You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to take a bath in kerosene
1 July 2002
OK, why does Microwave Massacre NOT make you want to rush forward to push its candidacy for World's Worst Movie? It's got everything the other comments talk about - horrifying acting, script, camera work, and effects. But MM adds a new dimension of badness - it's DEPRESSING. You don't want to call up your friends and tell them about the great new bad movie you've discovered, you don't want to get bumper stickers and t-shirts printed up. You want to pull the shades, put a damp towel over your eyes, and get heavily medicated as fast as is humanly possible.


See, Jackie Vernon not only used to be funny, but at one point he was almost hip. His stand-up routines occasionally took some chances and tried for something new, and stood apart from such sixties and seventies schlockmeisters as Jackie Kahane and Norm Crosby. Here even the joke-jokes (as opposed to script-driven jokes) are awesomely unfunny: "What do you get when you double-cross an exorcist and a Mafia hit man? Beats the hell out of me."

The script is from "an original story." Wow. A guy who kills his wife and chops up hookers and makes great sandwiches from the... Managgia. All I can say is that if you do find the terrifically well-packaged reissue of this mason jar full of pond scum and decide it'd make a great party movie, WATCH IT FIRST. Make sure your potential invitees aren't homicidal, suicidal, subject to seizures, or inclined to turn violently on those who do them wrong. Or, wear your Kevlar jockey shorts.

To quote Crow, "At what point does it stop being a movie?"
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