Review of Manimal

Manimal (1983)
gives a whole new meaning to 'bringing out the animal inside you'
23 November 1999
Like the previous two commentators,I remember watching this series when I was a kid and I absolutely enjoyed it.Glen Larson who I understand was the exec producer of this show also the driving force behind Knight Rider and also went ballistic with Automan and perhaps other sitcoms with unusual style of fighting crime. Getting back to the show,the casting was perfect esp Simon McCorkindale as the charming,slick Prof JC who at least is in control of his metamorphosis unlike the Incredible Hulk where Bill Bixby transforms in a green troll even if he stubs his toe on the coffee table!The plots were mildly intriguing.Sure it was cheesy and sometimes downright ridiculous but hey it was the 80's,what do expect in retrospect?I can think of worse shows that hit the jackpot.Also what was irritating was the requisite chemistry between prof and his pretty police associate.But whats important is that they are not trying to redo Kafka!This was a lot of fun and did not deserve to die so quickly.
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