Captain America (1979 TV Movie)
almost as bad as Hudson Hawk
11 April 2001
Incredibly bad. horribly bad. gee gosh durn awful. Comic book movies, by and large suck. Suck big time. Suck a lot. But this movie, this movie makes them look like art house flicks. Yes it was originally made for TV, but so was the Hulk movies and those weren't anywhere near as wretched. The acting was stiffer than EEGAH!, but that wasn't the worst part. The action sequences would look bad even in the 20's, I mean Like 20-30 thugs were knocked out without being touched, but that wasn't the worst part. The Worst Part was the costumes. Nowadays, comic book movies are at least trying to look realistic when set against everyday clothes, this movie tried to have a "spandexed" super hero costume in keeping with the comic book. Looking at this costume, I would have preferred him naked. the costume did in fact have red white and blue on it, but It looked closer to a leotard for a modern dancer than a super hero costume. then there was the unsightly bulge, ugh.

* out of 10

Disclaimer: still not as bad as Hudson Hawk, but close, and if you read my reviews often, then that will give you a pretty good handle of what I think of this.
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