A familiar but unique community of people in changing times.
16 May 2001
Silence at Bethany is a story that is a genuine slice of American Life. This program first appeared on PBS, The American Experience, in 1988. My wife and I, coming out of completely different cultures, me from the south-central state of Oklahoma, and her from the California community of Bakersfield, found this film story warm and meaningful as well as painful. Issues of church membership acceptance, rejection, judgement, love, support and enforced uniformity are all dealt with in a clear fashion. Communities such as these still exist in good sized numbers in the United States, but their numbers and most important their influence is rapidly declining. There are some sad losses and yet there are some very liberating, but difficult and uncertain choices to be made. You'll appreciate the 85 minute story as a true part of the American Experience for many, many families and people in this country.
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