Monsters have rights also!
1 October 2003
These are some of the lines that actress Peggy Neal has to utter in this silly Japanese monster flick. Story is about a team of astronauts that are to be sent to Mars because the previous ships that went have not reported back and they think it has something to do with the UFO activity in the area. The team of astronauts are led by Capt. Sano (Toshiya Wazaki) and one of his crew members is an American biologist named Lisa (Neal) and she is in love with Sano but Sano has a girlfriend Michiko (Itoko Harada) and she works at the lunar station on the Moon. While in space the ship encounters UFO's but they also discover some sort of growth on the outside of the ship. They collect what looks like an egg and bring it back to Earth. While this egg sits in a lab something happens to it and a creature hatches out. It grows to enormous size and it feeds on nuclear energy. It can spit out fire balls and goes on a rampage across Japan. They figure out that a certain element can stop it and they load up the missile's and send out the jets. This film was directed by Kazui Nihonmatsu and the first 30 to 45 minutes I thought that this was a silly but passable sci-fi flick but once the monster gets loose than the silliness goes just as you would expect of these Japanese monster movies. Neal recites lines about how she learned something from the monster but one thing that I found to be the funniest is that her character is suppose to be in love with Wazaki who appears to be even shorter than she is. And he spends the whole film being very stoic and keeping things very professional. I also laughed when the team of astronauts are in space and Neal who is a biologist is still expected to get coffee and hand out meals to everyone. So much for being a biologist! The special effects are pretty bad even by "Mothra" standards and in one scene two people are suppose to be floating while on the Moon but it's obvious that they are jumping up and down on a hidden trampoline in slow motion. The studio brought out the toy tanks and jets and of course when in space you can see the wires. The monster costume is especially laughable and it's kind of a cross between a lizard and a chicken but it has two antenna's on it's head. There is also this spout sticking out of it's forehead and I guess I missed the scene where this was put to use by the monster. I did like the two actress's in the film (Neal and Harada) and in one scene they are both taking a shower and kicking the soap back and forth. This is your typical low budget Japanese monster movie with extremely bad special effects. Like I said, typical!
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