Just terrible
10 June 2004
This "spaghetti western" is awful on every aspect: crappy acting, awful cinematography, stupid script, horrendous editing, amateurish direction, cheap sets, terrible music, ugly characters, boring, predictable, silly, etc.

I watched this because CUTTHROAT 9 is actually respected in some circles but as a Spaghetti Western or even as a horror film (it tries so hard to be gory), CUTTHROATS 9 sucks. The ending is so stupid that I just shook my head in total disbelief. Like the ending, this film is a total BOMB!!! And in a way, it's a shame because the idea could have made one heck of a great western but as it is, it's just painful to watch.

Avoid at all cost. Even Spaghetti Western completists should avoid this piece of crap.
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