in its own way.

I think people are horrified at what humans can do to another person, but history has shown us that time and time again, most people are capable of the most awful things if they are scared, alone, are at one point powerless, and then at another point, given power and rewards. It takes a very special person to rise above this. Very special indeed. And if you think you are that person, you are most likely mistaken. This is why the ending of this series is so unpredictable, because out of the ashes, from the depths of despair, can arise a person who is not compelled to be bound by the arbitrary rules set by the powerful, someone who makes all the difference to others, who can see the truth, at last. It is no accident therefore that the writers have juxtaposed religion here and there and 'Jesus?' is asked at the right moment. Very clever in all respects. Thank you to all involved.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
It is all about Powaqua - magnificent film
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Astonishing movie from start to finish. You are immersed in the brutality of life in frontier country, with an understated musical score that heightens the pain, whilst whispers of voices in the ice and snow encrusted trees trigger a feeling of being lost in thought for this is the only connection with peace. As Fitzgerald lies mortally wounded he whispers to Glass that whilst Glass may have got his revenge for killing his son, this act will not bring his son back. The agony Glass has suffered is evident in his eyes, and he cannot but acknowledge the truth of it, but in the distance emerges Powaqua and her people, the daughter of the chief, on horseback they all ride past Glass, no words are spoken, it is Glass who had earlier rescued Powaqua from certain death, this was but fate as it was revenge against Fitzgerald that Glass sought, but suddenly we understand that it is her survival that God had intended all along. It is revenge for her defilement and pain that is the truth of the story. Absolutely riveting story telling. Thank you to all involved.
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Old (2021)
Such a fascinating predicament. Loved 'Old'
23 July 2021
Credit to those involved for an interesting thriller yet on a very low budget. Excellent entertainment with great cast, well paced, and the right length. I loved the focus on family and what it means. Left me feeling even more conscious of my limited time on this earth, and the importance of descendants. Life is short, we do our bit, we go, like all those before us, and oh so fast.
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Wanted to like it. Believe the negative reviews. This is bad, bad, bad.
10 July 2021 A shocker. Read the negative reviews. They nailed it. Chris Pratt is a great actor but this plot, script, etc was very poor, so it begs the question- why did this movie get the thumbs up to get made? It could have been salvaged with a much better plot and script. But the committee whose job it was to approve this story failed big time. Another reviewer said it was like Sharknado. Yep, I agree.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Great fun- innovative, intriguing, and want to see a sequel!
22 March 2021
We enjoyed this movie which was so well acted by all. It does set itself up for a sequel and look forward to that one!
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Imagine a revised script with a different Adam
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this series. It was gripping and brilliant. However, I agree with every comment about the Adam character. Now, I imagined what this central and pivotal character could have been like without the cliches. 1. Imagine Adam as highly likable, whip smart, well read, handsome, and thoughtful young kid. 2. Imagine him as someone who doesn't follow teenage fads, because he can see through them as they too a a type of orthodoxy. 3. But he isn't a rebel, he doesn't ridicule, he understands why other kids make the choices they do. He is a charismatic outsider. This may explain why the young teacher finds him attractive. 4. When the accident occurs, he is devastated. The Baxter boy is dead. Nothing he does now can change that. He doesn't call 911. He too is injured, cant breath, can't shout, drives (barely) to a hospital but stops at a kerbside, because he needs to remember if this really happened or was it a dream? He vomits. He, starts to shake all over, he drives home because he is now too scared to make rational choices. At home he vomits, is disgusted with the blood, showers, can't get clean, gets breathless again. Cowers in the corner. Father come home. Thereafter, the trajectory is similar except that Adam respects his father too much, can't think, and this is why he goes along with the deception. Once it starts, he is obligated to continue with it to protect his father. He despises himself, but is ripped apart internally due to opposing loyalties. This means the Adam character wants to talk, has to talk, as he thinks he is going mad. The father has to make a better case as to why they took this path. They need to continually remind themselves of this. Ultimately, Adam is not who he was. He turns to the Baxter girl to wash away his sins, but also to be consumed by them within a family that can live with sin. His father cannot do that for him. He wants to be baptized as part of the Baxter family. In my mind, this would have offered the actor playing Adam, a much greater scope in character development and would have been fascinating to watch.
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A visual feast, fun, sentimental film with a heart- excellent performances by Godot et al
8 January 2021
Really enjoyed this movie- thanks to the filmmakers. It was fun from start to finish. I loved the pace and I loved the sentimentality. Godot's Wonder Woman character has such a heart. She notices children, notices loss, and recognizes what it means to be burdened by strength, beauty, longevity, as these gifts come with a great responsibility. She is somewhat destined to pine the loss of Steve for decades. This intelligence and humanity is rare in these marvel comic movies. Godot nails the character. She is extraordinarily good in her role, exuding kindness and strength as well as perfect comic timing. I laughed many times at some of the lines. Pedro Pascal (the actor who played Oberon in Game of Thrones) was also superb as the villain with motives understood as human- greed, aspiration, frustration, pride and hope for his son. I say this to contrast with the unexplained badness of usual villain characters. There are moments of sadness, and there are silly moments that could have been cut, but I don't consider these as significantly diminishing the film. Overall, this is a fun movie that you may want to see again (as I do), and older children would enjoy. A note about the strongly felt negative reviews - I have read a few. Most of the discontent is directed to the sentimentality (eg pining for lost love) which is interesting as I found this to be the strength of this movie which gives it intelligence and heart. Some have said this diminishes WW as a female figure of strength. This is an ironic view as it suggests women should be more like men- a bizarre perspective. The other concerns have to do with marvel comic fanatics who feel their expectations were not met. I have to say that I really do not like marvel comic movies, so perhaps they have a point, so for those who just want to see a fun movie- check this one out. I think you will enjoy it.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Stunningly creepy, and 'edge of your seat' excellent movie
31 October 2020
We were engrossed from start to end. A skillfully constructed creepy thriller with original, unpredictable storyline. Never dull, fast paced, and lacking the silly tricks that less intelligent horror films tend to overuse. My companion is very hard to please and is almost never 'scared' in horror movies, but he said this was 'really, really creepy and very well done'. I was on the edge of my seat throughout. The ending was very well done. Acting was superb. Cinematography is also stunning. There are some truly scary scenes that have no gore nor violence, yet generate tremendous fear, perhaps by triggering some primeval survival instincts. Seeing masses of people behaving in inexplicable and potentially dangerous ways will do that to you. I don't understand the negative reviews, and glad I paid no attention to them. If you do not like horror or creepy films, don't go to see this movie. If you like mindless slasher films, don't go to see this movie. If you like simple storylines and simple scripts with pretty teen victims, don't go to see this movie. But, if you like intelligent, original, thought provoking films that play with space and time, and with universally identifiable fears and horror, then you are likely to find this movie absolutely fascinating.
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Joker (I) (2019)
If you have mental illness, you are expected to behave as if you dont.
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A credit to the writers and to Joachim (always been a favorite actor) for telling a story of a tortured soul who has struggled with being abandoned all his life, a mental illness from a head injury as an abused child, ridiculed for his illness- he just cannot get a break. Its heartbreaking. From here, the story sets up for 'the joker' as he becomes a dangerous murderer, but although the character says he has no political agenda, an anarchist mob wants him to have one. That agenda is simplistic and stupid - an attack on the rich- something never explained in modern times (rather hard to do in a nation of equal opportunity and social supports for those who need it). That's the Marvel comic part of it.

Its the clever study of mental suffering that is the heart of the story. Joachim nailed it.
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Parasite (2019)
Harrowing story of the crimes that greed and envy lead to
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie 'parasite' was harrowing. Greed and envy - thats what it is about. Lying, cheating family traits, inflicting these lies on a kind family who employs them. First the son - lies about his tutoring qualifications and he cheats his way into manipulating the underage daughter he is tutoring. Through further subterfuge, his sister, father and mother all end up working for the family. Unbeknownst to them, the family of lying 'good for nothings' have not only ruined the income prospects of former employees, they go stir crazy and it leads to double murder and countless horrible outcomes not shown.

Were they punished enough for the horrible things they did to that kind family who employed them? I believe the filmmaker tried to partly justify their actions based on the inequality of the social divide between one family to the next. If enterprise and cunning got this family into employment, why were these skills not used for employment from lawful means? The story is skillfully told but it is still a horrible story. There was little justice in the end, so it does make you regret watching it.
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JJAbrams nailed it. A genius.
25 December 2019
I live with a Star Wars aficionado. He knows everything about Star Wars. He was so disturbed by the film prior to this, that he almost had a form of post-traumatic stress. Yet...with trepidation we saw the Rise of Skywalker, and lo...the heavens lit up and all was right with the world. This movie is spectacular. Really, truly. It works and JJAbrams is a savior. Well done to scriptwriters, actors, special effects etc- thoroughly entertaining. Give yourself a treat.
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'Wolk' folk won't like it, but we (kids and I) loved it.
14 December 2019
A good old fashioned kids cartoon that ticks all the boxes for a simple tale that has entertained a thousand generations. My two kids aged 6 and 10 really liked it. The older one said it was better than the 'emoji' movie. I did like the cute depiction of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and of Trump and Melania. I liked the no nonsense 'bad guys' and annoying, cloying female. There are a couple of tense parts that are done well and add to the fun and adventure. The movie is not too long, and it certainly kept me entertained too. If you have a sensitive constitution about things that are 'woke' such as 'me too' or want to shield your little ones from stories of bad guys or such stuff, then you may be offended at the good old fashioned fun. Each to their own! The reviews are unfair in my opinion. Make up your own mind and Have fun!
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