Review of Annie Hall

Annie Hall (1977)
27 July 2003
In my book, there are two types of great films. One type is in the class, of say, The Godfather. This type of film is technically maginificent, featuring superb performances, wonderful direction, a riveting story line and is effortlessly entertaining. There is another type of film, the type that Annie Hall fits into. This is the type of film which I call my "favourite" films. They may not be as technically proficient as "the Best" films ever made, but there's something to them which make them irresistible.

Annie Hall, plotwise, is a pretty typical Woody Allen movie. It is a bittersweet romance between a balding, neurotic comedian (Woody Allen) and a sweet, if somewhat goofy (and younger), lady (Diane Keaton). The film focuses on their relationship from the time they meet taking the audience through some wonderful setpieces on the way. Annie's family is somewhat eccentric, for example, leading to a wonderful (and slightly Deer Hunter-esque) scene with Christopher Walken. The parties she attends are also something new for Alvin (Woody's character) leading to more moments of comic genius (an age old type of comedy- the comedy of manners- with a 1970s spin).

Arguably Allen's best film, Annie Hall is immediately accessible to the non-Woody fan. His use of innovative techniques (for the 1970s) can be admired by even the most stern of critics- and used in conjunction with the wonderful performances and some of the funniest one-liners to have graced celluloid, Allen creates his masterpiece. Keaton is superb as Hall, obviously inspiring performances for female comediennes everywhere for years to comes (Phoebe's character from Friends, is a direct homage to Annie Hall). Allen's tried and tested neurosis is wonderfully appealing here melting even the coldest of hearts.

In this reviewer's opinion, Annie Hall is one of the finest romcoms ever made, and certainly the most innovative. Even the uncharacteristic (for a romcom) ending feels upbeat and enriching. A film that cries out to be seen, Annie Hall holds a place in my heart- which is more than can be said about some of Allen's most recent work, or some of the pretender's to the throne of Annie Hall.
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