
368 Reviews
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Overrated film
14 February 2024
Throughout the movie I stayed confused about the plot, like who is a robot and who is a human? When everybody looked the same as others?

The movie is incredibly slow and boring, I felt sleepy and confused, and I think the script writer and director also confused slaves with servants, how come in this movie slaves are depicted to have high-tech gadgets to support his virtual girlfriend, flying cars, free to drink or roam around in the bars, like so illogical, it hurts!!

Overall I think this is just a oper hyped movie, there is nothing much in the film that makes sense or atleast keep you interested.
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Good movie, time well spent
13 February 2024
The name may sound very basic, but the movie is extraordinarily good, the twists and turns are totally unpredictable.

This movie has everything (except for in-between dawoodwood belly dances). It has love, heist, drama, revenge all total is going to keep you entertained till the end you will not feel any disappointments.

Some acting improvements like Gautami's less serious facial expressions kind of takes away the momentum, and could've added a few intense breath-holding moments, but till the end, you will not feel any disappointment as the story is already fully jam-packed with enough content.
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Bheed (2023)
Poverty porn
12 February 2024
All about unnecessary sex scenes, caste angle, poverty porn. It started with a pathetic scene where people randomly slept on train tracks and died, next up crowd contained in a highway and getting beaten randomly, and then comes the casteist colonial propaganda about how a so-called lower caste dating a so-called upper caste but failed to get an erection, so he blamed it upon his stoopid child "trauma" where her so-called upper-caste dad supposedly prohibited his free moment in the village, which gave him that trauma, along the movie I was having my facepalm on, what can I say? I liked the torture?
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A message for the Politicians in a satirical way
11 February 2024
It's a direct message to the corrupt politicians and how they use the police as their personal guards, waste the time of the public servants and use them to prioritize their insignificant personal matters.

Overall it's a good move with good actors without wasting budget on any popular Bollywood faces, till the ending it felt like a little stretched to meet the timeframe, but it was a time well spent.

The story I'm not going to spoil, it sets in a rural village and how a local MLA there used police force to find out his missing Jack Fruit from his garden, while there is a teenager missing from the village.
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Kabzaa (2023)
Very superficial
11 February 2024
Ye kya bawaseer bana diye ho?

Movie felt like a suffering, watching their overacting and melodrama just drained my inside and made my bowels empty, they made it worse by attempting to link this with India's Freedom struggle, if they had made this movie separate from anything fo with worldly rules and events, and made a separate world like Batman, etc, it could've been much entertaining, but they had to made it cringe, and they have made it.

Also, it ended with a meaningless cliffhanger, it all felt like I was watching a TV serial, in which nobody gets interested in finding the follow-up in the next episode.

The acting was also not great, overall very bad.
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Good story and acting
11 February 2024
Good plot, it's very similar to the movie Babumoshai Bandookbaaz', the story is about Karma and how it ultimately returns. Tho plots like these have been re-used many times in the older pictures, but to me every time it comes entertaining with a different characters and added flavors, makes the theme never boring like Zombie thrillers.

Overall the performance of Aayush Sharma was very natural, his acting felt very genuine, he has quite the charm of a rebellious teen, a good actor.

The only issue I have is how they depicted the Mahabharata war as a war between two criminal gangs, like the plot of this movie and depicted Shri Krishna as a Police officer, a mastermind peddler of the gang war.
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Bachubhai (2023)
10 February 2024
As a non-Gujarati watching this film with the help of English subtitles made a bit engaged and distracted reading the bottom, but the acting and similarities of Indian languages helped me many times comprehend the meaning without even reading the English subtitles, this movie has many serious emotional moments, and light humor all total makes it a sure masterpiece. In our college life, we surely have seen one or two such middle-aged people fighting for a degree, they are skilled by many times they are just refused a job or canceled just because they don't have a degree, which is understandable. And often times many young teenagers also bully them and show no sympathy or ask what circumstances made them struggle for a degree at that age. This movie in an entertaining way really helped me open my mind. Thank you.
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Go Goa Gone (2013)
Hawalawood and their cheap flush-outs
31 January 2024
Wannabe Dead Island, but it's nothing but a cheap garbage production of "Bollywood", I want to ask Bollywood how shameless they can be, you are making garbage like this in the name of "Movies", what do you think of Indian audiences as some brainless robots? Whom you are just going to manipulate and feed literally anything?

This is the end of the golden era of Hawala, Mafia funding business of Bollywood, ordinary people are not going to fund this crap of an industry anymore, Actors who work in this industry are just bunch of pimps and Actresses are just manipulated, exploited, and consumed by the Bollywood Dallas.
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Made for kids
31 January 2024
As an adult it all felt too cringe, Bean's character is suited more for Pogo, and Nickelodeon, but not a movie where you will see him speak in words. About the plot it is as much predictable as it can get, but this time less serious and more random.

The funny part of this movie is that it has an old age child, who is somehow recruited for an serious job, which he seems clueless about, but luck always helps him complete his goals.

I would be again saying this movie if I had watched in my childhood, I would've given a much higher rating, but you know, when a person becomes mature and serious it all fades away, brain forces eyes to see things rationally and not hallucinate.
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Total garbage of a movie
20 December 2023
Low-quality choreography cashed on the theme of COVID-19 with a clueless plot, using only cremation footage as a medium for mockery of the Indians, a huge waste of time and resources.

It's a wannabe movie, the director may have felt proud and thought what a revolution of a movie he had made, but in reality, it's the kind of disappointment one father can feel after seeing his boy doing mujra on TikTok.

Overall, it's entirely a shameless scam, who knows, maybe Hawala, just created a random film to convert some money in its name.

The authorities should inspect the entire industry about how they operate and make money when nobody even bothers to see even trailers of movies like these.
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Made for kids
20 December 2023
Decent movie, felt a bit cringe watching it as an adult, the main target audience is mainly kids and teens, clearly not made for adults, if you have seen typical superhero movies earlier, then you will easily predict as expected superhero actions of saving the world without caring about the casual property destruction in their fights.

This movie is merged with Wonder Woman. Seemingly there is a process going on in building DC characters, expected it to be similar to the Marvel Universe.

Overall, it's a good move to watch with kids, or niece, or even you can watch this with your kids and wife (if you have one).
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Varisu (2023)
Literal garbage
17 November 2023
11 minutes into the movie and they didn't miss any chance to showcase a meaningless song, and at the end of that song, they showed a wrong map of India, where parts of Kashmir and Ladakh were missing. I mean sure you don't care about the country where you live and earn money from, but at least care about your money, Indian people are no more naive, they are more aware of their country and surroundings. Indians are no longer going to buy your literal garbage which you serve as "movies", they will be ignored just like how you ignore the very basics about India.

A foreigner mistakes about the official Indian map is understandable, but you doing it clearly intentional and bigotry.
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Farhana (2023)
Clickbait now happening with Movies too
7 November 2023
At first, it felt like a feminist film, where woman typically revolt against the patriarchy, but till the interval it popped like a bubble, and took a sold U-turn, I guess the movie crew understood the worth of their heads, lol Anyway, this movie makes absolutely no sense, the plot is baseless, a woman from a typical Muslim family tries to earn a living but is not allowed by her typical society, still, she makes it somehow, being so submissive, shy, still cracks a call center interview, but she was not happy so she tried next step by joining an adult call center for better pay... Overall it all felt like a joke.
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65 (2023)
I think it was nice, but...
30 September 2023
Good story line, could've been improved to merge with our current earth timeline as a more meaningful friction, but it didn't. Some attempts and symbolism were made to draw the parallels, like for example when the girl drew some doodles in the cave wall to signify her mom and dad (family), and how earth developed cities and buildings in the ending time lapse, but they skipped the gradual progression towards it. In most of the movie tries to make you familiar with the suppose environment of Mesozoic Era, and a objective to reach from point A (Crash Site) to point B (Escape Site), which could've been a great video game plot idea, like the video game BulletStorm.
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Die Hart (2023)
A Gigantic FLOP.
30 September 2023
Worst possible plot, boring, totally meaningless storyline, absolutely cringe worthy.

From beginning I thought it's an AD, but then it turned out to be a movie, which still kept me engaged in watching because of Kevin Hart, soon it turned out randomness, extremely low budget, and clueless, the Plot seem to have been generated by a AI, very low quality.

Overall, I'm still confused about the target audiences of this film, weather it is made for kids or adults you will not be able to get, because it has the plot suitable for 8yr/olds but casual, suppose to be "funny" curses will make it seem 18+.
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The Haunting (2023– )
Just jump-scares
30 September 2023
Same old Cringe Horror movie remake, the only content it have is enormous amounts of random jumpscares, and load of typical BS like making suppose "ghost" crawl in the wall like a spider, playing hide and seek, calling on phone (maybe from an STD booth, lol), it all make no new innovation in ghost movie genre, just reusing the same old stuff for the infinite amount of time, no good story no depth, it all starts with so much randomness and stereotypes.

Overall, I personally don't feel horror from predictable movies like these, maybe kids and teens or people who have not seen many horror movies can get scared by this, but old horror movie fans will mostly sit back and predict everything 30minutes ahead of the movie.
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Prom in India?
25 September 2023
This is just another student of the year Lite, absolutely horrible adoption from Aristocratic American schools (minus the guns), this is just another detached from the ground storyline you can find, even the native Americans under centuries of imperial European rule, holds more self values than these Hollywood leftover adopters. About an half hour into the movie, you will get to feel the cringe, it will make you feel like you are watching an Anglo film with NRI brown actors just for sake to maintain the on paper "diversity" checks.

Lastly, my recommendation will be to not watch movies like these, these movie makes are seemingly over stretching their imagination by putting nothing of value, but a copy-paste from their white masters and how they spend their livelihoods.
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Meg 2: The Cringe
18 September 2023
From the beginning to the end, it's filled with cringe worthy dialogues, this movie is a flop in every aspects from plot to VFX, it is nothing but a stupid caricature with clickbait thumbnails luring people to watch hoping to see something mind blowing out if the deeps of the ocean, but it's just a huge nonsensical disappointment they made, enough to make your brain hurt, they hired some popular actors who are famous for their action movie roles, which is very well to appeal kids age upto 12yr/o, but as a teenager you will feel bored and will leave half way, because it's just too stupid and boring with a very predictable plot.

Overall, please don't waste your time, find yourself something better and logical.
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Rebranding of Queen and King story
9 September 2023
At this pace I'm also expecting to see a movie based on Flappy Birds, Subway Surfers, Candy Crush... lol, jokes aside, I think the movie is well made based on the old lores of king and queen and evil force who want to destroy kingdoms, stories like these which you can never get bored of listening to, every generation enjoys these stories with added more enhanced modern flavours to it, from kids to adult everyone can spend their family time watching this movie together. It is a good quality animation production, from script to film all stands perfectly harmonised.

Go watch it, you will not regret even if you are a grown adult.
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72 Hoorain (2019)
Not made for non-muslim audiences
5 September 2023
This movie approaches the issue from a soft logical perspective to the Muslim community without offending by using any straight forward Qu'ranic references like 78:33, 37:48-49, 38:49-54, 44:51-57, 52:17-20, 55:46-77, 56:7-40, 78:31-38, etc. The movie created a very provocative hype in non-muslim communities by its title and mysterious thumbnail but in-movie contains a very soft rational approach towards the concept of afterlife paradise. It tries to put logic in mind of those who believe "Is'lam me akal ka koi dakhal nahi." Translates to "In Is'lam there is no need for interference of rational."

And with it's ending it showed a Aayat from Qu'ran 5:32, they should've red the following verse of 5:33 too, it clarifies everything.

So overall, if directors were confident and kept your storytelling validated through the scriptural references, then it will be far more logical and educational content for both muslims and the non-muslims, otherwise I'll say this movie is just created to make some money with a below average script and actors.

If this movie was produced to make the radicals really watch and use their moral compass to reconsider about what they learn in Madrasa, then they should've made this movie by a Muslim director and the title and imagery less provocative and more generic like "Afterlife Paradise" or "Jannat Jahunnam", etc. Instead of offending the Muslim community to not even watch the trailer and Non-Muslims to stay confused.
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Simplified impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic
5 September 2023
This movie is a very simplistic non-political approach on the impacts of COVID-19 in Indian society, like the positive aspects done by the administration, the negative aspects have also been kept aside and story goes through a very stereotypical approach revolving the migrant workers incident, I will call this movie a bait on the people who wanted to see some political bashing attacks on the government and some negative footage on the Indian population suffering corpse burning, etc, but the movie took a hard drift from all political controversies and stayed on it's track of presenting a story of how COVID-19 impacted every economic classes of the society.

Sure it could've been more serious involving political decisions, but that would've just ended up in a debate, cause either you lockdown or not, the blame you had to face in both ways, because in this country in opposition meaning you have to oppose everything and manipulate the public.
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A Thursday (2022)
Another Hollywood movie plot adaptation
5 September 2023
The plot of this movie is recycled like thousands of times in Hollywood, and now its force-fitted American scenarios where guns are easily available into India, first of all, from where did she got that handgun and ammo to hostage even Indian Prime Minister into the negotiating table? Also it is the peak of shamelessness when you get sympathy for her terror acts by bringing up her mental state and what happened to her at her minor age of 16, it's a ditto copy paste of American Criminals, if you watch True Crime podcasts, you will know how they bring all kind of childhood traumas to show their mental stage and justify what happened, but still the penalty stays the same for them in USA, it's only India where if you prove the perpetrator to be mentally challenged then Indian law also gives you the freedom to commit more "mistakes".
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U Turn (2023)
Plot confused between paranormal and psychological
5 September 2023
It make no sense at all, one moment it tries to portray things to be paranormal by showing things happening behind ghostly logic, and 2nd it tries to portray things to be well planned conspiracy of a mastermind, this movie is one of those few clueless low budget Hollywood murder mystery where just before the movie end the plot logic reveals and uncover the random plannings of a mastermind who was working not from the shadows but while staying near you, it's an extremely shallow way of fooling the audience into thinking the movie was mind boggling but actually it's totally the opposite if you reconsider into details.
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Haraamkhor (2015)
Cringe and potentially illegal plot
19 August 2023
Bollywood have now started making next generation "romantic" movies depicting physical relationship between a minor and a grown married adult, it's no better than the internal culture of Urduwood, it's very obvious to see the outer world with what you experience in your personal life. The movie is very lazy, there are depictions of village communities as chapri, like how the star kids of Bollywood mafia behave. They depicted a village atmosphere as such slums, it shows the director have grown up watching the stereotypical movies like "slumdog...", and his personal home culture, like his mother having random physical relationships with teacher and stuff.

Overall, if you like "movies" like these even a bit, there is sure something is wrong with you.
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Good movie, worth watching.
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very beautiful movie, has a rich storyline, involving many emotions, just the acting was a bit outdated, bit over dramatic like old movies.

The story is full of struggle, tragedy and pain of a village girl whose parents were murdered in the middle of a night by some political rivals, she which her uncle managed to escape the village to a city, to a known relative, but due to economic reasons she had to start performing in a bar, but with the earnings her uncle start spending them on liquor and one night he tried to rape her, which betrayed her trust, shaking her to even thinking about committing sucide...

Not going to spoil more, there is a lot more to the story, it is a 2hr long story, you can watch, it's available for free.
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