Girl Crazy (1932)
Fun With Wheeler & Woolsey And The Gershwin Brothers
8 August 2000
A rich, GIRL CRAZY young playboy decides to transform an old family ranch in Arizona into a fancy entertainment hot spot. He turns to a gambler buddy to come West & operate the games of chance. Together, they trick a witless cabby into running for sheriff in nearby Custerville, a town notorious for the low life expectancy of its lawmen...

Wheeler & Woolsey (Bert Wheeler is the little fellow with the curly hair; Robert Woolsey has the glasses & cigar) have fun in this transmogrified Gershwin musical. With their one-liners & physical comedy, they were always able to transcend their material, even in an excessively silly story such as this. It is a shame that the Boys are all but forgotten today...

Eddie Quillan, as the playboy, provides his usual peppy puppy support; Dorothy Lee, Wheeler's perpetual flame, appears but is given little to do, probably as she must share plot time with 3 other young ladies: Kitty Kelly, Mitzi Green & Arline Judge. Stanley Fields makes a fine buffonish bad guy. That's Nat Pendleton, unbilled, as the motorcycle cop.

With songs by the Gershwin Brothers, the Boys are in very fine musical company. Kelly sings a rousing `I Got Rhythm' - while Quillan & Judge deliver `But Not For Me'. Wheeler & Lee get to warble `You've Got What Gets Me'. Movie mavens will want to pay attention to the very end of this song; the female who gets throttled by Wheeler is none other than the monumental Margaret Dumont, apparently escaped from the Marx Bros., appearing here in an uncredited cameo.
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