IMDb Polls

Poll: Most Iconic Scene from a Christopher Nolan Movie

Which of these is the most iconic scene from a movie directed by Christopher Nolan?

After voting, you may discuss the poll here.

Also vote for most iconic scene from the movies of: Martin Scorsese | Steven Spielberg | James Cameron | Charlie Chaplin | Alfred Hitchcock | Quentin Tarantino

Results of 4,913 votes:

  1. 1.

    Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008)

    "Why so serious?" From The Dark Knight (2008).
  2. 2.

    Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008)

    The highway and tunnel chase. From The Dark Knight (2008).
  3. 3.

    Marvin Campbell and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Inception (2010)

    Rotating hallway zero gravity fight scene. From Inception (2010).

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