Review of Reptilicus

Reptilicus (1961)
When it's not funny, it's unendurable.
19 December 1999
"Reptilicus" is a rather easy movie to write a review about, since for almost all its length it follows the same, monotonous pattern: it alternately becomes laughably bad (when the "monster" is onscreen) and sleep-inducing (when it isn't). I mean, if the unconvincing special effects don't get you, the lifeless performances will! Those who are looking for unintentional laughs won't be too satisfied, either; sure, the green "acid slime" is funny for the first few times you see it, and the scene where Reptilicus eats a man who has changed into cartoonish form is hilariously embarrassing, but this is an one-joke comedy, and it soon wears thin. I have to admit, however, that the film is slickly photographed; when Reptilicus is offscreen, it's much more slick-looking that "Dr. No", for example, which was made the same year (1962).
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