If you never see another serial, be sure to screen this one!
22 August 2002
Growing up in the 50's, I got to see the great--and not so great--cliffhangers every weekend (for only 10 cents!). King of the Rocketmen was always a fantastic hero, with his legendary flying suit. BUT that was before I got to see the Copperhead battle Dr. Satan on television every Sunday morning. This is one of the most well constructed serials that Republic ever produced. Cianelli, as Dr. Satan, is a consummate villain, one who has no vague motivations--this guy is evil from the word "go". Robert Wilcox as hero Bob Wayne is EXTREMELY capable in the role. Not only can he act--something very difficult with terse, action dominated serial scripts--but he is a fine athlete. Some of the acrobatic leaps and takedowns are the best ever put on film. The plot hangs together nicely, something that is unusual in 4 hour long marathons. But what really puts the icing on the cake is the terrific variety of cliffhanger chapter endings that Republic has employed in this serial. They are all superbly done, with plausible escapes that don't insult the viewer's intelligence. In fact, many of these were used in later serials as stock footage in order to save money (a real strength at Republic). Crisp, snappy direction by Witney and English puts the cap on a GREAT serial.
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