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The Return of Jafar (1994 Video)
He has gone to JA-far
17 March 2006
Quite frankly I was really disappointed with this sequel, I mean the creators must of had a tight budget and sent the drawings off to some rain forest where baboons coloured the pictures in. The animation was terrible compared to the first, it looked cheap tacky and rather rubbish.

This is the ultimate story with the return of a button down spy like psycho stalking room to room armed with an armour lite semi welded staff pumping spell after spell into colleague and co-worker. He was the person the Salton knew for years.... The story is the empire strikes back of all darkness, i love it,

*********Jafar: "The universe is mine to command and CONTROL!!"***********

I mean this guy has serious issues, possibly relating to his childhood. You see thats what you get for not hugging your kids!
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Live & Kicking (1993–2001)
dead and buried
17 March 2006
Where did great Saturday morning go? Its as if the greatest shows on earth suddenly became locked in a fire-balling frenzy or fear and sucked beneath the earth in an almighty ....drip

I mean we got some alrightish stuff now (like dick and dom) but nothing compares to the good olde, good old days!

Zoe Ball was an amazing presenter so full of life so..... kicking? Where did she go I know she has probably been on loads of stuff since but nothing quite as fun filled as live and kicking, what a disappointment.

I think they should reinvent live and kicking possibly to a late night cable channel (possibly an illegal one) that nobody has and change the name to Live and Hoping: For Freedom....and should be about people in a deep well struggling for life, having to turn on each other to survive. last one alive wins!
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Bustin makes me feel good!
15 March 2006
When I saw this film for the first time I really wanted to get a herse for my first car, then I would "pimp" it out as you might say and turn it into the ghostbusters car!

I would rig it with explosives so that nobody would steal it, that would be my security system.


I would also rig the wheels that when it turns it triggers the ghostbusters theme tune, this would be accompanied by the large mega phone on top of the car, so that everyone would know I was coming!

I would casually dress as a ghostbuster and make the backpack from cereal boxes and a slap of paint, I would also suddenly pull up outside a government building for no reason what so ever, and start shouting "This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions".quoted from Dr. Peter Venkman.

I would then charge in through the metal detectors and shoot my ghostbusters backpack in a childlike manner.

This film is encouraging....I have nothing more to say
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Pinky and the Brain (1995–1998)
I strive to becoming brain
13 March 2006
I consider that Pinky and the Brain is exhaustively underrated, I feel that the series should continue as 'Pinky and The Brain' are unquestionably entertaining!

Pinky: So what are we going to do tonight Brain? Brain: The same thing we do every night Pinky....Try to take over the WORLD!

When people suggest who is funniest on the programme I always protested Brain as he had complete power and a big sense of authority, of what he was doing. Brains anger amused me in a way that no other programme has.

Brain, in general has an wrathful attitude and his inclination for global domination can be understood, (I know how he feels), He should have found me. We could have ruled the world side by side......BRAIN LIVES!!!!

Only he can understand what I'm becoming..........

7 wins 10 nominations, enough said really!
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Can't Cook Won't Cook (1995–1999)
Ainsley's having aHar-RIOT
10 March 2006
This is blatantly a spin off from "ready steady cook"

This is Ainsly Harroit flying solo for a change doing what he does best, this is a really fun filled show for all the family.

People who watch this show only watch it as 'Ready steady Cook' was too varied with too many other crap presenters! This show is a big thumbs up as its really entertaining.

Ainsly Harriot is in a whole different language when it came to mastering the kitchen, he sung (DANCE DERICK), he danced (YOUR A MONKEY DERICK), and he shaked his hips!

*********SO GOOD HE MADE CHOCOLATE BARS!!**********

However I personally HATE cooking shows
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double trouble
10 March 2006
I have to disagree once again with a fair portion of IMDb users as I feel that this sequel was just as enjoyable as the original. Possibly the only film where a little girl is only told off for driving heavy machinery......(a digger/tractor).

My favourite quote in the original: Junior "They must be a couple of YAr-Hoos" That kid is amazing, he was the reason why you casually set alight the couch while your parents where in the room and blamed TV.

For anyone with a sense of humour this is the film for you. Its the kind of film that does all the stuff you wanted to do but never had the guts to do.

That kid is so inspirational to such a wide audience, especially his behaviour. He is the kind of kid that i would like to have as a son one day...

I would teach him a lesson or two
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Don't Try This at Home! (1998–2001)
You CAN'T do this at home?
10 March 2006
I used to watch this quite a bit when i was younger, well mostly on Saturday evenings (cause that was when it was on. Even though the title said DON'T try this at home I always had the secret urge to Want to do the things presented on the show.

I think this show was quite dangerous as it used reverse psychology on you. If your told not to do something, it makes you want to find out why maybe the producers wanted people jumping off bridges and lying on nails? (who knows?)

I think the show had a strong message but I could never really work out what it was?

However I never got to do these amazing things as I could never find high enough bridges and deep enough rivers in my house...

...so actually the programme is wrong its not "Dont try this at home", its "you CAN'T do this at home"

Davina could have handled the show single handedly, Darren Day was a waste of money, They should have made him do something really dangerous, possibly something that he wouldn't have walked away from...
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oh deary deary me....
10 March 2006
It was a beautiful summers day and there were three clouds in the sky to be precise. As dawn approached i cooled off with a chilled shower and slipped into my finest robe. I calmly walked down stairs and entered the living room where I continued to turn on the television. As the sun slipped behind the horizon, i knew that night was upon me. The DVD labelled "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" was engulfed by the player and the credits begun to roll.

100 beautifully appreciated minutes later, I was startled by the respectable and proficient talent and fine script work of the movie. I eventually enticed myself to watch it in full one more time, about 10 minutes of silent appreciation (in the dark).

After another 100 minutes I came to a certain decision that I would have to write to the producers to let them know how much I love this film. Knowing that I would not be able to sleep a wink until I got a reply I quickly helped my self to 4 Biro pens and began by hand to write a brief 100 page booklet letting the producers know how I felt.

To this day I never got a reply, and have'nt slept since

overall: I HATE IT
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good evening PASADENA!!!
10 March 2006
I got this DVD about a year ago and the CD about three years ago....WOW.

DM fans will not be disappointed . This concert is the only one live music show where I thought this is ahead of its time. The music is performed amazingly (probably because there was no drug influence in the band at that time), and the atmosphere in the crowds of thousands can be felt even through the cameras!

The best songs performed by far in this concert are probably 'Stripped','Never let me down' and the famous 'Just can't get enough', performed in the way it should be with crowd involvement and full on synth with the simple drum beat!

This is Depeche Mode's at the time at very best!
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and ER...Paul Allen, I killed PAUL ALLEN with an AXE in the FACE!
9 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film multiple times and have come to the conclusion based on the struggling main character being out of touch with reality, mixed with enjoyable quotations referring to really good songs This film is a Masterpiece! Those who have read the book will know that some scenes have been left out, however this is made up by Christian Bales alikeness to the character Patrick Bateman, he plays this character perfectly...

Patrick Bateman: "My need to engage in homicidal behaviour on a massive scale cannot be corrected, but, ah, I have no other way to fulfil my needs"

Another good point to the film is that its not as gory as the book but thats okay Patrick Bateman: My nightly blood lust has overflown into my days I feel lethal on the verge of frenzy, I think my mask of sanity is about to slip...

Overall the script has been well written and the use of a female director excludes the male dominant need for the main character to kill everyone and have an explosive action scene. This storyline has a lot more depth...and is inspiring

I like the character a lot I look up to Patrick Bateman, I aspire to being him...

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Biker Mice from Mars (1993–1996)
Kernal of Truth?
9 March 2006
Biker mice from mars is in my opinion very entertaining when I was little, i also think its what will happen one day to all mice(i mean why not it happened to humans!). When evolution catches up with humans it will be the apes turn. If animals ever decided to evolve who's to say they wont want to ride bikes and rule the earth...or of course help save the cities and towns from plunder and peril? Biker Mice from mars has a Kernal of truth about reality, that reality is that ignorance is bliss. As long as we choose not to see we cant prevent, what will inevitably happen.

P.S the images from the series throughout had good colour use, which made the characters appear more real...I believed
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Supermarket Sweep (I) (1993–2009)
DALE's a CHIP off the block
8 March 2006
(say in a camp voice).....It's SUPER MARKET SWWEEEEEEEEEEP!

If you have ever seen this programme you are instantly amused by the campness in Dale Wintons voice. He instantly has your attention. This programme was by far the most influential day time slot viewers had.

I loved supermarket sweep from the moment I laid my eyes upon it. Supermarket Sweep was definitely ahead of its time, with its modern facilities and expensive costumes, It was worth taking the day off to watch it

(Quote of the day) "The next time you're at the checkout and you hear the beep.. (bip-bip), think of the fun you could be having on Supermarket Sweeeeep!"

However all the information above is irrelevant for all those sad people never to have watched this great show...and unfortunately Supermarket Sweep is not aired anymore so...you're too late!!

P.S This show was depressing when it rained
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I think I've rated this film too highly?
8 March 2006
Has everyone taken crazy pills?

This was the one film where I generally thought my GOD what the hells going on, what a pointless storyline, I know I have to take into consideration the time in which it was made but come on this film really is dreadful.

The only thing I could think about when watching this film was how uncomfortable the seat was.

In my conspiracy theory I believe the film was made with one intention, and that was to expose as many people as possible to this subliminal infested flick. I came to this conclusion knowing that when the film was made subliminal messaging was not deemed illegal. I'm yet to find out what hidden messages are in this movie, i'm sure when I do the government will erase me from existence.

The best thing about this film was that it ended. (Which by the way couldn't come quick enough). I hated every miserable moment of this film which will inevitably haunt me for the rest of my life.
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Noel's House Party (1991–1999)
Beating the banker, Abandoned Bottom
8 March 2006

The one thing in this entire universe where I generally feel that something is missing on Saturday nights.......'Noels House Party'. WHAT a show!

Noel Edmunds is a genius, he has the natural gift to entertain thousands of people. Since his departure from crinkly bottom, the likes of Mr Blobby has disappeared also! Where did he go?

What really gets up my snout is things like Bob the bloody Builder, copying the Blobster with releasing a song, Nobody, I mean nobody was cooler than Mr blobby so trying to follow in his footsteps just ain't happening. Blobby was original, funny and cool!

Noel really has made a good come back to our British screens with 'Deal or no Deal', but nothing compares to 'Noels house party'

P.S As Noel Edmunds is tiny I think He was probably bullied into presenting 'Deal or no Deal'

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Spice World (1997)
Simply the best!....(better than all the rest)
8 March 2006
I really couldn't disagree more with everyone on this site. I think that The Spice Girls movie is one of, if not THE greatest film ever made. The seriousness of the entire movie as a whole, is overwhelming, The directors sheer ability to create a certain atmospheres when shooting is exciting and fresh.

The capabilities of all five girls performance as independent actresses are presented professionally. The odd comical points throughout are clear, precise and witty. The scriptwriter must be very proud of himself/herself...(I'm not sexist)

This isn't coming from a person who's never been outside and happened to watch only the spice girls movie, but I feel that I have a great and accurate movie judgement.

I feel that the spice girls movie is seriously better than "The Godfather"
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The Crystal Maze (1990–2020)
O wheres Brian?
8 March 2006
The crystal maze was in its own right a religion!

Different time zones where contestants (now looking dated from re-runs on challenge TV) run around following the shiny headed fur covered GOD! Richard O'Brian gave his life to that show only for its reputation to be destroyed by Edward Tudor-Pole. That is why the show failed after only two meaningless years of his terrible presenting....BECAUSE NO ONE LIKED HIM!

The crystal maze was a real reality programme not like the crap shown these days. Where ever Richard O'Brian is now he should come and make a great international come back with another series of "The Crystal Maze". I definitely would come and be a contestant, you would know which one I would be as I would be clinging to my gods leg, licking his feet.....no I mean it I mean everything i say. This is why when I grow up i'm gonna turn my house into the crystal maze and wax my head.

P.S I think that Richard O'Brian has a drink problem
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
Don't hassle the HOFF
7 March 2006
Baywatch is only ever interesting when David Hasselhoff was saving the day. His fluffy rounded hair bobbing up and down in slow motion along a beach was the only thing worth watching as well as his well toned mature body being revealed from that tight red jacket.

He fit on the beach like bread and soup, he appeared so natural on Baywatch, his pure brilliance as a person really brought out the best in David as an actor.

I love David Hasselhoff and was gutted to see him leave Baywatch. He was so inspirational and caring in his professional job he kept the show moving and exciting.

p.s David Hasselhoff made Baywatch boring
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Gladiators (1992–2000)
we will we will ROCK YOU
7 March 2006
(Scottish accent) Gladiator Ready! Contestant Ready! Micheal you will go on my first whistle! David you will go on my second whistle!

I loved the gladiators I thought that this programme made classic British Saturday nights possible.

Where else can you see HUGE grown men in liatards running around an arena trying to hit each other with giant cotton buds. I mean the person who invented this programme is either crazy or a genius...Either way the government has probably captured him doing all weird experiments on his brain.

Gladiators definitely ROCKED me!
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Fun House (1989–1999)
Pat Sharps Mullet!!
6 March 2006
Seriously now 'Fun House' was probably the best kids game show in Britain. If it were up to me i would have fun house put back on the air once again. It would be mad bigger, better and more WACKY!

I mean what more do you want as a kid than to be turned loose in a crazy house full of mazes, to be toped off with a wheel spinning fun time on the go carts at the end.

If you were lucky you might have been gunged on the show! Great stuff I say. Fun House to me is a whole lot of fun, a big thumbs up adventure and prizes to be won

DON'T KNOCK IT (people who have bad stuff to say about fun house have serious issues)

p.s I love Pat Sharps mullet it made the show better.
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Bernard's Watch (1997–2005)
Watch the Watch
6 March 2006
Bernards watch was really good as I remember watching it when I was younger.....But that was when I was younger In todays terms Bernards Watch is possibly the most boring children's programme going (shortly followed after SPOT) The Person playing Bernard must have woken up one morning thinking..."I'm a loser for agreeing to be any part of this low budget production". Why does he never speak when he did he sounded weird (its the quiet ones you have to watch out for) However I wouldn't be surprised if CITV made a come back sequel as they will show anything these days

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The Descent (2005)
What a classic.........f**k up
6 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I first sat down to enjoy a quiet night on the sofa behind the box I didn't realise what a great and inspiring time I was in for!!

Four woman heroes that act accordingly in character with each other to bring the story line to its final and spooky conclusion.

You've just lost two major important people in your life so what do you do.....you go down a deep cliff inside a mountain to "forget your troubles" only to find that OH there happens to be monsters/humans on four legs inside the cliff, as well as having no way out they have no maps because OH one of the "friends" lied about the tunnels being discovered.

One equation comes to mind that sums this masterpiece up........Girl Power+Jinx=The Descent

This surely is a "classic" because of its fine acting and bright sets

P.s the comments above are intended to be sarcastic and in no way are they valid as the film probably cant be summed up on this website without me being blacklisted....so you get the idea.

Feel free by all means to waste your time on this film!
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EastEnders (1985– )
Raji James rocks my socks!!
2 March 2006
One name comes to mind when someone says to me Eastenders and that is 'RAJI' aka 'Ash'. He is the dude that kept levels of enthusiasm up throughout the entire time he was broadcast across our miserable little screens. You can say what you want about Dot, Pauline, Peggy and all those other CRAP characters but since Raji was taken out the Eastenders script (because he was too good, and therefore making the others look bad) the show has never been the same since. I demand that he is written to the front of the Estenders book of fame as he was in fact the dude when it came to mastering Albert square.

happy b-day for the other day raji! Keep ya chin up it will be okay your probably better off without them. Fronm the 'Pet shop Boys from room 911' NY
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one word.........amazing
11 January 2006
what can i say......its a must see. I would say its DM best tour to date. compared to 101 and one night in Paris, Devotional seems to be at a much higher level of professionalism.

Although i feel DM were at the hight of their career throughout the 101 music for the masses tour. Devotional seems more in depth with the music and more in control. The music is precise and clear.

There is extreme talent among the four, with a fresh look and sound with an addition of drums to the stage, which i thought was a great change especially from the world violation tour.

Their talent exceeds that from other bands, as they are still producing music (as a three) today, with the recent touring the angel tour. I hope another DVD is released of a tour from their past as i really enjoy listening as well as watching their music being played!
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worst film EVER!!!
9 January 2006
Those who have already seen this film automatically know how bad this film really is. I would like to let others know how much i would like to stress to you never to watch this film.

WARNING:once you have seen this film you will never get back those precious wasted minutes in your life

Arnie still cant act for toffee (and everyone wants toffee). His struggling English mixed with confusion about whats actually going on is amazing the film was ever made entirely.

The poor costume and cheap settings let alone the pointless crap story.... i mean WHAT were you thinking , i mean REALLY.....What a waste of money!


If it were up to me i would scrap the film from existence, and attempt to redeem any pride from the Hollywood industry.

.....its a MUST SEE
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