I have mightier dumps
14 August 2004
A couple chases an ape (in a far more ludicrous costume than was in "A*P*E", if you can believe in) into the wild to get it for the circus. A lame dime-story dinosaur also shows up. Naturally both feeble monsters have to "fight". While it was better then "One Million AC/DC" (what movie isn't??!!?) that was on the double-feature DVD I got, David L. Hewitt proves himself to be a worse director than his friend, Al Adamson (!!!!!). But the funniest thing about this film is that it took 2 writers to pen it!!!

My Grade:F+

Something Weird DVD Extras: Shorts: 'Nightmare', 'Prehistoric Days, and 'Diane the Jungle Girl and her Gorilla of Love'; explotation art Gallery; Trailers for :Valley of the Dragons", "Lost Continent", "Equinox", "the Lock Ness Terror", "The Cyclops", "Island of the Dinosaurs", "The Cyclops", "Tom Thumb", "One Million AC/DC". and "Sound of Horrors"

Easter Egg: Vintage car ad
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