Surprisingly good sequel to the original 'Jolson Story'...
15 April 2001
As a rule, sequels don't usually measure up to the original. Of course there are exceptions and this is one of them. Once again, Larry Parks does an amazing job of mouthing the words to Jolson's singing voice and sings a number of great standards. This time the plot focuses on Jolson's disillusionment with show business after his wife leaves him. Prompted by his agent (William Demarest), he agrees to be an entertainer during World War II and on one of his tours he meets a pretty nurse (Barbara Hale) whom he marries. High quality script has Jolson coming to Hollywood for a bio on his life and meeting Larry Parks (courtesy of trick photography). Song-filled gem is a worthy sequel and proved it by winning three Oscar nominations for writing, cinematography and musical scoring. Hale looks great and her pleasant personality adds sparkle to the film, while Parks is once again quite convincing in his colorful role.
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