Under the sea,,under the sea,,,
7 December 2000
When I first saw this movie years ago, I thought they really had raised the Titanic just to make this movie (Hey, I was a dumb kid!), but now looking at this movie, I can realize just how bad the special effects really were. Knowing what we now know, I wonder what this movie would have been about if they had found the Titanic in half with the crushing depths and Leonardo DiCapro's hands on Billy Zane's neck. The mere concept of raising the ship today of course is sheer lunacy since the decomposition of it would rattle it apart in bits and peices ["Oh,we got it ! Which of it's million peices do you want ?] Jason Robards is a little boring in his role, but I did like seeing David Selby outside of "Dark Shadows." The underwater shots were abysmal; I couldn't make out anything ! The terrorist sub-plot was a bit tagged on, but the overall images of the anti-climactic ending were just short of impressive.
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