Unintentionally hilarious
24 February 2004
This is one of those movies that "Mystery Science Theatre" was made for (I don't know if MST3K ever did one on this). All of the fun is asking questions that nobody who made the movie ever did. Why is there only one bed in the Mexican household? Who gets to sleep in it? Do they take turns? Why is Lady Frankenstein's brother so much older than she is? Juanita leaves her parents in the wilderness and doesn't she ever worry about them? When Jesse goes to the pharmacist to get some medicine, the pharmacist goes in the back room and exits out a back door to get the sheriff. When he gets back, he starts preparing the medicine. What was his justification for going into the back room?

(Perhaps I overthink things. . .)

This is a movie to goof on and in that respect it triumphs tremendously.
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