Top Ten reasons to see "Green Slime"
22 December 1999
Yet another in the Japanese sci-fi "so bad, it's good" genre, "Green Slime" is an entertaining way to blow off an hour and a half!

To give you an idea of just how "bad/good" this movie is, here are the top ten reasons to see "Green Slime":

1) A space station and every rocket ship on wires.

2) Electric carts that drive around space station hallways for no apparent reason (complete with exhaust pipe belching smoke from a GASOLINE engine)

3) The most unforgettable theme song to a movie you will ever hear.

4) The most perfectly-combed male head of hair you will ever see (Robert Horton's)

5) Yes, little guys running around in rubber monster suits.

7) Clearly cardboard sets (doors, walls, spaceship interiors)

8) A guys talking on a telephone THROUGH his motorcycle/spaceman helmet.

9) Extra-groovy dancing.

And finally...

10) In this Japanese production, they still saw fit to dub ENGLISH onto ENGLISH-speaking actors AND did a bad job at it!!

A classic!! Rent of buy this one!
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