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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
They Massacred My Boy
30 November 2023
The only reason I didn't give this one star was because it was great to see Tennant step back into the Tardis. And him addressing the Donna memory plotline was something that Dr. Who fans have wanted for quite some time. But...that hope dies off rather quickly. Or rather, it gets killed.

The nostalgic feelings for this reunion are quite immediately replaced by cringey dialoge and blatant hostility for the past. Which makes no sense, since it I believe the casting was done purposely to reconnect with the Fandom that have seemingly abandoned the series after its last few incarnations.

Other than an obviously increased production value, nothing has been improved from the Era this series seems to be trying to cash in on. And, to be quite honest, I'd take the campy feel and kitschy special effects of the original Tennant run over these because the story doesn't possess even a fraction of the heart it once did.

Look, I'm an American. So, Dr. Who wasn't a cultural institution for me as it may be for many Brits. I started watching with Tennant and his determination and positive outlooks were a staple that drew you in. And it made his moments of loss and sacrifice all the more poignant. He was a Timelord who accepted the reality and responsibility of that role. However, in this he seems like a whipped puppy who just takes the abuse, as if it's deserved.

Dr. Who, for me, was always a testament to hope. He faced numerous unimaginable hardships in in order to save the world. A world that, with all its faults and missteps, would continue on and evolve. That it's not the destination, but rather the journey that was the point. The journey and the friends you make along the way. However, after watching this, the world seems to have lost all its joy and even it's humanity. It makes you wonder, was it really worth saving after all?
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Great Except For The Ending
1 September 2021
I've seen many people compare this to another series based around a fictional kingdom with dragons. I'll agree with that mostly because like that one, "The Crowned Clown" just didn't know how to end. The only difference is while the former felt rushed, this ending seems to drag on way too long.

The acting, costumes, scenery, and action are all what we've come to expect from South Koreas blooming movie industry. And the story being based off of Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper" has no trouble bringing England's post-Reformation drama into Korea's bloody Joseon period. A time when heirs to the throne rarely died of old age.

However, as well as everything came together, I think this "dish" got left on the stove just a little too long. As a result of this, while you'll most likely binge watch the 16 episodes of this series (as I did), you may find the ending drags a bit too long. And that ending, which should have been satisfying, feels more akin to something you'd see on a daytime Soap Opera.
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Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Almost Perfect Sports Drama
29 August 2021
I would've given this show a 10-Star review if it ended after the first season. Heck, maybe if they stopped after the 2nd or 3rd. But, no. The writers continued the show for a full 5 seasons while removing a majority of the principle actors for younger characters with new storylines.

Now, while the latter seasons weren't "bad" per se, but just seemed to lack the weight of the ones we had already experienced. Add to that some not so subtle "All West Texans are bigoted rednecks" (even though the respected town mayor is an open, if not closeted, lesbian) and you find yourself at times rolling your eyes.

That said, I believe the show ended EXACTLY as it should. So, whether you like sports movies such as "Varsity Blues (1999)" or TV dramas like "This Is Us (2012)" you will certainly not want to miss watching this.
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A Realistic Action Thriller
22 March 2021
I'm not going to comment on critics in this as I think that's been done in many other reviews already. I will just talk about the movie.

This is definitely worth watching. But, it is not for those faint of heart. It does show a graphic, visceral and very real view of violence. And that is it's saving grace. This is not "Die Hard" (1988) or "The Expendables" (2010). All the characters in this film are human. They feel pain, get scared, have flaws, and yes...even die. You can ALMOST turn off your sense of disbelief while watching this, but that only adds weight to the atrocities contained within.

This is best displayed by the protagonist Zoe Hull, played by Isobel May. She is an angsty teen girl dealing with the death of her mother to cancer, raised by her ex-military sniper father, facing the waning days of her senior high school year. She is thrust into a shooting/hostage situation and uses her wits and cunning to save not just herself but her entire school. She is not a Kung-Fu expert or super ninja. She is simply an ordinary person put into an extraordinary situation. A situation that never truly gets an explanation and certainly not what you may call a happy ending.

So, to reiterate, this is worth a watch. It's certainly worth the $12 a month Daily Wire subscription required to watch it as that is currently the only place it is being streamed.
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Not Sure Who The Villian Is
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too much about what is wrong with this film has been said already. So what I'll offer is a unique perspective. What if this is not a superhero movie, but rather an origin story of a villain. That would at least give a purpose for Capt. Marvel's apparent disregard for anything other than proving she is better than anyone else. The movie winds up being a movie about "the hero" trying to save the alien refugees but glosses over the fact that she killed more of them than she saved. She risks her friends life and possibly leave a child an orphan for kicks. And she blows up thousands of people that were her friends literally 2 days earlier while yelling "whoo!". So, just think about that ...or anything really to make this trash watchable.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Stop After Season 1
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The premiere season of this iconic Character adaption was a "must see" of television. The action is gritty and real. And, for guys like me, technically sound. Other than one glaring suspension of belief involving a drone strike, that is.

But, the globe trotting story has also got heart and even consciousness. Telling the story from many perspectives, and showing that even the "bad guys" think they're doing the right thing. A sad truth of the real world. Allowing us to see that geography and maybe one or two huge moments can drastically change who we become.

Now add to all this fleshed our characters who you can actually identify with and you have the making of "The Next Great Series". ...

But then the 2nd season comes out and ruins it all. From first recycled and implausible episode to the very moment they kill off a fan favorite character with, ironically, little fan fare the writers seemed to use the sophomore season simply to dismiss all the things that made the 1st season popular.

I could guess that progressive ideology and anti-capitalistic sentiment is the reason, but I'll let you decide after watching. That is, if you don't listen to me and stop after the amazing final episode of the first season.
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Mary Poppins (1964)
A Must See For Every Family
9 March 2021
This is a classic film for not only children, but for the child in all of us. Filled with wonder and magic and music that you will remember for generations.

In a world where everything seems to be offensive and problematic, I'm sure someone will find fault with this film. But simply watching it, really watching it and seeing the messages contained within one can find a world worth living in. Even today.
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Not A Space or an Apocalypse Movie
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential to be something more about dealing with regrets at the end of our days. With a few cinematic scenes and cool VFX thrown in sparingly, it could've even been so on a very modest budget. Perhaps even a single room drama set to the desolate background of the frozen arctic would be more identifiable to viewers than what was presented here. Instead, it seemed to have used George Clooney's star power to throw out huge dollars to make a movie that never becomes the big budget Psy-Drama that had gained popularity since the "Bird Box" movie.

First, this movie never embraces any genre fully enough to build any real drama or obstacles, but rather uses cliché tropes that can be seen from miles away. Unlike the futuristic spaceship radar that can't seem to see meteors until they're hitting the ship. But I'll come back to that. The forced tension is so palpable in this film that every opposition is met with eye rolls instead of gasps. From knowing which characters are meant to die and even what the "twist" will turn out to be. You are never left feeling or even wanting to know what happens next.

Okay, but IMO, the biggest drawback of this entire movie is the necessity of the viewer to believe in inner-planetary travel yet completely disregard rudimentary understanding of weather, or technology or human anatomy or any sort of basic common sense.

An elderly cancer patient in subzero temps will die of hypothermia in minutes. They will not be able to traverse for miles in an Arctic blizzard with enough strength to fight wolves. A spacesuit that gets punctured by a meteorite traveling at thousands of mph will not be casually noticed a few minutes later by a few floating blood globes. A crew of astronauts returning from Jupiter towards Earth will not get lost. And the technology that allowed such travel would not only not work until it suited the plot or be as useless to not even detect what was immediately around the Earth's orbit.

In summary, I'll repeat. This movie could have been a great character film dealing with a dying man's regrets of the choices he made choosing his career over his family. Perhaps even showing that his own loss, however tragic, proves to serve a purpose as to save the last of humanity at least has merit. Instead we are left with a movie that never delivers on any front so the viewer is left with no real feeling at all.
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Sicario (2015)
A Superb Modern Western
20 November 2020
This film dark, gritty, and suspenseful in all the right ways. Starring Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place) as an FBI agent thrust into the violent heart of the Mexican drug cartels by the by the strange, sandal wearing Graver played by Josh Brolin (No Country For Old Men). A secret operation into Mexico is being launched and being spearheaded by a quiet, well dressed man named Alejandro, this being Benicio del Toro. Blunt's character, FBI Agent Kate Mercer, just doesn't fully know what her role in this operation is nor the full extent either side will go to to win a seemingly never-ending war.

Considered one of a trilogy of films written by the masterful Taylor Sheridan (Yellowstone) that include Sicario, Hell or High Water, and Wind River this movie has all the hallmarks of his work. Long slow burns of tension and sudden explosions of indiscriminate violent separated only by vast, desolate and often hauntingly beautiful scenery. Honestly the score by Johann Johansson was itself almost an integral character in this film. Director Vilenueve uses all the stellar talents in this film flawlessly. This is a movie that pulls no punches and therefore stays with you long after the credits have rolled. From numerous quotable scenes, the sweeping landscapes and outright brutality of certain moments this will be a standout for quite some time. Even compared to it's subpar sequel.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Wet Fun To Kill 90 Minutes
20 November 2020
This movie was actually pretty entertaining. You know what you're getting from the opening scenes and it doesn't require too much thought, so just turn off the brain and enjoy the carnage. The CGI and effects are nothing spectacular but the acting is pretty good. Barry Pepper and the lead actress make the most of the dialogue and the cramped scenery. Again, a fun movie if you got some time and nowhere to be for an hour and a half.
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High Crimes (2002)
Better Version Already Exists
26 June 2020
Not going to say much about this film other than I believe it was made to cash in on the success of a previous collaboration with the two lead actors. Something that is reinforced by the poster for the film itself.

However the chemistry between Judd and Freeman is definite, but better showcased in "Kiss The Girls", a far superior film. This film, in my opinion, found both actors going through the motions while the majority of the film being carried by Cavill's quiet intensity to his role.

Add to the fact that the motivations and loyalties of most of the ancillary characters are never truly explained, as if the writers knew they wanted a twist but weren't sure what it was until after filming had already begun. Add a few "deus ex machina" moments and the final scenes lack any real punch.
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Firefly (2002–2003)
A Great Movie For Those That Loved The Show
26 June 2020
The only reason I can't give this review 10 Stars is because for anyone who hasn't watched the series will have no emotional attachment to the characters. Their motivations, their backstory, their relationships are all just assumed for anyone who was not already a fan of the Serenity family.

Aside from that, it has action, comedy and tragedy (It is Joss Whedon) packed into a somewhat implausible conspiracy theory movie. So, even though the film works better as an extended episode, it is still well worth a watch to the Whedonverse.
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Nobody's Fool (2018)
Haddish Is Funny To A Point
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tiffany Haddish is very funny in the few parts she isn't yelling how she's going to somebody up". It made sense in the first 5 minutes to set up how out of control her ex-convict character is but it got repetitive very quickly. Sadly, unlike the run time. This movie being made so quickly certainly showed as a serious re-editing.

For starters, there's a whole work subplot that was unnecessary and unfulfilled including the best friend/coworker that seemed only there to say "Girllll" and set up the phonecall cliche where the love interest hears the protagonist say insulting things causing a predictable rift. Speaking of which, the protagonist was someone who you don't even like by the end of the film.

Now, with everything bad, there were some genuinely good pieces to this puzzle. Mostly it's Omari Hardwick's performance. Coming from his powerful role in "Power" he easily chews through the scenes with the little he is given. He elicits the proper emotions needed for every situation, and his quiet strength makes a good balance for Tiffany Haddish's over-the-top role. Another great sense for comedy balance also comes from the legendary Whoopi Goldberg as a hippie mother type. Definitely some of my favorite parts.

Again, this is good for a watch if you're already a fan of Tiffany Haddish and paint by numbers rom-coms with a "bit" more swearing. Just don't expect a "Tyler Perry's You Got Mail".
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Turn Off After First 15 Mins
24 March 2020
The opening of this movie is incredible! It's most of the trailer that sets the movie to be something incredibly different from what it ends up being. What's left is over an hour of recycled parts from the first Sicario and attempts to expand character development without any real reason.

While Josh Brolin did his best to carry this in his limited parts, and DelToro mumbled his character familiarity the best he could this movie seems to have suffered from a different director. Sweeping shots that mimicked the first film break up a jumbled redemption story filled with an endless supply of forgettable henchman.

Again, the opening was extremely powerful and disturbing, but the rest of the film lacked the weight of the original. So watch this if you simply want to see a subpar sequel or don't mind being let down slowly after an amazing crescendo.
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Women Seeking Women 35 (2007 Video)
Only one scene worth watching
2 January 2012
I bought this movie after watching a scene off the internet. It wasn't your typical masochistic scene, which seems prevalent even in only female on female adult movies these days, but actually contained a measure of intimacy. It was incredibly erotic and sensuous and VERY enjoyable. The women were not silicone nightmares who moaned unbelievably but were naturally sexy and "acted" as they actually enjoyed pleasing each other.

However, it was also the only genuinely enjoyable scene in the video. Which is probably why it starred the headliners of the skin flick Bree Olsen and Ariel X. The two make the slow build up and eventual release ALMOST worth watching the other three indistinguishable scenes.

The movie contains a total of 4 scenes, all FF, two involving toys. There is an attempt of a "set-up" plot-wise in all but only to give the viewer a setting. The other women besides Bree and Ariel mostly possess overly inflated implants and almost no believability. But, again, the final scene is well worth the view, but I'd recommend watching it on-line rather than buying. Men, women, and couples will not be disappointed by this "goddess" and her friend.
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Stealth (2005)
A Bit Of 2001 and a Bit of Top Gun
19 August 2006
This is a film set in the near-future. Revolving around three pilots of a state of the art warplane. Lt's Gannon (Josh Lucas), Wade (Jessica Biel) and Purcell (Jaimie Foxx) are the best-of-the best at what they do. And are a little put out when informed they're receiving a new member to their squad. But not as much as when they discover it's a prototype unmanned airplane that is capable of doing things they can't imagine, like learn from their every move. And after a lightning strikes Tin Man (as his wingmen designate "him") in very Short Circuit fashion Tin Man begins to believe he is above all orders. He then proceeds to wipe several targets off the map. Even one in the heart of Russia, threatening to start WWIII. It's now up to our heroes to bring him down without dying themselves. This movie wasn't exactly original, and in by no means a feat of CGI. But it did have some good points in it. Mainly being the AWESOME soundtrack featuring Incubus and Gavin Rossdale's Institute,beautiful scenery and plenty of eye candy for both genders. Which, seeing Jessica Biel in a bikini, makes this film definitely worth checking out.
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Rebel Highway: Roadracers (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
One of Robert Rodriguez's Best
19 August 2006
Dude Delaney (David Arquette) is seen as the town "lost cause". At least to his girlfriend Donna's (Salma Hayek) parents, and the town sheriff (masterfully played by William Sadler). But it doesn't matter to Dude since he won't run like his father did, years ago. So the sheriff sets his son, Teddy Leather(Jason Wiles) to finish Dude off, once and for all. Luckily Dude has some plans of his own. It comes down to timing, as Dude is in a race to make his dream of being in a rock band, even all scores, make his girl happy, and keep from becoming a grease stain. Originally released on Showtime's short-lived series, Rebel Highway. It was BY FAR the best of the show, and (in my opinion) one of the best film's to date. It contains everything a movie should. It has love, humor, violence, revenge, fast cars, and great music. Not to mention a cast that fits their roles perfectly. A definite must see for ANYONE who is lucky to track down a copy.
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Suicide Made Funny
19 August 2006
In this film two college roommates, Josh(Tom Everitt-Scott) and Coop(Mark Paul Gosseler), find out there is such a thing as having TOO much fun in college. And with Josh being on an academic scholarship, and Coop's father threatening a future in the family toilet scrubbing business. Realize there's nothing left to do but....that's right, get drunk. While in their stupor they enter a conversation with former alumni from their college. And are enlightened to an old rule stating that any student who's roommate commits suicide, gets an automatic 4.0 GPA. And since neither wishes to "take one for the team", set-out to find the most suicidal person on Campus.

This is a great comedic film. While campy in some respects, there are a number of great characters especially that of Cliff(Lochlyn Munro)who basically makes the movie. And the chemistry between the two leads is phenomenal. Viewers be wary, though. This movie does tend to get less funny after the thirtieth time you've watched it.
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