
6 Reviews
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Less Than Perfect (2002–2006)
Rue rocks the 22nd floor!
16 November 2006
An an Australian we always have to wait for shows to come to us way later than they air in the US. The WB's Popular didn't come on until summer of 03 and I loved Sara Rue's portrayal of Carmen. So when Less than Perfect aired, I watched with heightened anticipation and I was not disappointed. Rue is now Claude (Claudia) Casey. A temp at broadcast station GNB that became the PA of anchor Will Butler (Roberts). Her best friends Owen (Dick) and Ramona (Sheperd) are excellent with their wacky characteristics. Roberts did a great job as superficial Butler until he left (end of season three). The cast is also filled with Pretender star Andrea Parker as vain Lydia, and Zachary Levi as Kipp or "Secretary". The addition of Will Sasso as Carl, a likable idiot and Patrick Warburton as power crazy anchor Jeb Denton were excellent choices. Less than Perfect is a happy 1/2 hour show definitely worth watching. But you better hurry if if its getting cancelled!
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Tripping Over (2006)
Intertextuality involving scenery of the world
27 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tripping Over, a news drama series just aired in Australia. Comprising from some great Aussie actors including, Rebecca Gibney, Lisa McCune, Abe Forsythe, Daniel MacPherson and Brooke Satchwell. This series is interweaving story lines connecting with characters in Australia and London. Kicking it off with the death of Tamsin's (Alexandra Moen) mother, five 20 something people Tamsin, Ned, Nic, Lizzie & Callum hook up for a mini holiday in Thailand before travelling onto other destinations. Ned (MacPherson) is a former soap star of fictional "Next Door" trying to make it big on the London scene. Nic's (Forsythe) reason for London is his girlfriend (Satchwell). Lizzie a travel agent is travelling the world with boyfriend Callum before returning home to marry. Tamsin's on her way to Australia due to her mother's dying wish. The first episode was certainly eventful with a boat that most characters are on blows up and all dive into the water to survive the blast. Callum comes out to his girlfriend Lizzie, and they break up. Tamsin and Nic hook up due to upsetting nature of the boat blast. Ned spends most of the episode on the toilet after eating dodgy noodles. Parents are also involved with the plot, Ned's Dad (who we discover is not his Dad after all) is trying to adopt with his younger wife (McCune), and Ned's Mum, a restaurateur (Gibney) has a minor role so far, but should increase with the discovery of Ned's non-Dad.

Ep 2- a lot less eventful, but still chaotic. Ned gets told his Dad, is not his. And guess what? It turns out to be his uncle! Lizzie's having visions of the man who died in Thailand, Tamsin decides to stay in Sydney after finally working up to telling Sam about Nic, only for him to be asleep (how convenient!!!) Nic starts working in London as a teacher and has sex with a stranger on top of a car. And Callum becomes a party animal to escape his pain of losing his lover in Thailand.

After watching two episodes, I really don't think its worth watching. It's definitely a shame with the effort they would have put in with the international filming and all. And even if I do watch it again, it's only because House went to the season final.
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Real Stories (2006)
A great piece of Aussie TV!
26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Duo Hamish Blake and Cleo's Bachelor of the Year (2006) Andy Lee not only host a radio show, but are writers and creators of this excellent new current affairs parody "Real Stories".

Blake and Lee with other great Australian comedians including Ryan Shelton arrive on our screens every Tuesday night at 9 (repeats of season one air after Rove on Sunday). Narrated by Greg Fleet, guest appearances include Rove McManus, Blair McDonough and Dave O'Neil.

Topics include street accountants, a man grounded for the past 15 years and still stuck at home, William Shakespeare's musical "The King hath farted", New Zealand's flood crisis, the Australian Insitute of Sayings and "Hey Dad" the movie. Most recent are call centre parrots, backyard makeover disasters, underground choir movement and the horrifying addiction of skill testing.

"You've got to resist the thrill, to test your skill"-Blake.

Blake and Lee are fantastic and show their versatility each week with the interchangeable characters that they portray in each real story. The host Jennifer Adams is also a great comedian in her own right.

It's definitely worth watching. I give it 9/10. I look forward to a second SEASON of this SERIES. I hope it gets picked up so we can watch more of Blake and Lee's comic genius.
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H2O: Just Add Water (2006–2010)
Mermaids in Oz
3 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Quick and easy: 3 Aussie girls Cleo, Emma & Ricki,(all with opposing personalities, for some added tension whenever it suits) get stuck on a boat, land on an island and their only way back is through magic water. From then on whenever water touches their skin, they immediately turn into mermaids, just like the series title connotes. Life is then a very strange journey for the girls and their time to accept their new powers concerning water. There's the nerdy side kick 'Lewis', a young scientist and trusty friend and Miriam the class bitch who's nasty comments just show her immature personality. Tweens will love the show, but anyone over 13 will recognize the Friday afternoon time slot and the "kid type" plots that come along with it. However it is good to see some Australian shows on our screens.
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The books is always better than the film
23 May 2006
Hey guys! This movie should be seen and is good for what it is, but the book was way better. Good point I can say were, the cinematography was great, the locations were cool, excellently shot. Silas frightening entrance in the Château Villette had me jumping off my seat. Paul Bettany did a great job with his European accent. However some questions must be raised with the screen play. Where was Sophie's brother? Where was Sophie's love for her grandfather? Why was Langdon arguing with Teabing when discussing Mary Magdalene in Château Villette? What was the point in having Sauniere not Sophie's grandfather? These things just would have made the overall script tighter and the 2 1/2 hours more enjoyable.
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East of Eden (1955)
Read the book please! This version is junk!
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't read Steinbeck's book, than you would have to think that the 1955 version was terrible. The movie cuts into about the last 200 pages of a 600 page book and many events and characters have been cut out.

Where's Sam Hamilton? Where's Lee?? They are integral characters that shape the story! Some characters have been made up. i.e The bullied German character only had 2 words in the book, and he's been given 1/2 hour in the movie.

You watch the scene's between Cal and Cathy and we are given no history as to why Cathy is the way she is. There was no back story of Adam and Charlie, which is why Cal and Aron are so similar to their Dad and Uncle. Please read the book. You will learn so much that has been cut out!!!! This movie ignores the essence of the story.
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