Silly low budget Italian sci fi adventure.
5 August 2002
'Space Men', directed by Anthony Daisies (aka Anthony M. Dawson of 'Cannibal Apocalypse' infamy), is a low budget, and I mean LOW budget, 60s Italian sci fi adventure. Anyone expecting a stylish gem ala Mario Bava's 'Planet Of The Vampires' will be sorely disappointed, and anyone expecting an Ed Wood worst-movie-ever-made laughfest will also not get what they expect. This movie is neither of the two, but if you take it for what it is - basically a simple 40s style pulp plot with special effects a smart 12 year old could build in their own backyard - it is a fairly enjoyable slice of silliness.

The wonderfully named Rik Van Nutter ('Thunderball') plays an arrogant (but actually quite decent underneath) space reporter who is sent as an observer on a space mission. He clashes with the arrogant (but actually quite decent underneath) ship Commander (Alain Dijon - 'La Dolce Vita'). The two also vie for the affections of the lovely Lucy (Gabriella Farinon) in between trying to save Earth from possible destruction by an out of control space ship. Yes, it's that kind of movie. Entertaining enough but nothing special.
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