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Superman/Doomsday (2007 Video)
Not perfect, but pretty damn good.
18 September 2007
For having to squeeze so much info into such a short amount of time, this DVD is a success. Of course the comic purists are going to complain and obsess over every little detail that has been changed. But for those of us who have the ability to accept a little change to benefit the masses, it is extremely enjoyable.

The animation is very similar to most DCAU (DC Animated Universe) incarnations, but a little sharper. They changed the look of a few characters...Lex's head looks like Brainiac's and James Marsters doesn't even come close to the masterful voice work of Clancy Brown, although he's not bad. Lois looks more like Kristen Kreuk's Lana now than Lois and Anne Heche's voice work isn't nearly as enjoyable as Dana Delaney's, but again she's not bad. Adam Baldwin does sound similar to past versions of Superman...that is probably the smallest change in the voices, although the way they draw his cheekbones in this version make him look old and decrepit. That was certainly a bad move, but you get over it.

The real deal is the fight between Superman and Doomsday. It is hard hitting, ultra violent and very intense. They change the way Supes finishes him off from how it happened in the comics, but the new way was really cool in my opinion. This is a more graphic cartoon and the way Doomsday kills some people will shock long time DCAU fans. You have never seen brutality like you will in this film.

The story goes way off the beaten path after Superman's death, but I think Bruce Timm's re-imagining was very well done. I don't think any logical person would expect them to follow the original story. It would have been a 6 hour movie. All in all, it's worth buying if you are a Superman fan. Some things could have been better, but in the end another great interpretation by Bruce Timm.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Shockingly good.
4 May 2007
You don't expect to go to a Spider-Man film and walk out with a life lesson, but I did. The message about the desire for revenge, and what it can do to you and turn you into is something I know to be completely true. Recently I had my ex girlfriend cheat on me and I was trying to lure her back just so I could destroy her new relationship for revenge and then kick her to the curb like a piece of trash.

I woke up every day feeling the blackness that they portray in this movie, and even though it did help me seriously boost my career and get into the best shape of my life it was wearing away my soul. Peter goes through something similar and it really spoke to me. I felt like I was watching my own thoughts up on the screen, and that was definitely an experience I won't forget.

Go see this movie! Don't listen to some of the is the best one of the series by far.
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WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2007 (2006 Video Game)
Ultimate Letdown for us long time fans
13 December 2006
First off, let me say at face value this game looks great and is pretty fun. By no means am I saying don't play it. However, if you have played other games in the Smackdown franchise you are in for some frustration. You definitely want to rent it first.

There are so many mistakes which are just plain sloppy. There are some of the same glitches that were in SVR 2006, including the biggest bonehead move of the music stopping before the entrance is over. Every time that happens I turn red with anger because it's such an easy mistake to catch in the debugging process the first time, but to put out a whole new game with the same problem? Wow...just wow. Which means that THQ didn't rebuild the features or the gameplay for the 360 version...they used the old game engine and didn't even bother to fix the OBVIOUS mistakes.

They have truly lost their way in taking pride in their work. Half of the create a superstar parts cannot have the color changed or can have it changed very little. Some of the old parts are missing and the new ones aren't anything special. Certain layers can't go on top of others anymore, such as wristbands or elbow pads on top of shirts, even if they are skin tight. So characters you have created for several games in a row will not look right.

The new game play is a joke to most long time fans. It benefits those that have never played the game before and slaps those of us that have for 9 years in the face. You have to do moves WITH THE ANALOG which feels completely unnatural and is INCREDIBLY easy to counter. The countering system itself has been totally changed, and there are certain players online that have it figured out to a science. I am really damn good at this game and there are some online players who can manipulate the new timing to where I'll be lucky to hit them once.

Probably the most frustrating thing for me is they didn't bother to take advantage of the capability of the 360. You can't load your own entrance music, which everyone thought was a given. Again, most of the mistakes are just plain lazy and that is what makes them so bad. For years everyone I know that plays this game would like to be able to do moves on a chair or stairs. How easy would it be to have a second result for moves if they are done over an object? The 360 is far beyond capable...they just didn't want to do the work. And rest assured, the load times are just as shockingly long for the 360 as they are for PS2. Basically the 360 version is the same game with a sharper picture. Don't think for a second you are getting a next gen wrestling game.

For what I'm used to in a Smackdown game, 4 out of 10 is being generous. The first WWE for a next gen system and they took no pride in their work. Not fixing glitches from the old games, making totally new mistakes, and the ridiculous amounts of limitations is sure to let down anyone who has come to respect the THQ over the years.

I think they are focusing more on their bottom line than the quality of their games. It's a very sad thing to see such impressive pioneers fall like this. Here's hoping they remember what's important and actually try next year.
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The disgrace of a great comic hero.
2 November 2006
The first Blade was a good movie, a slight cheese factor, but very fun and serious when it had to be. Blade II was a better film I thought, more stylish and a much better villain I thought. Nomak was bad to the bone. Blade Trinity looked like a Sci Fi Channel Original Motion Picture. From the opening credits I was angry, and felt bad for all the fans out there like myself who loved the character as well as the first two films.

There wasn't one good idea in this movie. I highly respect David S. Goyer as a writer, just like George Lucas...but neither of them can direct to save their lives. Some people should just stick to what they are actually good at.

This was a disaster.
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As Close to Perfection as I could Hope
30 June 2006
It was fantastic. From the effects, to the acting, to the plot. Some things are worth the wait, and this definitely was. You really felt for Superman all the way through. It's not easy being him, and I think this movie demonstrated that nicely. Bryan Singer has proved once again he is one of the go to directors for comic films. I was nervous beyond belief until I started seeing more and more material as the months progressed. I started to feel that Singer had the right idea. After finally seeing it last night, all of my doubts were put to rest. Bravo to the whole production crew. I found every aspect of the film satisfying.
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