One of the greatest adventure films I have ever seen. Period. 10/10 stars
12 October 2003

Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. (played by the sexy Harrison Ford) is a archelogist teacher at a university (who can forget the girl with "I Love You" on her eyes?). But at night, or during his days off, he is a hero, searching for treasure, fighting the bad guys, and getting the girl.

In the first movie of the series, Indiana looks for the ark, which hides the 10 commandments, before the Nazis do. During this havoc, he find Mariom, an old fling and Sallah, who becomes his partner.

I'm 15 years old, and this was one of the movies I ever saw for the first time. I remember the most memorable part being the beginning part and being so amazed and IN LOVE with Harrison that moment, which lead to an unhealthy obsession (which continues). He was amazing in "Star Wars" as Han Solo, but as Indiana Jones? DAAAAAAAMN!!! What is so cool about Indiana that he haas weaknesses that we can relate to.

Amazing movie, 10/10. One of the greatest movies. What else can I say?
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