4 August 2002
The only people who will like this dumb movie are those who drive around with Confederate flag license plates. This is not only one of the most racist films I have ever seen after "Birth of a Nation", but it is also a gross distortion of reality and actual events; hell, "Santa Fe Trail" just makes a lot it up - all to make it appear that Southern slaveowners were great guys, and the Civil War was started not by the slaveholders but by those abolitionists whom the movie tries to portray as fanatics. Yea, wanting to end slavery was "fanatical"!

The movie lies about John Brown - one of the few people who believed in equality for everyone in the 1850's - and actually says there was no need for the Civil War as slavery would eventually have gone away. Or some other such nonsense.

As such, it is pure propaganda and an absolute lying disgrace.

Go see the TV mini series "Blue and Gray" if only for Sterling Hayden's wonderful depiction of Brown's stirring courtroom speech, which this movie ignored.
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