Hey, Girl, we're all going to wear slacks tomorrow.
27 February 2004
So Joyce Martin (Yvonne Lime), a dumb-twit mid-year transfer student from out-of-town---way out of town---, ever so much wanting to "belong" to the "Hellcats" does just that so she can impress "Hellcats" leader Connie (Jana Lund), who has just advised her that tomorrow is slacks day.

But wearing slacks to school is in violation of the school dress code.

And Joyce is the only girl who shows up the next day wearing slacks. It has been mentioned that Joyce is a dumb twit? But Joyce, gamer that she is, doesn't "give up" Connie and the Hellcats, when grilled by the teacher, and she is now "in."

"In" puts her in the "victims" fast lane of activities engaged in by Connie and the Hellcats, and she immediately dumps her dependable boyfriend Mike (Brett Halsey), who is a college student working in a nearby cafe, and just full of good and dull advice, such as counseling Joyce against continuing her association with the Hellcats. Mike is the type who still wears his high school letter jacket with the "4th Runner-up, District 2-AA Science Fair" patch, and is soon yesterday's news as Joyce, dumb-twit slash victim-looking-for-love-in-all-the-wrong-places, dumps him for Rip (Martin Braddock)who knows where all the wrong places are.

Rip takes her to a Hellcat-sponsored party at a mansion. The mansion owners are vacationing out of town, but it is okay as they didn't leave any signs on the premises reading "Do Not Break In and Throw a Wild Party While We Are Gone." This lack of oversight would get them sued from here to Shanghai in the present-day world, especially if any of the breaker-inners were to suffer any harm while on the premises.

The party is wild and there is some smoking, drinking, dipping (snuff not skinny) and even games played with the lights out. A scream is heard, the lights come on, and Connie is found suffering some harm. Actually, she is beyond that and a whole lot dead.

Now it becomes a murder mystery movie, as everybody in the cast and several people in the audience, all have reasons for killing Connie. And poor Joyce, the slut that brazenly wore slacks to school, heads the list.
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