When Chaney Was King
10 January 2010
Circus clowns Lon Chaney (as Tito Beppi) and Bernard Siegel (as Simon) entertain a beautiful Italian countryside. On a water break, Mr. Chaney happens upon an abandoned little girl. Assuming (correctly, for this story's purposes) she was left by a family overburdened with children, Chaney decides to adopt the child. However, Mr. Siegel proclaims, "Women bring bad luck!" But, naming her after his partner helps charm Siegel into accepting the kid into their family. The three appear blissfully happy.

Years later, the girl grows into nubile Loretta Young (as Simonetta); and, she joins Chaney & Siegel's circus act, as a tightrope walker. One day, Ms. Young climbs over some barbed wire while looking to pick a rose, and gets tangled up. Out for a walk, handsome nobleman Nils Asther (as Luigi Ravelli) helps Young get her "pretty little legs" untangled. Clearly attracted, Mr. Asther takes Young home, to dress her wounds. Happenstance, however, separates the potential young lovers. Three years pass…

Chaney has grown more sexually attracted to his young ward, but suppresses his feelings. Meanwhile, Asther sees a series of women, but none match up to Young. With physical manifestations of their emotional distress, Asther and Chaney meet, when visiting a doctor. Asther is afflicted with fits of uncontrollable laughter, and Chaney suffers from crying spells. The men become friends, and are told their conditions may be cured by the love of a woman. Obviously, it's Young - but, only one will win her…

Young's indecisive love pledging is dizzying, but Chaney seems to figure out what her "soul" really wanted. Despite the story missteps, Chaney is marvelous - note, especially, one of his most memorable farewells, in clown make-up, saying, "The comedy…is…ended!" Composed for the film's showing on TCM, H. Scott Salinas' 2002 musical score is excellent; hopefully, the film's "lost" soundtrack wasn't one of those "synchronized sound effect" tracks more common toward the end of 1928.

Chaney was 1928's biggest male box office star, and "Laugh, Clown Laugh" hit #1 on the record charts, in a vocal version by Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians, on July 21, 1928. This film was a big hit for Chaney and MGM, making gorgeous teenaged Young an obvious star, and advancing Asther's American career. The romance between "father" Chaney and "daughter" Young gets a lot of attention, but also watch how Asther brushes his hand over Young's breast and erotically kisses her foot - ay, there's the rub…

******** Laugh, Clown, Laugh (4/14/28) Herbert Brenon ~ Lon Chaney, Loretta Young, Nils Asther, Bernard Siegel
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