
431 Reviews
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Zero Hour (II) (2023)
The talentless Justin!
26 May 2024
All I can say is what were Mikaela and Sarah thinking? This is one of the dumbest movies I have ever had the displeasure of watching. I mean what kind of a plot was that?! He fakes his own murder? No body? No cops?

I suspected this was going to be a terrible movie, even for an Indie, as soon as I saw the opening credits. Writer, director, executive producer, casting director and story writer, and last but not least actor being none other than this Justin Groetsch. Who? Exactly!

The opening credits dragged on for eternity. Too many pointless aerial drone shots. The video/audio was diabolical. I literally had to pause and get my nose almost to the LCD screen to make out the text messages!

I looked up this Justin fella's IMDb. He's been in a few well-known movies but only as additional crew! I was tricked into watching this disaster because I saw Mikaela Hoover and Sarah Dumont, both of whom I like and seen them in a number of movies. I am really disappointed in both of them for agreeing to be cast in this nonethriller joke of a movie!

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Mystery Island (2023 TV Movie)
26 May 2024
Oh where to start! I iknow it's a Hallmark movie and therefore the story would be pretty simple and everything, but this was a total disaster.

The amateur sleuthing by the doctor and her dolaly sidekick Jjaniie was beyong ridiculous.

The chemistry/attraction bewteen the detective and the doctor was extremely cringe.

Overall it was so bad that I would not recommend it to anyone, even if they are bored stiff and need to do something with their time. Trust me there are lots of things you can do when you are bored, but watching this is definitely not one of them.

The acting was bordering on pretty bad too!
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Sick (2022)
Nothiing memorable
25 April 2024
This was just a mediocre slasher movie with hardly any edge-of-the-seat moments. It was another COVID themed movie. I've seen a couple of others but they were quarantine themed.

Once in a while I come across a movie where I despised the protagonist and felt no sympathy towards them whatsoever. This was another one of those movies.

In this instance it was Parker that I despised. She was careless, promiscuous and very much self-centred. I felt sorry for Miri who suffered simply for being there with Parker. I felt sorry for DJ and Mr. Lyons who basically died because of Parker.

I felt sorry for Pamela and her husband and could understand why they were doing what they did. Simple revenge for their son's death because of COVID which they believed Parker was the one that infected their son at the party.

Anyway this was just an average movie which is surprising for Blumhouse because they usually produce some really decent movies.
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Wildflower (II) (2014)
20 April 2024
As a Christian I like watching Christian faith-based movies. So naturally this one caught my eye. Suffice to say I was extremely disappointed is an understatement.

The plot moved at a snail's pace. The acting was soulless and drab. The plot was all over the place. Was it a murder mystery, or a supernatural thriller, or a faith movie? I would say none of the aforementioned.

The issues the two main characters, Chloe and Josh, were battling with were not portrayed in a broader way, just enough for us to guess both their predicaments.

Like I said I like faith-based movies, especially if they are true stories such as Miracles from Heaven, Heaven is for Real etc. But this one fell short for me.
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15 April 2024
I don't know about the book series because I have not read any of them. But from what I observed watching this TV movie, I found the characters extremely cheesy and mostly stupid.

The detective was totally clueless, and miraculously an ordinary crime scene cleaner happened to be an excellent amateur sleuth, and her neighbor/romantic interest happened to be a lawyer who suddenly became her Batman's Robin.

Oh yes before I forget, the neighbor/romantic interest Mr. Riley Icringe crringe) was absolutely annoying. I don't know if it is his natural personality in real life also, but I have seen in another TV Lifetime Movie where he plays a fireman who also in that movie creeps into the protagonist's life.

Anyway this was one of the worst if not the worst whodunnit TV movies I have ever seen!
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WARNING: do not watch this! You'll regret it if you do!
8 April 2024
It must be a record for me how quickly I figured out who the killer is. The creepy professor with the thick French accent was annoying to the level of crawling under the skin! They tried to deflect the story by throwing a red herring so we would think we know who the killer is.

The dinner date with Thomas was full of nauseating cheesy dialogue. Oh heck while we're at it, the acting was abysmal on all counts, well with the exception of Autumn the daughter. I that's because she didn't have a longer time in front of the camera.

Thomas continued to be cringy. Gosh I am running out of things to day I hope I made the six-hundred characters, to get this posted.
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Mind Over Murder (2005 TV Movie)
Tori at her best being the worst as always!
8 April 2024
The only reason Tori Spelling is ever hired is because of her father's name. She has zero talent and creativity, and most of the time she seems to get the roles of sl-tty women with zero moral compass.

To prove my point in this movie she is an assistant DA who is having an affair with a married criminal defense attorney, and early in the movie she loses a murder trial to her lover and his client. I am no law expert, especially American law, but I am pretty sure that this is a case for disbarment of both on grounds of conflict of interest.

Now the movie itself. It starts off like any other crime/thriller movie but it soon spirals out of control and turns into a psychic mind-reading investigator story, with her suddenly getting supernatural powers after a traffic accident.

She is supposed to be this savvy prosecutor and yet she is carrying on with a slimy married lawyer, meeting him in hotel rooms for sex.

To cut a long story short, the storyline was awful, the actors were terrible. Not worth wasting electricity for 90 minutes!
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22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly do not know what the filmmaker's objective was here. Alice is the supposed protagonist who apparently is trapped by a trigger happy psycho (who served in the military) on a killing rampage and somehow is fixated on Alice and wants to kill her.

I almost immediately disliked Alice when it was revealed early on she was having an affair with a coworker. Even as she gave her sop story about being told what to do by her dad, her husband and her boss, and her diabolical explanation about why she was having an affair and I quote: "I'm not having an affair because I'm in love, I'm having an affair because I'm in pain" failed to get empathy from me or convince me that somehow she is damaged goods.

The killer seemed to know a lot about Alice. She did her best to refute his allegations/ assumptions, but again, that did not convince me.

The movie failed to entertain me on all levels some of which I highlighted above. The little girl at the end was pretty weird. After Alice told her to run she just lingered on and took a really good look at Alice killing the killer and dying herself before she burst into a run followed by end credits, where I had a massive what the hell moment.

For a really good thriller which is gas station themed I highly recommend Open 24 Hours starring the talented Vanessa Grasse and Emily Tennant.
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15 February 2024
This could have been a much better movie if a tiny bit of realism had been applied. There is no way on earth that the pilot of Air Force one would not have a Secret Service detail posted at his house and himself.

There is no way on earth that with just one phone call (calling in sick) a replacement pilot would be put on the flight without rigorous Secret Service checks and double and triple checks before clearance.

There is no way on earth so many weapons could be smuggled onto Air Force One, even if the terrorists had someone very close to the POTUS.

Other than that, the movie was ok I suppose. I generally like movies with female butt-kicking leads.
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The Marvels (2023)
One more bad review!
8 February 2024
One hour and forty-five minutes too long! Absolutely stupid movie with a stupid plot. Captain Marvel was far better than this diatribe. The only characters who were still consistently good were Brie, Samuel and Tessa, all the rest were rubbish. Kamala and Spiderman are in a strong tie for the worst and most annoying Marvel characters!

The music selection was absolutely terrible and at points really really annoying especially 17:55 to 21:00 range in the fighting scenes.

For a minute I thought it was a Bollywood movie, with all the singing and dancing which was nonsensical. The other two MCU movies which were made at the same time, the new Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy movies were far better than this rubbish! I don't know what DaCosta was thinking to be honest!

And yes it is ridiculous how Monica the daughter is two months older than Mary the mother in real life! Was there really a shortage of actresses to play Monica? Really? One more bad review!
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On the Line (II) (2022)
Total disaster!
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another example of a Hollywood star well past his/her use-by-date, in this case none other than Mel Gibson. Aside from the Lethal Weapon installments, he had proven himself in other works such as Gallipoli, Ransom, Fatman, Blood Father, the Beaver, Edge of Darkness, Payback, the Man Without a Face. I was not very keen on the Mad Max installments.

The story was a rip off of the superb Michael Douglas and Shaun Penn movie the Game. That movie was superbly done and in a league of its own. This movie looked like a high school kid wrote its script. There was no complexities or real plot twists. Towards the end everything just piled on each other in a very rushed way.

I honestly cannot even say the premise was good but the actual movie was not. The premise was quite diabolical actually. WARNING SPOILER: the practical joker gets his own medicine dished out to him. Nothing shocking.

Don't bother with this one!
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Black Adam (2022)
DCverse is getting worse and worse
5 February 2024
WW84 and now this! Two back to back crap movies. Oh and now we have a new Batman, Mr. Twilight himself! WTF is going on here?

Anyway Black Adam was absolutely stupid and meaningless. The.kid Amon was annoying from beginning to end. He just didn't know how to shut up! Terrible acting. You could tell he was really excited to be in a real Hollywood movie with big names! It showed in his acting. Karim, Adrianna's brother was also very annoying.

Dwane was just being Dwane and I cannot say anything negative about him I am a lttile bit confused about this ficticious country. Was it in Africa? Was it an Arab country? Or was it in South America? We have a character named Adrianna Tomaz which is a very Hispanic name, who has a brother called Karim, which is a very Arabic name.

The psycho ruthless killer Waller (Viola Davis) is also in this DC movie. Why can't anyone take down this evil version of Marvel's Fury?
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Emmmmm stoopid!
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This had all the elements and potential to be a good thriller, but it failed abysmally especially towards the end. It was a little bit similar to Halle Berry's 2012 movie the Caller in some ways.

The concept was pretty good in parts but it got pretty confusing. So she is a doctor and we find out that she made a mistake with a patient and the patient died of kidney failure. And her dad paid off the kid's parents (the Gabriels) so they would not sue his daughter Malina, the main protagonist.

What I do not understand is why and who took Malina's kidney? Apparently the Gabriels had nothing to do with her kidnapping so we can rule them out. And the story got lamer when it is revealed that her boyfriend Enno was involved in the kidnapping plot and apparently he showed no remorse or even inclination to help free Malina even after she begged him and told him she could get more money from her dad and she loved him. He only had a change of heart when Malina sent her sister Mona's ultrasound to him and told him she was pregnant. Only then did he do something but alas the kidnapper killed him and dumped him in the trunk beside Malina.

The melodrama in the trunk with Malina and Enno's corpse did not impress me one bit. Oh and on a final note what the hell was that stupid 1970s style pop song with the end credits?
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Laced (I) (2023)
What a mess!
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The three reviews posted here are so vague and misleading that when I watched the whole movie it confirmed to me that the reviews were just all over the place.

I despised Molly and especially Victoria from the beginning. Even if allegedly Charlie had done what he had done, murdering him was way over the top. Watching the movie it was pretty much clear to me that Victoria was a total manipulator and control freak. I am sure it was her who put the idea to murder Charlie into her head. Molly came across as naïve and weak and easily manipulated.

Then there is Austin, Molly's brother who is the sensible guy and tries to save Molly from the horrific mess that she has been put into.

I did not like the ending the way Victoria just drives off, but I am hoping that with the cigarette that Austin stuffed into Charlie's mouth, the cops would eventually catch up with Victoria and throw the book at her. Or I would have liked a better ending like Molly killing Victoria as revenge for killing her brother, instead of killing herself by overdosing.

One other thing, I think the little flashback at the end involving Molly Austin and Charlie seemed very pointless to me. It did not answer any unanswered questions for me.
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Zoe Gone (2014)
Despicable Jennifer!
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie's intention was for the audience to empathise with the Jennifer character, well guess what? It failed miserably. I despised Jennifer from the get go. She was immature, selfish and entitled. The last straw for me was when she said to her baby: "thanks for ruining my life." Emmm, excuse me but who was the one who ruined Jennifer's life in the first place? It was none other than Jennifer herself.

I am writing this review as I am watching the movie. Thirty minutes into the movie I still do not like Jennifer. I cannot blame her mother for the way she confronted her in the park when Zoe was abducted. She was telling the truth after all. Jennifer never wanted the baby and she did leave the baby to her own devices and went off to a party got smashed and she even said she didn't want to go home and wanted to stay at the part a bit longer. It was her friend who was trying to talk her into going home to take care of Zoe.

But seriously the story was so stupid. I mean how quickly Jennifer changed and suddenly became the caring mother desperately trying to find her baby was just silly. And her little prayer to God while holding the little fluffy toy, sorry but it did nothing to make me change my mind on how despicable Jennifer was.

The acting left a lot to be desired. I like Jean Louisa Kelly because she impressed me in Uncle Buck. Oh and I recognized Jeff Branson's voice from somewhere and when I checked his IMDb profile I was not surprised, he was in I Spit on Your Grave opposite Sarah Butler.

The bizarre twist at the end was just stupid. After everything she went through to get Zoe back, she decides to put her up for adoption, her reason being: "what's best for Zoe." Oh really? You don't have to lie. You got what you wanted, your freedom back, no baby to tie you down. Who knows, this might be a lesson for your to keep your legs firmly closed! -10 stars!
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ReSet (2022)
Good low budget flick!
29 January 2024
Surprisingly I liked this low budget independent film. In spite of the actors all being unknowns, I thought they were all slightly above average. The main characters, the antagonist and protagonist did a very good job.

I never got bored, which is rare whenever I watch a movie with just two characters in it in the same location throughout. The story highlighted the incel phenomenon, which by the way I confess I Googled to find out the meaning since I had never heard of the word before. Basically it is a term closely associated with an online subculture of people who define themselves as unable to get a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.

One other thing which really impressed me about this movie was the some of the actors were very much involved in the production too, from catering to script supervisor to makeup and a few more categories.

I was very much impressed by Alyssa Corella who was in the lead role. Her IMDb shows that she has done many shorts. I am quite keen to see more from her in movies, be they indies or mainstream.

I recommend this although it might not be to everyone's taste.
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Very entertaining!
25 January 2024
If you didn't watch the movie why waste time and space and post a nonsensical review? Just because the soundtrack did not include that atrocious teenybopper song of the same name you get disappointed and choose not to watch it? How old is this reviewer? Still live in the eighties?

Anyway with getting that off my chest on with the proper grownups review of this great movie. I will start by saying even though Collateral had a star-studded cast, I dare say this one was just head and shoulders above it.

Yes it was a low budget movie I suppose and it was filmed on location in Thailand but it was superbly done. The cast's English was absolutely superb for a start. The story line was very good. A grieving angry father wants justice for her daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law's death.

He goes into this knowing that he is not going to come out of it unscathed. He will either die or spend the rest of his life in prison.

The supporting actress, Vanida Golten, is an unknown to the industry. Half Norwegian half Thai, she did an excellent job in the supporting role. The connection and chemistry between Kai and Fha was superbly done.

I highly recommend this movie, and am still shaking my head at that totally idiotic review!
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Nowhere (II) (2023)
Good job Netflix!
25 January 2024
Netflix did a great job with Nowhere. Now I find non-English language movies a bit distracting, because reading the English captions, especially those that just disappear too quick before I get a chance to finish the whole line, makes it pretty hard to concentrate on what is going on. But with Nowhere I did not experience that. I could follow the movie and all its scenes and read the captions and not be too distracted.

Anna Castillo did a great job in this production. I would love to see her in a Hollywood production English language movie. I recall when Melanie Laurent played the part of Shoshana in the Inglorious Basterds she spoke no English and had to memorize her lines. But since then she has appeared in several English language productions including a TV series. I think Anna also has the potential for the mainstream industry too.

I thought the special effects and especially Anna's pregnancy prosthetics were amazing. She did really look like she was pregnant.

Now I know the biggest flaw of the movie was the fact that the container floated in the open sea. Yes I know that shipping containers would not have buoyancy and would sink, but still in spite of this flaw, which did not bother me, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I tend to be very picky with giving stars. If I do not like a movie or it just does not impress me that much I do not give them stars, not even one star, because it is still a rating, therefore it is pointless to give a movie any stars when it just did not do it for me. But this one gets 7 stars from me!
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Roadkill (I) (2024)
Keanu's stunt double! LOL
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OMG Uncorked have really messed up big this time! What the hell did I just watch? First off I totally agree on the Keanu Reeves lookalike, hell even soundalike! John Wick much? LOL The story was all over the place. The music was totally irritating. The dialogue was terrible. The actors all seemed to be genuinely struggling to play their parts.

The acting was diabolical, especially the sheriff and the deputy!

So basically this movie was about two psychos who were abused and traumatized as children. One had an abusive mother and the other an abusive father who sexually abused her and shared her with his friends and strangers to do with her as they pleased. Yes, because he had a little black book where he had jotted down all the names and addresses of his fellow pedophile friends.

What I do not understand is why psycho Driver had to kill the children too? According to her the man was a monster and he had to go, and according to her the woman also had to go for just being with the monster. But why the hell did she kill the kids? And why put the three bodies in the trunk and how the hell did they end up on the grass after the car blew up? So many questions and frankly who cares anyway, this was a disaster of a movie.

The only character that stood out was Danielle Harris, the veteran actress who only had a bit part but it was totally smooth sailing for her!
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Locked In (V) (2023)
Robert and Lina: despicable!
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So this was supposed to be a whodunit murder mystery. From pretty early on it was obvious which direction the movie was going in. I despised Robert from his first scene in the movie, because like I said it was obvious which direction the movie was going in.

Lina was the second person I despised, for her selfishness and greed and cruelty, for after all she was an accomplice in Jamie's murder.

I actually liked Katherine. She was straight to the point and sharp with the tongue and quite rightly so. And to be fair I think she intentionally seduced Robert so that Lina would see them.

Contrary to what one reviewer said, I did not find nurse McKenzie's character annoying or irritating. In fact she was very smart and had a rough idea what was going on even before Katherine could communicate. She confronted Lina about creepy Dr. Robert and his over-prescription of painkillers to Jamie, and she knew about Lina's affair with him and she was pretty sure the boat incident was no accident.

I would have preferred another ending, where both Robert and Lina died, because she deserved it too!
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Secret Liaison (2013 TV Movie)
Useless Brad!
16 January 2024
So Sam is a hotshot LA lawyer. She gets a call from her ex-boyfriend Brad who is a detective in their hometown Seattle and is informed that Bren(da) Sam's younger sister has been arrested and charged with murder. So Sam drops everything in LA and flies back to Seattle to take on her sister's case.

Overall the storyline is pretty good. But the annoying thing was detective Brad who was as useful as nipples on men. Basically he did nothing to solve the case and all the investigation was conducted by sharp lawyer Sam. He couldn't even win in hand to hand combat. He got his butt whooped not once but twice by the same goon. His only accomplishment was trying to rekindle the love between himself and Sam, which for the life of me I don't know why Sam fell for it, after all like I said he was not much help.

And in the end when the judge dismissed the case, Brenda thanked Brad for everything he had done to help her! Oh really? Exactly what kind of help did he provide?

Meredith Monroe was so so and for some reason I do not like Rick Ravanello (seen him in a few LMN movies). But I do like Nicole LaPlace, she is pretty and quirky. That's about it for this movie.
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Catfish Murder (2023 TV Movie)
Jack seriously p-ssed me off!
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that the actors playing "teens" looked and probably were much older. The plot was mediocre at best. I found the movie pretty much bland. The characters were all bland.

I did not like the way Jack (Helen's coworker) just crept his way into their lives. First he is very quick to introduce himself to Helen at the end of the meeting. Next thing Helen catches him snooping around in her office. Then he has the audacity to try to hook up with her and her response is telling her about her kids and husband who passed two years ago and asks him to leave her office.

One would have thought that would have been enough and he would get the hint that she is not interested. But oh no he does not get the hint or chooses to ignore it and what does he do? He shows up at Helen's house with a bag of takeaway food. Gia, Helen's daughter answers the door and lets him in.

Helen shows up and confronts Jack and tells him he cannot just push his way into her life. But on second thought she softens and asks him to stay for dinner.

I found this aspect of the movie absolutely pathetic. Especially when by the end of the movie creepy Jack and Helen hook up.

The writers should have chosen a different way for these two to get together, because if he is initially annoying on two occasions then logically they would have never hooked up. If the intention was for the couple to hook up by the end of the movie and become an item, the writers should have chosen a different path than what happened in the beginning of the movie.

To tell you the truth I was rooting for Jack to be the killer, and be taken out of the picture.
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The Kept Mistress Killer (2023 TV Movie)
27 December 2023
Yet another Lifetime movie depicting women as dumb, naïve, stupid and sl-tty! In this instance it is a professional woman called Catherine. Going for an interview at a firm she is immediately hired by the boss Paul, and the flirtations between them kick off straight away. On her way out she is confronted by a disgruntled angry woman Jackie who tells her that she took her job and warns her about Paul.

Next thing Catherine is out for a drink with Pam, Paul's receptionist/secretary, and Paul happens to arrive and Pam excuses herself leaving the two together. Paul takes Catherine home, and the next day she confides to her mother (who is also totally the same adjectives as I mentioned earlier) and confesses to her that she feels there is an attraction between her and Paul. Mother of course does not discourage her or even warn her that it is too early or that Paul is her boss.

Next thing the doorbell rings and it is a delivery guy who hands her an envelope. As mother and daughter go outside to investigate they see a top model expensive SUV parked in their driveway. She opens the envelope that was delivered to her and there is a note inside from Paul inviting her and her mom to a party at his house. Mom encourages her to go and says she won't go but mildly warns her to be careful.

Next thing there is another knock on the door and it is none other than Julie, Paul's estranged wife who also warns her about Paul. One would think that all these occurrences would be enough to raise suspicion in Catherine and for her to try an distance herself from Paul and his lavish gifts and cash bonuses. But on no she does not, and even after being drugged at Paul's house and waking up to Julia's corpse she continues to believe in Paul and she goes away with Paul to his hideout sleeping with him.

Anyway that is as far as I am going to narrate the synopsis. But my point is that Lifetime continues to spew out unrealistic garbage trash movies most of which depict women as weak and stupid.

I like Alicia Willis, but she did nothing but degrade herself by accepting the role in this movie!
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The Neighbors Are Watching (2023 TV Movie)
26 December 2023
Who jogs in the middle of the street with air pods anywhere let alone 'Murika?! This was the biggest most bizarre aspect of the movie. Otherwise. Kabby Borders did a decent job of acting.

I wouldn't really call psycho handsome! There are plenty of Lifetime regulars who are more handsome!

The other aspect which was unrealistic was how quickly they practiced tonsil hockey, with Amy not knowing anything about Henry!

The neighbors behaviour seemed realistic. It is not unknown how two-faced neighbors can be in real life! One minute tgey are all welcoming and friendly and next thing they gossip and spread rumours behind your back!

The plot was average and it was obvious from very early on who tge psycho antagonist was!
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The Pregnancy Promise (2023 TV Movie)
not impressed one iota!
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another Lifetime movie promoting irresponsibility among teens. So I read the other reviews and none of them highlighted the main issue. The movie is about two high school senior year sl-t besties, Skye and Lucy, and Lucy is the bigger sl-t than Skye. She wants to control Skye all the time even planning on getting pregnant together. And Skye seems to give in to Lucy a lot, which starts off by her sneaking out to a party with Lucy, even though her mother forbade her from going.

Lucy's mother is an alcoholic and there is not father, just a boyfriend. From early in the movie it is apparent that Lucy's mom resents her daughter's friend Skye and her family because they are rich.

The most unbelievable and stupidest part of the movie was that even after Skye finding out Lucy was behind all the cyberbullying and other stuff at school and that she had switched Skye's birth control pills so that she would get pregnant, aside from Lucy's mom's reckless behaviour, at the end of the movie they are all happy and chirpy having a barbecue and I am assuming Lucy got what she had wished for all along, to live with Skye's family. Absolutely diabolical. No moral lessons or anything, just a cheap garbage Lifetime movie!
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