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Star Trek (2009)
Entertaining Film, Could've Been Better (Coming From a Non-Trekkie)
11 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you aren't a Trekkie and you're unsure as to whether or not you'd enjoy this film, well, here's the skinny on it, and I'll let you decide. The group I went with consisted of 6 people: One enjoyed it but wanted to see more of the kid versions of Kirk and Spock, another doesn't like Sci-Fi therefore didn't enjoy it, two Trekkies loved it, one was bored by the special effects but liked the dialog, and then there was me, who felt the following.

What I Liked About It....

1. The dialog was quick and witty - the writers did a great job with that for this film.

2. The casting was fantastic. Chris Pine was definitely the highlight with his rebellious, cocky, and flirty take on Kirk. Zachary Quinto followed close behind with his heartfelt interpretation of a young Spock, struggling between feeling and not feeling emotion. All of the other actors did a great job as well.

3. As a film editor, I love looking for stand-out filming techniques in movies and television, and with Abrams, this was a sure thing. Once again, the shots were superb and engaging.

4. The special effects. The team who worked on this aspect of the film is a very talented bunch. Each effect lit up the screen and oozed second by second with outstanding detail.

5. The Kirk & Spock plot lines: Kirk's growth to being Captain and Spock's growth to actually showing some sort of emotion.

6. Young Spock and Old Spock on screen together. It was like seeing double vision! Very cool.

What I Didn't Like About It....

1. The movie had some incredibly corny moments that it could've done without: Kirk in the snow and being chased by that giant creature. It was both unnecessary to the plot and looked incredibly stupid.

2. There were at least a couple drawn out scenes that could've been either removed or cut in half. While I love Abrams in some aspects, this is one that often irritates me. He has trouble getting to the point quickly. Most of his shows, it takes a few episodes for things to actually pick up.

3. The special effects. While I said before, that they looked great, the non-film editor in me feels they were much too overused. I would've preferred more of the character interactions and dialog rather than watching a bunch of fancy effects fill up the space of the movie.

4. The plot line. The battle with the Romulans was vague and lacked depth. There wasn't much reasoning behind what they were doing except that the Romulans were attacking them.

5. Young Spock and Old Spock being seen together. While it was very cool, it was also very unnecessary and did not bring any more to the film.

Overall, I would recommend this film to those of you who don't watch Star Trek. It's very enjoyable and intriguing, even if at some points, you find yourself wondering, "What's going on?" If you're a sucker for quick wit dialog you'll be sure to love the moments when the characters are actually interacting!
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The Best Way to Attack Your Inner Demons...
4 February 2007
I absolutely love this game! It's great to play with just enough challenge. The walkthroughs online help as well.

Also, when I'm stressed, it's really fun to just kill vampires! It releases a lot of tension.

I would say the last level is my least favorite. You have to run around in a gazillion circles which makes it more stressful and slightly less enjoyable.

The best levels on the game (for killing vampires) are: Level 1: The Magic Box Level 5: Downtown Sunnydale

and if you're up for having a big-bad challenge at the end... Level 10: Sunnydale Mall (GREAT FOR USING MAGIC) Level 11: Sunnydale Zoo

Basically, if you're a Buffy fan you'll love it and if you're not, you'll still love it. Just remember to check out the walkthroughs online on Gamespot. They make things a lot less confusing.

The graphics in the game, as far as I can tell, are great! The vampires basically dust in the action they're currently in. I once killed one as it was kicking me and it dusted beginning in that position! It's very realistic. Also, when throwing vampires/other demons or when you're being throw, you can smash into things and break them (if they're wood) or shake them (if they're a lamp).

The sound effects in the game were also great. Everything sounded different whether its falling into a chair, staking a vampire, punching them, or hitting them with a shovel.

Some of the voice overs in the game for Buffy's character can get very repetitive! Beware that by the time you're done with this game, you'll have memorized her "puns". Willow's as well. I feel that because SMG and AH were unable to do voice recordings, the actresses who did theirs did less. Everyone else had a nice selection of responses and hearing NB and JM on the game was really great.

Overall, I love the game and will continue to love it! Take my advice, this is a game you want.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Gift (2001)
Season 5, Episode 22
Undoubtly One of the Best Buffy Episodes!
11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I may be bias because I'm a huge Buffy fan and almost 90% of the episodes are down on my list of favorites, but this one makes you cry and laugh, and the script is phenomenal and quotable.

This is a pivotal episode in the Buffyverse. Xander proposes to Anya, Buffy sacrifices herself for Dawn, Spike really steps up as becoming one step closer to the vampire that will later choose to get a soul, Giles shows that as a good man, he still has a bit of ripper in him, and Willow's magic takes a whole new turn.

At this point, I have pretty much memorized the script from beginning to end.

My favorite lines would have to be:

"B: Have you ever heard the expression 'biting off more than you can chew? (Vampires shakes head) B: OK. How about the expression, 'vampire slayer'? Vamp: What the hell you talking' about? B: Wow. Never heard that one. Okay. How about 'Oh god, my leg, my leg!' (Vamp tries to attack her and she punches him then kicks him in the leg) Vamp: Oh god. My leg! B: See? Now we're communicating."

About the apocalypses: "B: I've always stopped them. Always won...I sacrificed Angel to save the world. I loved him so much. But I knew ... what was right. I don't have that any more. I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices. If everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point. I just wish that...I just wish my mom was here. The spirit guide told me ... that death is my gift. Guess that means a Slayer really is just a killer after all."

"(Anya screams when looking into a box) Anya: God, who, who would put something like that there? Is this supposed to be some sort of sick joke? (Anya pulls a bunny out of the box) I mean, things aren't bad enough! This is an omen. No, no, it's an omen. It's a higher power, trying to tell me through bunnies that we're all gonna die. Oh god."

"Spike: I know you'll never love me. I know that I'm a monster. But you treat me like a man."

"B: Dawn listen to me, listen. I love you. I will always love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles...tell Giles that I figured it out. And, and I'm okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn. The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."

Back to the review. Even though I have seen this episode a million times, I still sit on the edge of my sit hoping that Buffy will beat Glory up on the tower and reach Dawn in time.

This episode includes a lot of sacrifice or the will to be sacrificed for those you love. It's definitely the main theme of the episode. Ex: - Anya pushes Xander out of the way because she loves him so much that she'd rather die than him. - Buffy dies for Dawn and the world.

The episode has some amazing camera techniques and the music selection is superb! The editing is smooth and the dialog is witty, as usual.

This is undoubtedly the most amazing episode. I cry every time.
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1 hr. 50 mins of Scenery and Silence, 10 mins. of Talking, and 10 mins. of Sex
30 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely horrible. The theme was great! Yet, they touched upon a subject without actually grasping it. They needed to go further.

Editing and Transitions: These were equally terrible. The movie was slow. I walked out of it believing it was 5 hours long rather than 2 hrs. and 10 mins. Near the end, they included a flashback. Yet, it wasn't clear that it was a flashback. Also, when Ennis and Jack had sex, they were first "doing it" and then they were under the covers, fully clothed. There were also pointless scenes that had no meaning in the film; such as, the daughter at the end telling Ennis that she was getting married.

Script: The script was weak. There was barely any talking. When Ennis actually did talk, it sounded like a mumble. It took a while to decipher what he was saying. The beginning of the movie was hideous when you sat their waiting for someone to say something...they never spoke. All you saw was Ennis sitting on the steps for 10 minutes while Jack stood by his car. As I said, this movie was really slow. It would be faster watching a turtle crawl.

Acting: The actors portrayed their characters well. Except, their wasn't much to portray. The characters were mostly emotionless; even when they showed emotion, it wasn't gripping.

Sex Scenes: When they showed the sex scenes between the men and their wives, the boobs being shown were completely unnecessary.

Scenery The scenery was beautiful. Yet, it was pointless to show it so much. We knew they were in the mountains, that was clear.

Overall, the movie was practically 1 hour and 50 minutes of scenery and silence, 10 minutes of talking and 10 minutes of sex.

I give this movie a 1 out of 10.

Also, my sister who is very emotional, especially about death, did not shed a single tear when Jack Twist died. She cried more over the dead lamb, which I think was the saddest part of the movie, besides the movie itself.
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