21 June 2003
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is an honest and witty tale of the American political game. It also tells the tale of what happens when a simple and divine man suddenly decides to step into that game and play hardball. Jimmy Stewart gives his greatest performance in Frank Capra's funny and deliciously realistic take on the American political spectrum. This is truly a masterpiece of epic proportions with masterful writing, brilliant acting on the part of Jimmy Stewart as Jefferson Smith, Claude Raines as Sen. Joseph Paine and Jean Arthur as Saunders, and extraordinary filmmaking on the part of Frank Capra. It is truly a classic among classics and should have taken Best Picture away from Gone with the Wind in 1939. The same could be said about Jimmy Stewart who did not take home Best Actor for his performance in this movie. However, he did take it home the following year for his role as a reporter in The Philadelphia Story. However, that performance does not even come close to the subtleness of his performance as Mr. Smith. Complete with scandal, love, and history that would blow your mind, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is truly a film that the whole family could enjoy and demonstrates how brilliant a filmmaker that Frank Capra truly was.
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