
302 Reviews
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The Brave (2017–2018)
Yes Karen, I realize it's not real
17 May 2022
I like Mike Vogel. He's well cast here as the steady Eddie lead of the tactical team. I like Anne Heche, she can do most anything. I'm not too hard to entertain and liked the premise of this show and it's entertaining enough with all the usual conflicts characters have in tv shows. It's good. Mike is handsome. What's the problem. It's TV.
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
10 May 2022
Mostly I find this film very pretentious because it aspires to be incredibly profound within a story that has many holes and wait a minutes. Is it art? Is it cinema? Is it what movies can be? It is all those things. And pretentious too because am I supposed to believe he would get in that car? Great great scene. I loved this movie yet I'm unsure exactly why. I continue to think about it. The questions it raises and the things that annoyed me but it's very good. Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise but at the peak of his Cruisedom - his mannerisms, his delivery, his thinness. One of his best roles without doubt - he always can nail the crazy and does it so well here. The film is also totally relevant twenty years after it was made or maybe we're just closer to this reality.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Much Better Than I Expected
2 May 2022
The political satire is well done but it's just a crazy, unexpected treat all round. I like Hilary Swank but she really gaffles on to this role and chews it quite a bit and it's only made more obvious by the stellar performance by the lead actress who conveys every emotion with understated excellence. She's very good tho I'm too lazy to look her up- Betty Gilpin- I did. Great job. Ridiculous and completely entertaining. The political stuff is fine just right- bang on without being heavy handed.
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Amazingly Dull
23 April 2022
Stuff happens I suppose but it's all a big lead up to nothing. This was as dull and formulaic as an action movie can be. I don't expect intelligence but it's not entertaining or the least but humorous. I like Tom Hardy but he hardly seemsbb cnn present, just going through the motions. Woody Harrelson is one big cringe. He's awful and the rest are just meaningless filler. Very disappointing.
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Zardoz (1974)
12 April 2022
I was prepared to sneer and jeer as I have a tendency to do but instead I was mesmerized. This is a weird movie with a uniquely 70s special effects or whatever they called them but there's something much deeper. One class rules another and deceives them into going to war for them. Or something - and one man calls bullshit. And it's the early seventies but the idea of the internet is apparent- being controlled. No doubt Sean Connery's costume is a bizarre choice but so is Sean Connery. It's an interesting film that should be seen on a big screen -hugely underrated.
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Hitchcock does Lifetime Channel
4 March 2022
Giving this movie 2 stars or calling it terrible or reviewing it after watching 33 minutes is what's really stupid. This bothers me to no end. This is a B movie no doubt but it has its charms. Chances are you'll notice things are amiss right away - all those shady sideways glances. The script is often simplistic and might even make a good guess at who the bad guy is - I did and I'm no rocket surgeon- Truthfully even the "twists" aren't all that mind blowing- more like, oh ok Still one must accept this is a bit of a breezy mystery and pretty typical for Netflix where not amazing scripts come to life all the time. Leighton Meester is a new mom, tired and a but frumpy. She's perfect in the role. Leighton carrie's the film on her tired shoulders. Weary but willing, bewildered and vulnerable, she's on point. The acting overall is okay but some of the characters like the landlord make no sense what so ever. The big reveal ending is again kind of clueless and yet... if you've got nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon you could do far worse than The Weekend Away - that title even!
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20 January 2022
I mean really, Bruce Willis, was this necessary? "Phoning it in" doesn't quite cut it. The acting overall is not the greatest with the exception of Megan Fox, always an underrated actress. Lukas Haas is also pretty good. The lead guy is a bit much at times but overall it's a decent enough thriller if not exactly original.
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I see dead people
3 January 2022
Very well done ghost/sci for/fantasy geared towards the YA crowd but surprisingly entertaining for all. Bella Thorne is excellent as the heroine, she's a good actress capable of subtleties that gave the character depth and honesty in an otherwise bizarre world. Richard Harmon is a shoe in for the mysterious outsider and I liked it went heavy on the mystery and light on the romance. This was a great surprise.
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Flawed but Worthy
20 December 2021
A really good performance by Sandra Bullock though I thought the story was thin at times but I'm critical and the ending has a good punch of powerful feeling.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
The Real Fairies of Otherworld
18 December 2021
A group of 25-30 year old actors play 16 year olds at a fairy school. The characters are broadly drawn, the smart one, the sarcastic one, the sexy evil one etc. Bloom, the lead has discovered irony and is basically a bossy biotch that I never really cheered for. That all being said, I did like it. It was clever enough to keep me watching and the writing has its moments. For mindless entertainment it hits the mark and I'd watch Season 2.
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Elves (2021)
Dark Christmas Tale
15 December 2021
Christmas, sort of. A selfish city family vacation in a remote island, destroy everything and go home. Pretty entertaining story where nobody really learns anything- if you love something, set it free, kid- the girl remains clueless throughout. Dad desperately tries to be young trading insults with his son and over sharing. Mom is an overprotective frump. There is a good spin on how cluelessly entitled some of us are. I did enjoy it.
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Finch (2021)
Wilson is a Robot in this one
8 November 2021
I found myself getting bored quite quickly with this cliched ( why is it always a can of peaches?) schmaltzy tale. There is not one surprise. Tom Hanks owed the Illuminati a film to get us all used to bonding with a robot. Boring.
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Slasher (2016–2023)
Moments of Greatness
24 October 2021
It is hard not to compare Slasher to AHS but it is nowhere nearly as bizarre. It relies more on really gory scenes of violence and murder. I would rate the seasons as 2 being the most superior by far- really bleak and pure paranoia. Then 4 which takes huge leaps of logic with the most one dimensional characters and the twist not so surprising - David Cronenberg is a great filmmaker but his acting skills are questionable- but it is entertaining and has an interesting message without being as "woke" as 3 which checks all the diversity boxes. I still enjoyed 3 very much but the finale asks a lot of the audience so far as suspension of disbelief. Finally the first one is not necessarily the worst but the weak link is the lead actress who seems totally uninterested. Overall it's a great series I look forward to. Seeing it leave Netflix for an American channel is ridiculous.
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Too Sappy
2 October 2021
Chris Pratt strutting around with no shirt giving for God and country speeches is grating. You just know he thinks he's the next Armie but he's too campy to be a true action hero with his goo goo eyes and dyed hair. The story itself had promise but nah. The scene where his daughter bears her soul is an eye roller.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Good Though Certainly Not Original
2 October 2021
I mean, I'd say I liked The Hunger Games better - but not The Maze Runner. There's a real grimness to The Squid Games. Like The Platform. With every episode you're ground down deeper just like these poor saps who find themselves there. I liked it well enough though it was long and the characters pretty familiar to this genre. It does makes many apt comments about contemporary society - Ali's story is particularly sad as is Sae- Byeok's and the way we treat people just seeking a better life. I can't say I get the uproar of the series - Netflix's potential biggest- but it's worth a watch if you like dystopian stuff - and who doesn't?
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The Starling (2021)
Sappy Junk
28 September 2021
I like Melissa McCarthy - with false eyelashes you can see what Jennifer Anistion would look like were she heavier- but this cloying, trying so hard been done bunk aint cutting it. So scmaltzy, so predictable, so manipulative. Chris O'Dowd is awful as the husband i couldn't care less about. Melissa McCarthy needs a good movie. The soundtrack is jarring and loud. The bird is okay.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Probably For Fans Only
27 September 2021
This is a crazy movie that probably only Stephen King fans will really get into. It's not The Shining by any stretch - far more over the top with wild Kingisms. I like Stephen King but this was far from my favourite adaptation but you might. It is pretty nutty.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Fantastic Stephen King Homage
27 September 2021
Mike Flanagan is proving to be a master of horror snd here he pays respects to the other. This is Stephen King of the late 80s - God, sometimes they go on but it's brilliant and moving drawing on modern society as well. Excellent.
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Slow Start Gets Going
18 September 2021
Leave Nicole Kidman alone. She is great in this. Inspiring on a personal level. The rest of the cast are a mixed bag. Michael Shannon is one of those can do anything. The Vine guy doesn't have much to do. Melissa McCarthy - dependable but the same as always. Regina Hall - just weird. Luke Evans- uncomfortable and creepy. But Nicole. ....Nicole is great. I feel this could have been much shorter and it almost lost me at times but I am very curious to see the final episode. It's a very strange brew of anxiety snd hope or something.
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Loved It
16 September 2021
I was expecting to be let down as usual when hearing all the hype about this show but it truly delivers. The acting is first rate and each character believable and complex. Kate Winslet is one of the greats of our time- she sheds the glamour to deliver an incredible performance as mega A-type Mare. One of the few actors that can nail such a unique accent. Everyone is great but Jean Smart and especially Evan Peters in a supporting role are standouts. I found myself literally weeping so many times- there are some powerfully moving moments and so so much senseless tragedy. There were moments I was literally on the edge of my seat. Excellent.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
A Rare 10
12 September 2021
It entertains, it's smart, it's pretty exciting. The cast is excellent - right down to Jason Long. The aliens all deserve a hand as well. I love this movie, a beautiful love letters to all those geeks.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Betrayal/ Redemption Redux
11 September 2021
This film has been made many times - Crank, Aromuc Blonde, Anna, The Protege, John Wick and most recently Jolt. Yet still I was entertained and MEW is a stand out as the the latest assassin betrayed. Where Kate Beckinsale goes for camp in Jolt, MEW plays it straight and to good effect. Woody Harrelson is irrelevant but reliable as always. It's an ok time waster.
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Why was this show cancelled?
9 September 2021
This is a great show with a massive cliff hanger never to be answered. The three leads - it's hard to say who the main character is- all give excellent performances with the actor playing Bernard the stand out. Engrossing and lots of fun, this show deserved another season.
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Not Ashley's Best
6 September 2021
Ashley Judd often played strong women ir women trying to be strong but this is pretty formulaic and the whole twist is pretty meh and you figure it out pretty quick unless you just fell off the turnip wagon or something. Ashley tries but it's really the boomer who breaks parole who steals the movie in a one minute scene. This woman can act. Everybody else just needed money even the kid. Ashley pumped out some decent thrillers in her day but this one ranks pretty low.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
An Absolute Yes
28 August 2021
I never give 10 stars but Yellowstone is close. Modern day western meets the Corleones. Kevin Costner is a great actor and I could go on about the cast but they're all excellent- Wes Bentley - the quiet star. Melodrama, politics, intrigue- it's the best of TV.
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