
2 Reviews
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Cars 2 (2011)
Not as bad as you'd think and looks lovely 😊
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original cars movie. It is one of those movies I can stick on and watch nonstop without it ever getting old. So when cars 2 was released I was excited for more Lightning McQueen and friends.

Cars 2 starts differently than its predecessor. It's like a spy movie instead, with fast paced spy cars and villains (like from a cheesy bond film) We see Cars fighting and doing stunts for a bit, and we are introduced to the lead spy Finn Mcmissile. It eventually cuts to Radiator Springs and we can tell that Mater is going to feature heavily in this movie. Now Mater is not everyone's cup of tea. I know I don't like him all that much but kids do. Anyway, Lightning comes home from winning his 4th piston cup and he and Mater play around for a bit before Lightning goes on a date with his girlfriend.

We learn there's to be a world racing tour on and Mater inadvertently gets Lightning in it with a heap of international racers ( the Italian guy, Francesco, is a hoot!) though only one was a lady, but that's Pixar's choice and so their fault for not having more variety with their characters genders. At the same time there's a heap of spy stuff going on about some alternative fuel sources, defective car types being discriminated against, an oil deposit out at sea, and Mater accidentally gets involved with all this with Finn and another agent called Holley Shiftwell.

This is the movies main focus, the spy stuff and not racing. Lightning doesn't know about the spy stuff till near the end of the movie and just does races. The races, of which there are only 3 which is odd for a WORLD tour, are beautiful to look at. Seriously, the one in Italy is so life like! Just like a really Italian seaside town with more racing areas built in. But there's not enough focus on them or the racers which is one of the movies problems. What we do see of them is fast paced and exciting though. That was a highlight of the movie.

This was one of the main complaints from people. Not enough racing. If you look in the cars 2 artbook you can see that all kinds of races were also planned like an endurance one, a race in Russia, the Blackforest of Germany and other places across the globe. It's a pity we didn't see these.

But it all boils down to Lightning finding out about Mater doing spy stuff, revealing the lead villain and making up as friends after an argument. The last third of the movie is really silly, with flying rocket cars and over the top fighting but it made people laugh and the young members of my family were happy. Once the bad guys have been stopped and Mater is knighted by the Queen car of England of all things, everyone goes back to Radiator Springs for some friendly fun. Lightning even becomes friends with the Italian racer who was constantly teasing him.

It's a very silly movie really though there is some violence like one car being overheated till his engine blew. But I've see worse in cartoons. It looks spectacular and the races are fun. I loved Lightning and the other racers when you saw them and the spy stuff was amusing at times. It's just Mater I cannot abide in such large doses. He's not a good main character and not everyone goes for his type of humour. Kids like him though, so maybe that's why he was the star of the movie and not Lightning. I give it an 8 out of ten as I do find it beautiful, well animated fun but Mater makes me take of 2 whole stars.
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Cars 3 (2017)
Definitely not what was advertised. You lied Pixar :(
3 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love anime, video games and comics of all kinds. Disney, Pixar, you get the picture. My whole family is like this. I loved the original cars and thought cars 2 was good too. So when I saw the posters and trailers for cars 3, I thought hey! A cool looking comeback type movie. I was so disappointed, as was everyone else I know who watched this movie.

Lightning McQueen has been racing for a good 10 years and basically these newer, more technological advanced cars come along, beating everyone else. Lightning crashes ( not that this is paid any attention to) and decides to keep racing. But first he must retrain himself to get better, faster and all that. His new boss thinks he should just retire but Lightning convinces him to let him race once more. But he has to train with a new trainer called Cruz. She's loud, irritating and useless. Basically Lightning has to train her and spends the whole movie doing so. We also learn she wanted to be a racer but lacked confidence.

After going to his deceased mentors hometown, Lightning trains with all these old cars (with Cruz stealing the spotlight and getting upgrades whilst Lightning doesn't) but it isn't enough. So come the time of his big race, Lightning has not got faster, better or anything. He does pretty good in the race but decides to put Cruz in the race to give her a chance to be a racer. It leads to a terrible ending that just ruins the movie. Lightning is still declared a winner, along with Cruz, and decides to train her before going back to racing. It's a very safe, yay we're all winners, hey everyone look girls can race look look look!!! (Yes we are very much aware that we can Pixar) This forced ending hasn't sat well with a lot of fans and I am not surprised.

The good parts of the movie are the animation and music, so a star for those but nothing else.

The bad parts are:

The way Lightning is treated this whole movie. Because he's supposed to be over 30 or something, so he's portrayed as useless, age-shamed constantly, called past his prime and incapable of using technology. You can see this in how many of the cars, both younger and older treat lightning. They constantly tell him he's super old. It's sort of like semiotics, using imagery and speech to get an idea across. The idea here appears to be to make kids think Lightning is old and they need new characters. Pixar could seriously have done heaps to make Lightning better. I know that other cars throughout the series have had upgrades and mods to get faster and lighter so why not Lightning? This movie was marketed as a comeback movie. It's not. Lightning never races his rival or really trains or anything. He just looks after his useless trainer and gets made fun of. Pixar basically shoehorn him into becoming Doc when he was never even like him! And not everyone gets or becomes a mentor you know.

Next would be the whole attitude towards ages and genders throughout the movie. Old people are to be made fun off and can't use tech whilst young people love tech but cannot handle the outside. This is garbage! I'm just into my 30's and love technology. I love my consoles and iPad and everything. You'll see me in the gym as much as you would outdoors. The same can be said of my friends, siblings and their kids. It's rubbish this whole lazy or technology dependent millennial or gen z kid stereotypes.

Also Pixar could have had mixed gender characters throughout their cars movies, y'know more girl racers or ones who are ambiguous but no, they don't. This is their choice to not include others and now their throwing in one who feel like a cheap, Mary Sue, supposed-to be-girl-Lightning type character.

Next, Cruz. If she is to be the new face of Cars, i'm Done with this series. She the technology reliant hip 20 something who cannot function outside. She's supposed to be a super trainer but she cannot train Lightning at all. She a fitness trainer at most not a race trainer. She has to be given everything. Her win at the destruction derby was only got from Lightning protecting her, even her chance as a racer was given. Lightning and the other racers worked their way through training, races, the big leagues, everything. They were pros. They worked for everything. Cruz has some talent, does some training but that's it. Plus she only does half of the big race whilst everyone else does the full thing. That's cheap and cheating. What we need are female characters who can do it themselves, work for their career. Not half-ass their way everywhere.

The other characters in the movie are pretty forgettable and you see very little of the people from Radiator Springs. Sally would have been way better at coaching Lightning. It was her who got him to go back to racing in the first place.

And the whole movies plot just feels like a mess of plots from other movies (creed) the first cars, with too much crammed in or not resolved, complete with lame jokes and disappointment. Seriously, I look up the word disappointment in the dictionary and see a picture of Cars 3 and nothing else needs to be said. Cannot believe that this is the end to the Cars series. I mean you don't just ruin the main character of a series like this. When I play halo, I want the Master Chief. When I play Tomb Raider, I want Lara Croft. Not only that but this film grossed 100 million less than both the other car films and is no.17 out of Pixar's 18 films. That says something about this film alright.
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