
14 Reviews
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I See You (II) (2019)
Stereotypical Characters
2 July 2020
This is a boring movie. I didn't care about the characters, because the writing isn't that good.
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Van Helsing (2004)
A Hollywood Dud.
12 January 2020
This movie is an excuse for Jackman and Beckinsale to prance around and speak grandiose lines, while excessive use of CG makes the movie look cartoonish. I searched for a plot, but couldn't find any, and I remember walking out of the theater, halfway through from sheer boredom during the initial screening. Van Helsing isn't scary, and it's not funny, so what is it? A Hollywood Dud.
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Prospect (2018)
Boring and predictable writing sabotage "Prospect."
19 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever I see a new science-fiction movie, I'm always hoping it will bring me into the story. But nothing is so jarring as terrible writing. "You remind me of your mother," the father says to his daughter in the first ten minutes of the movie. Really? That's the best the writer can do? And then, let me get this straight, millions of dollars are spent on a production of this movie after the producers read that line? Wow! Please AVOID this stinker of a slow-pace science fiction movie.
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The Wind (II) (2018)
Incredibly boring movie!
7 July 2019
Please avoid this absolute stinker of a movie. The trailers are an artful ruse to fool you into thinking this is a scary movie. Vague looks into the distance, disjointed dream sequences, and NOTHING happening in the first 30 minutes of the film, all conspire to make a snoozer of a film. Terrible!
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Glass (2019)
M. Night Shyamalan is back in top form with "Glass."
15 May 2019
I went in watching this movie with low expectations. I mean, most critics gave it lukewarm reviews. Most of the critics were wrong! "Glass" is a wonderful film that features great performances from Bruce Willis, James McAvoy and Samuel L. Jackson. The cinematography is superb and the direction is faultless. Mr. Shyamalan is back in top for, and you don't want to miss "Glass."
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The Endless (I) (2017)
An truly atrocious film...AVOID!
13 May 2019
A good film starts with good writing and acting, but you won't find it in this stinker. I've tried watching "The Endless" twice, and both times I couldn't make it past the first half hour. This looks like a C-grade film school movie. Avoid.
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Fantastic acting by Willem Dafoe and a must-see for a Vincent Van Gogh fan!
6 May 2019
At Eternity's Gate is a movie about Van Gogh's life, and it attempts to show his vision of the world and what he hoped to accomplish with his paintings. The movie succeeds mainly because of the incredible acting talents of Willem Dafoe. He IS Van Gogh in At Eternity's Gate, and as I was watching, I got lost in the beautiful cinematography combined with Dafoe's brilliant acting. If you're an admirer of Vincent Van Gogh, this is a must-see film!
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Searching (III) (2018)
A Movie To Avoid!
26 December 2018
"Searching" is one of the worst films I've seen in a long time. The plot is manipulative of the audience, the dialogue is incredibly weak, and the acting is just horrible, with the notable exception of John Cho, who's wonderful acting cannot save this clunker. And, this is the only movie I've ever seen, where a wound switches sides on a character's face. That's right, a guy gets punched, and in one scene he is cut and bruised on one side of his face, and in the very next scene, the wound magically switches to the other side of his face. My girlfriend and I laughed at this incredibly obvious mistake in continuity, but it speaks volumes as to the lack of care this movie received from both the writers, director and editor. Avoid.
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Upgrade (2018)
Great Science Fiction Action Thriller!
23 September 2018
Upgrade is well worth seeing. The plot, acting, direction and special effects are all first rate, and I was surprised at how well done it is. Every good movie has to start with a solid plot, and Upgrade has one! I won't give out any spoilers, but like Soylent Green and other legendary science fiction movies, Upgrade engages the audience throughout the twist and turns in the plot. I'm taking off one star for a bit too much graphic violence, but otherwise this movie is a winner!
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Vision Quest (1985)
The quintessential 80's movie
5 September 2017
Whenever I view a film, afterwards I ask myself the question, "could I have made a better movie at the time?" The answer for me, for "Vision Quest", is no! Vision Quest has a fantastic script, a bunch of talented actors, and smart direction. I'm not sure why it is ranked so mediocre on here, but that's a serious mistake. This is a GREAT film, that is especially poignant for older adolescent viewers. I highly recommend you watch "Vision Quest"!
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The Babadook (2014)
Three stars is generous
5 September 2017
"The Babadook" is one of those movies that starts off really well, and then plummets into predictability. By the last third of this movie, I was looking for the exit, and I was feeling sad that I had just spent $8.00 US to see it. Please AVOID this letdown of a horror movie. The plot is just so weak, that it is pathetic. If people on here awarded this a 1-star, I can understand that. I will never again see "The Babadook".
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Much better movie than we expected!
3 September 2017
I see this movie currently has a 6.2 rating on IMDb. In my opinion, that is far too low a rating for a movie with this much going for it. The script is well-done, the cinematography is absolutely fantastic, special-effects fantastic, the acting is mediocre, but you can't have everything or it would be a 10! Not much gore, but instead has plot twists that caught my son and I off-guard. Seriously, rent or buy this movie, and watch it late at night. It will give you thrills and chills, and that's what a good horror movie is supposed to do.
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Unbelievably boring!
30 August 2017
I think the death knell for a movie is if it's considered boring. And this movie bored me to tears! But beyond the tedium of nothing happening for the first half of the movie, was a host of other problems. Who wrote this script? At one point, one of the character's says "cellular phone." In my world, and probably yours, people call it a cell phone for short. Unrealistic speech by all of the characters, permeates this film. Then there is confusion on who these girls are, where they're coming from, where they're going, why they're going there, etc. And it's NOT scary! Not at all. So AVOID this movie, and save yourself some time and money.
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The Neighbor (II) (2016)
Well-done thriller!
30 August 2017
This is a very well-done thriller, that got a lower rating than I think it deserves. Fine plot, good acting and great cinematography (minus the strange intro), all contribute to a great film. Just ignore the mediocre ratings, and rent this one. I was surprised at how fine a film this was. You'll be surprised too!
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