
97 Reviews
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Overrated Depressing Spiral of Self-destruction
9 August 2022
First let's say that there's some good acting here but the writing is all over the place and the third season is very weak especially compared to the first two.

The show follows a familiar trend where characters refuse to grow/change for the better while wallowing in self-destruction. I'm sure this happens but it seems all too common with shows these days, it's getting old.

Another problem with the show is the lack of fighting, it has some but is far and few between. The realistic nature of how the MMA business may be true, I have no idea but if it is I'm surprised it's a business at all. In the show, world champions get paid barely anything if at all. The decietful tactics seem possible though, however if everything is factual then like I said, I'm surprised fighters would partake with so many other options.

All in all, this show has some good moments however it drags on while adding some really lame characters and side stories. There's also some very odd decisions and actions that established characters make. An example, Ryan is a guy who beats people up for a living yet breaks down when almost killing a dude who broke into his home. This after being no stranger to people being killed, it's stupid and annoying writing.

It's not the worse show but not even close to how high the rating is.
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Prey (I) (2022)
When You're Out Of Ideas....
29 July 2022
Overall, if this was not a predator film it would have been okay but since it is, that's the major problem. While I'm sure natives could have taken out a predator with overwhelming force, I don't think they would have. Why? Because history shows that they would more than likely worshipped it. That being said.... About this film.

The first film which has the most praise had two special forces teams almost wiped out, the previous team before dutch arrived was wiped out.

Then, the 2nd film had one predator take out loads of armed thugs and it seemed it was going on before the film started.

So for context, the two best films in the series had set up these predators were tough to deal with. The other films are worse in all ways though predators is actually decent. That one captured the spirit of the first one and is much better than this new film on every level.

When you look at the first film, the second, and even predators one thing stands out.... You need to be smart and adaptive to beat them.

This idea works in the favor of the new one however it's insane to think that such a small person could take down a predator. While the character may be smart, in all the films the predator kicks the crap out of the lead character, a beating that a small female certainly can't take. Sorry, but it's true. That's the thing with this film, they wanted to make a female led predator movie and in Hollywood wisdom they came up with this!

I mean why not continue off of predators which is generally liked? Why not work in a female lead that doesn't feel forced, like in Alien? I'm all for females kicking butt but so many films made today fail to do it well, it's sad.

That all being said, this film isn't complete doggy-do but it is not the predator film that comes close to the original... Sequel... Or even predators.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Good follow up though the forced "diversity" ruins cohesion
22 June 2022
If you like Vikings, then you'll probably like this though this show takes even more liberty of adding fiction to tell its story. A big thing is using people of color to fill the "diversity" check list, for example using a poc woman in charge which didn't happen during this era of viking rule. If you haven't watched any media in the past few years, try watching shows/movies that showcase all poc or say they only work with poc, it's blatant racism yet here it is ruining historical cohesion.

Other than the forced diversity, the show lacks any good actors as the Vikings series before it had. I'm not saying it's poorly acted, it just isn't as well acted. The other thing that's distracting is the loosely followed story that's even more than the original series. Sure it makes for a show but they could have been more careful.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Absolutely Poor Acting and Storyline
9 June 2022
The "super hero" thing has become too tiresome however there's more and more of it. It's gotten to the point that they're putting out stuff with hardly any acting abilities and cheap CGI from top notch places like marvel/disney. I don't like most of the TV shows from either DC or Marvel and this looks so much like those shows only it's too preechy and seems more about telling the audience over and over again we've got a POC star.

First, the leading actress has no acting career so it's teeny bopper disney at its finest which is horrible if you have any love of decent acting. Secondly, the CGI is very bad, probably the worst that disney+ has done which is saying something as it's been worse than any film. Third, the storyline is way too cheesy and poorly executed.
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Billions (2016–2023)
It's better to finish strong than keep it going
2 June 2022
The first four seasons are rather good and engaging however season 5 feels like it's just there. The show really should have ended after season 5 though it sadly didn't. Season 6 changes things up in a big way yet keeps things the same. There's some intriguing events that occur but it lacks the big star of the first five seasons.
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The Horde (2016 Video)
Braindead and Great Mutant Killing
23 May 2022
The dialogue is really bad, the CGI is poor, but there's a lot of violence and taking out human garbage! Honestly, this film doesn't hide how cheesy it is and if you can't tell from the trailer it's meant to be a laugh then the jokes on you. I'm amazed how many "reviews" make it seem one needs to be dumb to make this flick enjoyable. Looking at some of their higher rated films makes them big hypocrites.

If you're after a lot of violent bad guy mutant killing and annoying characters taken out, this is for you. It's cringy dialogue and stuff but it's fun especially high.
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A Slap In The Face Of the OG Show and C&D.
23 May 2022
If you needed another reason to think ratings on here are a joke, this is a good one. Over 7 currently, what is wrong with people?

Let's get the first thing out of the way, the mix of live action and cgi/2d. It doesn't work like so many other attempts.

The next big problem, the voices which are so pathetic and not even trying to keep the voices authentic.

The best big issue is the music, whether it's the bad pop music or the rap music that seems to be put in all of these cartoons lately, it's all out of phase with the content.

The only good thing about the film is the original series got a bluray release. The new sonic films at least try to do things well and stay true to the source. If you love the old show, any of the classic Chip and Dale shorts, or good films this is an easy pass, don't waste your time.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Good but Not Taken Level
23 May 2022
The Alzheimer's thing is a bit odd but it adds a little new twist on these types of films. The film does show how much the wealthy can get away with doing whatever they want and the police are corrupt as hell. I hope that money can't buy an entire swat team but it sure can protect child abusers/traffickers which the Jeffery Epstein and his mistress prove.

The cool thing about this film is a few of these scumbags are taken out while the good guys/woman are stopped at every turn by their corrupt bosses. The ending of the film is great however it could have been better had some corrupt "authorities" been dealt with as the cycle will keep on going.
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Poor Remake Not a Sequel
17 May 2022
The lead guy is a pale replacement for Arnold but the lead actress is actually good at her role. The real issues with the film is this is a REMAKE, poorly executed and rushed relationship between the US Marshals, and how it copies way too much from the original.

There's some okay action though.
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Slaxx (2020)
One of cringiest films I've seen
12 May 2022
Right from the start the film is really annoying, unless you like bollywood music or whatever and it only gets worse. There's plenty of bad music but what's worse is the horrendous acting, if you can even call it that. It's clear they're trying to show how fake and over the top these employees/management need to act however it's like nails scratching on a chalk board!

The film follows a young girl on her first day which is actually at night where she's treated really bad by the staff and is forced to buy her own work clothes at a very expensive clothing store that says it's eco this, safe that, great treatment of "labor" workers, non gmo cotton, and the list goes on. As the shift goes on and they are restocking the store for a big release things go bad.

The cgi is bad and the violence is tame if you can even see much because it's mostly blood. There are some body parts and stuff but it's after the kill. The only thing that was funny is how fake the entire company is and everything is a lie. If you like bad music, horrible acting, and poor cgi then you may like it.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Started off great
10 May 2022
Misleading trailer. Starts off great with a family deep in the woods knowing how to hunt and live. The husband and daughter spend time hunting until they believe a deadly wolf is back and then after the husband goes after it he finds a few people at a site and then things get ....odd.

Could have been a great film but his wife makes a serious mistake that ends up changing her life unfortunately but the husband apparently wasn't prepared for what awaited him as well... Other than the typical ending, there was a surprise thing the wife does and something she sees that sets her off to do this thing, you never actually see what was done to set her off sadly.
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Poker Run (2009)
Do we really care?
9 May 2022
The stupidity of the two men with wives is great, they actually thought they'd get involved with these upstanding looking bikers while bringing their wives. One Young couple, the other is older. The young guy has a hot wife and wouldn't you know, it she decides to leave him in the night at a hotel and have sex with the lead biker. Little does she know he had his own ideas.

After cheating on her husband I had little concern about her welfare so the rest of the film seemed pointless, the dumb husband risks all to save her cheating butt. The other wife is at least faithful.

There's some good violence here and there and the poker thing is cool but the film is just so silly because of the characters.
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Man really is the worst creature
9 May 2022
My major complaints about the film was the opening where it was hard to make out because of the blurry images and fast cuts showing the woman living in the wild. The second issue I had was the pace, it felt unbelievably slow. That being said it did deliver in showing, at least in the narrative's point of view, that there is something worse than something uncivilized.

There wasn't anything that shocking in terms of who the husband was or why the older daughter was acting a certain way. It wasn't as violent as I expected and the ending was a bit weird.
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Deadgirl (2008)
Disturbing, slow burn but satisfying in some ways
9 May 2022
The film does drag and could have had more trimming. That being said it's deeply disturbing, on both the deeds done by these young men and the mystery surrounding the girl in the basement.

The dream girl of one of our main characters is a stereotypical popular girl in high school who ditched her childhood boyfriend and is with a real jerk of a jock boyfriend. The ending is satisfying but leaves a few unanswered questions.
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Open 24 Hours (2018)
Takes a long time
8 May 2022
Interesting film and yet it feels too long. There's some good violent deaths mixed in along with some nice added twists though they're not too hard to figure out before hand. It's better than some newish-types of these films but it could have used some tighter editing, feels too long.
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Outback (2019)
8 May 2022
Right from the start this film is telling the viewer don't bother watching me! A couple travels to Australia and the guy is a grumpy knob and there's no way any happy-go lucky woman would put up with that. Another thing that's really screwed up is after the guy gets stung by a jellyfish his girl refuses to pee on the wound, I was shocked just shocked. The rest of the film is just more of mr grumpy and his girl doing dumber and dumber things. Avoid.
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If you like bad acting and to be bored
7 May 2022
A good hour passes before anything interesting happens that doesn't involve dumb relationship nonsense and betrayals. Even that gets boring fast as there's no way four people would let some stranger walk around like they did in the film. After more dumb actions by our troubled love birds, they fight and eventually cops show up.

What seems like forever, the cops interrogate the house renters until revelations are made about what's going on. The only good thing about this film is some of the kills but it doesn't make up for all the annoying stuff.
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Trick (II) (2019)
Interesting then it falls hard at the end
7 May 2022
The film starts off good and with plenty of intensity. Unfortunately around the last third the film begins to become lame, following one of the survivors at the beginning along with some kids taken to a maze. It's so tiresome having kids in these films because they never get killed and the only thing they bring is annoying whimpering. Eventually things heat up and the truth behind trick is revealed. I didn't like the way they went with trick because it could have been so much cooler.
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The Shortcut (2009)
6 May 2022
Somehow a old killer isn't that scary, maybe it's me. Ms Bowden is hot as hell which is a plus and there's some suspense. There is a bit of a twist but only if you never have seen these types of films.
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Halo (2022– )
Seriously, the bar is so low
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing this was never going to follow the books or the games, I gave this a shot and it's a bore. After episode 7 I'm confident in saying this is screwed up. Only action is a couple of episodes while the rest are overlong dialogue and annoying backstory of Master Chief.

The worst thing other than the constant removal of Spartan helmets is the new character Kwon! Oh my lord is she annoying and horribly written. Who the hell thought this was not only a good idea but green lit the dialogue?

The cgi is okay to crap and when there is action it's okay. They also planted a human with the aliens which seems even cheaper. The backstabbing from the unsc is really annoying and makes me happy that halo 1 didn't have all this crap. Honestly, this is such a joke. I loved most of the games and knew we'd never get a reused story but this is just a F you.
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Raze (2013)
Lame fights and dumb ending
5 May 2022
So women are found and taken only to fight to the death in a prison of sorts. They are told if they don't then loved ones will die. The fights are lame in the sense that most of them are strangled in various ways. The most annoying thing is at the end when a certain person should have "cleared the room" but didn't. Seems really stupid and of course led to the pathetic end we get.
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Starts out okay
5 May 2022
It's got some nice fights though the fight with dolph really stinks and looks really fake. The story isn't new but it does have a twist that usually doesn't happen which was nice though sad. My real problem with the film is the weak bad guy and how the film ends. For a female focused fight film it's one of the better ones though if it had better fights and more of them with a better ending it would have been much better.
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Where's the revenge?
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's lots of rape/revenge films out there and this is one of the lamest ones. The first girl at least puts up a fight but even still, getting killed or raped and then not knowing what will happen while living through it.... Anyway, this film shows the cops as being dumb which if you look at recent stats it's still the same outcome, the law doesn't care about women.

The goal of the film is having previous rape victims join up to fight rapists, though they really suck at it. They capture one of them and pour blue dye on his junk then threaten him. That's about it, and then they fight amongst themselves and ultimately it comes down to one women to take down the rapist while the others submit to him.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
Mel once did great films
2 May 2022
The film has very little Mel Gibson, he's becoming just like Bruce Willis by doing these horrible dtv flicks. You can tell the budget is low and while that's never going to ruin a film, it certainly isn't helping.
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You probably need to be on meth to enjoy
2 May 2022
The film really doesn't have much going on, probably because the budget was so low and the writing couldn't get over that. Basically you have two meth heads that find out they're going to be parents so they plan to rob a rich person's home only things go wrong (big surprise).

What occurs is an accidental murder and a whole lot of lame dialogue between three characters that seems to on forever, where's the jewels, we gotta kill her, and you can't do it. The most annoying of the three is Serah Henesey's loud screeching voice, it's so bad I got a headache. Seriously, did no one in post production hear this?

The end of the film is typical and is so expected. Bottom line, if you wanna see a whole lot of crack/meth smoking, arguments a plenty, and very little things occuring it's for you. For everyone else, you'll need to be on meth to enjoy it.
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