A most excellent restoration!
14 January 2003
I recently had the privilege of seeing the "World Premiere" of Albert Parker's version of Sherlock Holmes at The George Eastman House's Dryden Theater. John Barrymore was the sleuth and he was simply grand. I loved every campy moment! I'm quoting now from the capsule description written by the staff at the GEH: Until its rediscovery in the mid-1970s by Eastman House's first film curator James Card, Sherlock Holmes was the most sought-after `lost' John Barrymore film. When another print containing the missing original intertitles was located within the Eastman House's vaults a few years ago, a major restoration was undertaken. The resulting film reveals a faithful adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original story (the film was in fact fully endorsed by Doyle in 1922), as Barrymore's Holmes, aided by the ubiquitous Dr. Watson, battles wits with-who else?-sinister arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty. Live piano by Philip Carli.
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