
23 Reviews
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Dracula (2020)
New Spins On A Classic But Done With Wit And Style
2 January 2020
I'm a diehard fan of the original Bram Stoker novel so approach Dracula on tv or in the movies with trepidation.Not because I'm scared but because they are all (apart from the BBC 1977 Count Dracula with Louis Jourdan) bloody awful.This is by far the best version since then.It doesn't slavishly follow the book this is not an adaptation but it borrows characters, settings and details,even some dialogue,from the classic. But what Moffat and Gatiss have done is take that framework and expand on it to a monstrous degree creating a joyous, fantastic looking ,bloody, nightmarish, Dracula in the same way they took Sherlock Holmes and put their spin on it.They have added their own little touches to the vampire myth that I won't spoil here but are gruesome.Claes Bang delivers a superb performance as Dracula as do all the cast Dolly Wells being a highlight for me.Thoroughlly enjoyable and I can't wait for episode 2.
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Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
A Writer So Predictable I Knew How He Would End The Series
10 December 2018
As predicted in my review of the first episode of this series the man in charge and head writer brought back his utterly lame villain from that episode.If Chris Chibnail was in charge of biscuit manufacture they would all be Rich Tea,or a dry cracker, bland and boring.The title sounds like the sort of tripe a spotty youth would scribble in his homework book, amateurish,daydreaming fantasy.He probably drew his monster beside it and coloured it in using his blue biro.Years later when approached by the BBC and given the huge responsibility of running one of their top shows Mr Chibnail decided to dig out his old homework books and get his adolescent drivel made.There is a wealth of fantastic genre writers out there and this is what we got stuck with. Brave? Bold? Ha, I think not.Get someone like Alan Moore to write a story I bet he could give you something that was brave,bold and new.You might not like it but it probably wouldn't bore you to death.
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Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Unintentionally Hilarious
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode that tries to set up a story then falls completely flat.The Hollyoaks school of dramatic acting continues with most of the cast managing to be superfluous to the story.The final scene with Kermit The Alien Frog had me in stitches. Not the intention of the makers I think.People are getting paid a lot of money ,more than your average punter who watches the show earns,to turn out utter guff.People who enjoy this rubbish probably really liked Class that complete pile of horse droppings that was quickly canned by the Beeb before anyone actually died of shame.
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Funny, Dark ,And Beautiful
2 December 2018
People of a certain age will remember those old Amicus horror films the portmanteau of tales usually connected with a theme.This in a way is a western version of that, it's funny, with black humour aplenty and it looks stunning.Honestly some of the shots in this film take your breath away it deserves to be seen on a big screen.This is a film for old fashioned fans of storytelling(The whole film hinges on stories from a book) with a black twist to them if that appeals to you then you, like me, will love this film.
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Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (2018)
Season 11, Episode 8
Just Entertain Us Stop Preaching!
29 November 2018
Good things about this episode.Alan Cumming as King James hamming it up gloriously and upstaging everyone else every time he came on (That wouldn't be hard with Tosin Cole who is truly awful).The "witches" were unsettling and scary like the best Doctor Who monsters should be.Some gags to lighten the mood.Bad things about this episode.The Doctor just doesn't have the same weight or depth of previous Doctors, it's too light,too jokey in all honesty she could be another companion.This is highlighted in the scenes with Alan Cumming who basically acts her off the screen.The "Message" I'm getting sick and tired of the message of the week being shoved in the episode and shoved down my throat.This week it was 'women were treated like second class citizens back in the day actually' Really? Duh! I think we knew that. I've got news for you there are certain parts of the world today where they still are. I watch Doctor Who to be entertained, not lectured, just entertain us and stop the man bashing.
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Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
Scooby Who
20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this weeks episode I had the oddest feeling that I had seen this before.. then it hit me..this follows the same structure as an episode of Scooby Doo. I'll explain,the gang are happily travelling along in the I mean The Tardis when they are interrupted by a mysterious message asking for help there's spooky goings on at the old I mean warehouse.Who can it be?Is it the spooky robots,the mean old manager...nope it isn't. The real culprit is unmasked and he would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for those pesky kids.I like Scooby Doo, hence the 5 stars, but this is Doctor Who not Hannah Barbera!
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Outlaw King (2018)
Better Historically Than The Laughable Braveheart But Missing Bannockburn!??
14 November 2018
I finally thought we would have a movie that dealt with the facts that we know of The Scottish Wars Of Independence.The real story I always thought would make a great film or tv series but always seems to get screwed up by the film industry. Braveheart may be on some peoples favourite lists but it's not on mine I thought it was a joke,a travesty and an insult to anybody with any interest in history.A Hollywood fantasy aimed at morons.Outlaw King addresses some of these issues with more of the historical facts as we know it but still can't resist Hollywood guff(flaming arrows are a staple of any medieval or olde times movie but if you actually try it they just blow out!).Also I have a problem with the portrayal of Edward The Second, too over the top, and all the scenes with Bruce never happened he wasn't even at the Battle of Loudoun Hill.Stephen Dillanes performance as Edward The First however was fantastic he showed real power and menace as the warrior king at the end of his life still fighting his battles and proudly showing off his War Wolf trebuchet. Special praise must also go to Chris Pine as Bruce his accent is spot on (I should know I'm Scottish) but some of the other actors accents were a bit ropey.Must also praise the filmmakers for including James Douglas 'The Black Douglas' as he was absolutely pivotal in the events and Robert Bruces' right hand man.The problem with the film is running time it feels far too short to tell half of what happened and it feels like the filmmakers are trying to squeeze too much into too little.The film ends at Loudoun Hill completely ignoring Bannockburn the event that would cement Robert The Bruce as King Of Scots.Why? Did they run out of money? A real shame and a missed opportunity to turn a good movie into a great one.It just feels like there is half an hour missing.
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
Best Episode Of This Run So Far..But Still Pretty Average For Doctor Who
13 November 2018
I've stuck with it and finally have an episode that I could watch all the way through without my finger hovering over the fast forward button.This is not perfect by any means but it's a solid enough Doctor Who episode.Visually this is by far the best looking of the episodes broadcast.The "demons" of the title and their interior set design look fantastic juxtaposed with the Indian countryside. Yaz finally gets something to do whereas her fellow companions get very little and highlights the problems of having so many travelling in the Tardis. In the case of Tosin Cole this is probably a good thing as when he does get lines they are a bit cringy and in his usual style (we have a new name for him in my house "Totem Pole", as he is tall and wooden).The Doctor feels more Doctory although i still think Jodie Whittaker lacks some of her predecessors conviction.All in all though a watchable enough episode, and not the total bust that we have had so far.
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Absolutely Breathtaking And Heartbreaking.
13 November 2018
The opening of this film presents us with the black and white,grainy,sped up images we are used to seeing whenever The Great War is documented.Then we hear the men who fought in that war talk and some of what they say initially about setting off to war will surprise you about how keen and excited they were to go.About twenty minutes in the screen expands the image becomes sharp,the speed becomes more natural and vivid colour fills the screen and your jaw will drop.The technical achievement of this is staggering. Not just the visuals but the sounds as Peter Jackson has used forensic lip readers and foley artists to recreate some of the words of the men in the film.Told in a linear fashion starting at the outbreak of war to the armistice and after, the voices and stories told by the men who were there will break your heart.
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
Doctor Who For Idiots.
7 November 2018
The set was good.The rest of it.. the acting, the script ,the music, the villain..all garbage.Blinkered fanboys and especially fangirls will say it was fantastic regardless.It's not.. it's just not. You are deluding yourself if you think this in anyway compares to past series.This is Doctor Who by committee a check list filled in by boring, bland, people churning out boring, bland, television.
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The League of Gentlemen (1999–2017)
I Can Watch This Again And Again And Still Laugh.
7 November 2018
For fans of dark, twisted ,horror influenced comedy this is the show for you.An absolute favourite in my house and the latest run of episodes were among the funniest yet.
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Psychoville (2009–2011)
Glorious Funny Dark Comedy.
7 November 2018
From two of The League Of Gentlemen comes this blacker than black comedy much in the same vein as the latter.There are scenes in this series that genuinely had me laughing out loud.I can't watch or listen to Tina Turner after this without having a little giggle.Just watch it.
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Quirky,Surreal,Camp, Sixties Avengers Rival.
7 November 2018
Elizabeth Shepherd was once the original choice to star as Mrs Peel to Patrick Magee's Steed in The Avengers.That didn't happen but we sort of get a taster of how that might have been in this long forgotten, oddball spy drama from the sixties.Here she plays a wonderful, sexy ,camp villainess ,Syrie Van Epp.Don't worry too much about the plot in this gem just enjoy the surreal campness and let it wash over you.
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Supernatural (1977)
Fantastic, Spooky Tales From The BBC
7 November 2018
There was at one time a tradition of late night horror that seemed to abound in the seventies in Britain.This is an episodic collection of tales linked together by the telling at a club of the damned.Ghosts,vampires and werewolves alongside other nightmarish scenarios (creepy Victorian dolls anyone?) and an interesting take on the Frankenstein story feature.This is what the BBC does best. Well written, intelligent and well acted stories.
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Superb ,Swinging 60's, Childrens Drama, In Glorious Colour!
7 November 2018
Fantastic little curio of a bygone time.London in all it's sixties glory with fashions and music of the time.Some fantastic character actors of the day pop up. Murray Melvin as the arch baddie alongside a sinister Philip Madoc chasing a young Candace Glendenning and her pals across famous London landmarks.Get the dvd if you are at all interested in the sixties period and you won't be disappointed.
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Inside No. 9 (2014–2024)
Funny,Dark,Twisted, And At Times Absolutely Heartbreaking.
7 November 2018
I won't comment on individual episodes all i will say is each episode is a different story with the one theme linking them being set in room or location that has the number 9.If you haven't already seen this you need to binge it now don't look at spoiler reviews just watch it and you will laugh,be creeped out,surprised and absolutely heartbroken at times.
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Count Dracula (1977 TV Movie)
After All This Time..Still The Only Version Of Bram Stokers' Dracula
7 November 2018
This is the best version of Dracula ever made.Period.Why?...Well because the production team took the time to actually read Stokers' original story.There is some deviation it's not completely faithful but by God they come very close.There is a lot of things in Dracula the book that have been over the years missed or corrupted by Hollywood nonsense or Hammer horror over the top campness that have diluted the actual horror part of the book.Here we have Count Dracula the predator,the skillful manipulator,the tactition setting up his plan to relocate to a new hunting ground.Played by Louis Jourdan this is no over the top,shouty,snarling beast you would run a mile from.No this Dracula has charm and his scenes with Harker are the spider spinning his web to catch the fly.This has the best cast.The best version of Mina played by Judi Bowker.The best Lucy played by Susan Penhaligon.The best Jonathan Harker played by Bosco Hogan.The best Van Helsing as written in the book played by Frank Finlay.And finally the absolute best version of Renfield played by Jack Shepherd as a man desperately trying to save his soul.This may be an old BBC broadcast,with the constraints on budgets and effects of the time, but it's the only version that still has ability to unsettle helped by a fantastic eerie score that helps to create the nightmarish quality of this drama.
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Funny,Inventive And So Far Ahead Of It's Time
7 November 2018
Anthony Newley absolutely blows you away in this pioneering television piece that experiments with breaking down the fourth wall as his character addresses you the viewer directly.The first indication of this is him walking off mid scene and leaving the set to air his stream of consciousness to you and his cue the title music delivery at the start of the show.David Bowie loved this show and it's easy to see why.
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
This Can't Continue Like This Or Doctor Who Will End
6 November 2018
Doctor Who has always had changes throughout the years it's what has kept it running but not all changes are for the good of the show.Many years ago some changes were made to the show and with a combination of poor decisions, poor writing, and poor production values, it was cancelled. I think on the strength of what has been broadcast so far we have sadly returned to those times.This episode was flat,dull and lifeless the only high point for me I thought the set design was good unlike the cgi gremlin which looked very dated.The electronic score does nothing for the show and is at times annoying.Sadly I have come to the conclusion that Jodie Whittaker is the wrong choice as The Doctor. I thought originally in the first episode she showed great promise but as subsequent episodes were broadcast it has went downhill whether it is down to the writing or her performance she does not convince.Everything about this new series feels a bit desperate.Cutting down on episode numbers,moving away from the traditional Saturday slot ,a whole new (presumably cheaper) cast and crew,making sure that all minority boxes are ticked whether gender, ethnicity,age or disability.It feels like Auntie Beeb is trying to attract as many punters as possible by being a bit cynical and cheap.This isn't revolutionary, or cutting edge, it's just a lazy, committee box ticking exercise.
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Three Stars For The Spiders Shame About The Script
30 October 2018
For the arachnophobes this episode will send you behind the sofa when they appear on screen.For people who who like well written witty sci fi this episode will have you feeling exasperated.This is a plodding by the numbers mess of crap dialogue and characters.This is the episode where I found Jodie Whittakers' Doctor just damn annoying.I watched this on Iplayer and my finger was hovering on fast forward through much of it.I think the decisions made for this series are killing the show.I don't like the new titles they show a total lack of imagination.I don't like the music it really highlights how much of past series episodes were helped by incredible musical scores.The writing is akin to CBBC drama at it's very worst and laziest. Tosin Cole is wooden and Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor is reminding me more and more of Bubble from Absolutely Fabulous.
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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
Quantum Who
24 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode another writer and well we have a historical one with a real historical character.It's been done before with Vincent Van Gogh that episode had wit,pathos, and some fantastic performances from the cast.This time the Doctor and her crew travel back to the American south and times of racial segregation and Rosa Parks is about to make her stand that will go down in history.But golly gosh someone is interfering in history "Sontarans perverting the course of human history!" No such luck here I'm afraid it's George Michael. He's gotten hold of timey wimey tech and sneery George has put on his best leather jacket and is going back to fix it cos this is when it went all bad for his future and "we have to stop him Sam or we can't make that leap till we fix it Sam!". It's an episode of Quantum Leap! Someone has been watching reruns then wrote this.I've read the other reviews and I'm sorry folks I must have a swinging brick for a heart but I don't get the emotional response to this. It feels like ham fisted preachy nonsense to me.Racism is bad yes I think we understand that it surely is but this could have been done better.I'm not a hater, I'm not a troll I don't want to be posting negative reviews about one of my favourite tv shows but I have to say it as I see it.Next episode has spiders in it. I hope they are great big enormous hairy, scary,monsters that make kids hide behind the couch and have nightmares,now that's Doctor Who.
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Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument (2018)
Season 11, Episode 2
More Promising Start Then Falls Flat Again
24 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok here we go the first episode was a disappointment but I'm not writing off Doctor Who yet it's had some ropey episodes in the past but if you wait a good one comes along the following week right?.Wrong. This episode has the Doc and her team land on an alien planet and the location and cinematography looks fantastic we have Susan Lynch and the other bloke in an intergalactic race to win some prize from a holographic Art Malik.Promising, promising but the other bloke who nicked his dialogue from Steven Seagal and tells a hilarious story explaining why he is the way he is (His Mother hated him) stuffs it up and it all goes pear shaped just like the story.Turns out the Power Ranger villain from last episode is behind this again. Chris Chibnail is really trying hard to sell this as a new baddie. I'm not buying it Chris Ok?..Just drop it mate really.As usual the Tardis crew feel a bit superfluous.Can someone please give Yas something to do she must be as bored as Art Malik is when he sods off after declaring there are no losers just joint winners ( very 21st century pc) leaving the Doc and co stranded on the planet.The Doctor feels a bit down then the Tardis appears after getting lost and doing a spot of decoration to kill the time and all is well there's custard creams and the Doctor can get them all back home..and hopefully leave them there.God I hope this gets better I will persevere I like Whittaker and Walsh but this is starting to depress me. I'm a Doctor Who fan and I've been through worse the whole of the 1980s for example here's hoping a different writer can come up with the goods next week.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Feels Like The 1980's All Over Again.And That's Not Good.
24 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure here..I'm old.Old enough to have started watching Doctor Who at the end of Pertwee's era and carrying on through Tom Baker's tenure till it all went a bit strange in the 1980's.I was only was an occasional watcher then and enjoyed only a few stories during that time till it was cancelled and probably rightly so at the time.When Doctor Who was resurrected in 2005 I was sceptical at first but was soon hooked and the show seemed to go from strength to strength with clever storylines and better visuals that progressively got better as the series grew in worldwide popularity and presumably budgets and technology improved. I've enjoyed each incarnation of the Doctor and by the time we got to Matt Smith's version it was essential Saturday viewing.This carried on through to Peter Capaldi who is now up there with Tom as my favourite and that's no mean feat to compete with a seventies kids hero.I was excited and looking forward to the next version of the Doctor as part of the show's appeal is the constant change that happens every 3 years or so keeping it fresh.So here we are a new Doctor, a new Tardis team, a new production team, so why am I getting 1980s flashbacks?.It could be the music score which sounds like it could have been transplanted from that time with it's synthy noises the likes of which seemed to permeate every tv show and film of the time making them all sound horribly dated.It annoyed me then and hasn't improved with age. When used in period pieces like Stranger Things it has a certain relevant charm, but not here.Then we have the new companions and gosh we do have quite a few of them another 1980's trait and like then it feels like there is one too many.Jodie Whittaker when she arrives is the saving grace of the episode the best thing in it by far with Bradley Walsh coming in second place.The rest of the cast feel like plug ins from an episode of afternoon medical drama like Doctors or some soap opera and not a very well written one.And then we have the story it all seems..a bit dull with some clunky dialogue and a bit forced with us expected to have an emotional response to characters we barely know.The villain of the piece looks like he came from an episode of Power Rangers and unfortunately he brought the costume and the script with him. I half expected some multi coloured lycra clad combo to show up and knock him about a bit.The writer nicks The Predator story for his alien and I don't have a problem with that Doctor Who has borrowed from lots of other stories and films over the years.As long as it is done well.. this isn't.Sorely disappointed with this I pray that it gets better. Jodie Whittaker deserves better. She has the potential to be one of the great Doctor's and will appeal to a whole new generation of fans but how long will they keep watching with storylines like this?.It's all a bit Emperors new clothes on the internet with this episode so far but this viewer can see right through it.
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