Basically one of the funniest movies ever. A classic.
6 September 1999
Wow. Some other Monty Python movies can get tedious... but this one keeps rolling strong until the end. The ending sucks. That's why this movie is classic. It has great lines. The only movie that is funnier than this is "Fist of the North Star". (see my review of that.. it is the greatest movie of all time). Both movies though have lines you can quote forever.

Let me compare the greatest movie of all time (Fist of the North Star, cartoon, English dubbed version), and this movie... which is almost the greatest movie. Both have EXACTLY THE SAME QUALITIES. Listen up, people:

Both movies have memorable scenes you WILL NEVER forget (like the Black knight, killer rabbit, Tom, Anthrax Castle, Knights who say "Ni!", the guards who can't follow orders, the bloody massacre in the castle for no reason, the troll guarding the bridge of death, and many other scenes)

Seriously.. thinking back.. this movie is ALMOST as funny and great as fist of the north star.

Both movies have lines you will always quote (like "You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest.... with a... herring!!!", and "we are an autonomous collective!!!", and "I fart in your general direction!!!")

And of course both movies have characters you will never forget.

That is why this is one of the greatest movies of all time, and why Fist of the North Star is THE GREATEST movie of all time.

(fist of the north star has more quotable lines, infinitely funnier scenes, and unforgettable characters)

But yes, so does Holy Grail... it has Memorable scenes. Quotable lines. it's also FUNNY AS ALL HELL.

A true classic.

People that say "American Pie" and "There's Something about Mary" are the funniest movies of all time have NOT seen this movie.

Oh one more thing... you'll want to watch both movies OVER and OVER and OVER again.

Like UHF. Spaceballs. Fist of the North Star. Monty Python and the holy grail. You can never grow tired of them. Funny how these are usually comedies.

Well, that's it. That said GO AND WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
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